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Everything posted by edwin

  1. Well done the Rojan Trojan—Everything works fine -- it’s that the old planes do not have strobes!! Cessna C152-C172-C185-Archer = Do not have Strobes Bonanza v1 and Bonanza v35 = Strobes--Beacons on Back not on tail. Saratoga and Mooney = Strobes--No Beacons. Cheers Mate nice one—never noticed it before probably because they are the only three planes in my quite extensive Light /Medium aircraft collection that are Strobe free.(Never fly larger than Learjet)
  2. Hi All, Posted on another forum but this is X-Plane dedicated. All of my Over Winged Carenado cessnas (152-172-185) do not have flashing/blinking Nav lights. The other Carenados do as do all of my other planes (Well the ones I've tried ---theres Quite a few) Anyone else seen this problem or read anything about it?? Cheers Guys
  3. The aerofly were good-thanks. I really haven't made that one out yet although I installed it some six weeks ago. Only flew it a couple of times and must say the models fly and handle very well but its not up to X-Planes standard or style--Basically I don't think there's much around that can touch it regardless of which angle you attack it.-- 'Dues where due's due' as they say--Cheers Pal-Edwin
  4. I've never been too bothered with installing Scenery because I've never considered in up to scratch with the planes--What I've just been looking at is really something else--strewth, fantastic, well done those responsible thats the 'Bo###cks alright!!' (Nice to see the rendering of Sydney Bridge--Kissed my first girl on that as a 16 year old Merchant Seaman 49 years ago )
  5. /Nice--You love your helicopters have you looked at Jasons of C74.NET Augusta 109E Power--she looks neat too?
  6. Hi Larjeet, Well the ones I brought across from v09.70 flew well and looked good in all of the v10 releases/updates. However Jason C74 did some extra work on them (Including changing the colour of the panel facias--which was a must have for me-- they're neat.) He put them out on the C74 site and offered a Free switch if the original models had been bought within a specific time (Last June I think) All of his planes render really well 'After you have balanced your GPU then the Rendering options in X-Plane--(I've noticed that some of the new fangled HDR etc. look great on first impressions whilst 'Buzzing around' and 'Trick the Over eager eye' but are not at all of screenshot quality)--Cheers
  7. Some of Jasons C74. Twin Engined Piper Seminole
  8. Nice one. Numbers 2 & 3 are prevelant throughout the world Digger' number three in particular. 'Where there's Muck there's money--Where there's money there's Muck' Gotta sign off now--Got the 'Rights for Rabbits Brigade's Legal team on the Blower' Have a G'day Dozer.
  9. And they did--Thanks--(Strewth I cant believe I ranted on like that--must have forgotten to take my Medication that day!) Cheers Cameron
  10. Looks like I've upset them all but the Rabbit? Sorry
  11. And to top it all I'll bet you've even stopped believing in Santa Claus? Strewth!
  12. Right mate--but if you havent got one of them--any one of them--then you've got nowt!!. My youngest at five last week has a machine with nearly the same spec as mine (And he can use it)--- 60 years ago when I was his age 'Computer' wasn't even my dictionary let alone my bedroom--you're lucky Larjeet but you shouldn't take it for granted--Cheers Pal
  13. The Woman Marine Pilot The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: They need to get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kids came back and, one by one, began to tell their stories. There were all the regular types of stuff: spilled milk and pennies saved. But then the teacher realised, much to her dismay, that only Janie was left. "Janie, do you have a story to share?' ''Yes ma'am. My daddy told me a story about my mommy. She was a Marine pilot in Desert Storm, and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory, and all she had was a flask of whisky, a pistol, and a survival knife. She drank the whisky on the way down so the bottle wouldn't break, and then her parachute landed her right in the middle of 20 Iraqi troops. She shot 15 of them with the pistol before she ran out of bullets, killed four more with the knife before the blade broke, and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands." "Good Heavens," said the horrified teacher. "What did your daddy tell you was the moral to this horrible story?" "Don't ‘f##k’ with Mommy when she's been drinking."
  14. Then it's 32bit--Go for the 64bit when you upgrade as XP is no longer getting support. I really liked XP and was reluctant to go up but I'm really pleased with Win7 Prox64-- Windows 8 should be out this year so it might be worth waiting. X-Plane is 32 bit.
  15. Exactly--No 3d panel--Shame. Nicely finished exterior though!
  16. /One Plane--Three Moods I've noticed the reproductions on this site are none to sharp--is there a reason for this & is there some thing I need to do at my end to sort it? Comparison:- http://flyawaysimulation.com/images/media/9074/corvalis-tt-warming-up ????
  17. It's been mentioned since the release of v10 that 64bit is not in the pipeline for the foreseeable future. In fact from where I'm standing there were not a great number of substantial changes in v10 from v9. The sharpening of the terrain textures I really like & they haven't been tampered with too much--The clouds I loved but they've been hammered into none existance & I would sooner have v9's back until they're sorted-- & the water textures are kind off strange--So whats 'New' in reality except for the number on the DVD cover & the price? I was expecting a lot more whilst we were running with the hype--but I enjoyed v9 a lot--and v10 is just v9 with a few new hinges, knobs and a quick lick of paint--sadly however bits have been falling off at an alarming rate. I'll still keep flying it as there's no other Sim I've tried to touch it in my book.----------
  18. Thats the point I never flew heavies--who really does FLY heavies? Type in the co-ordinates-press auto/On--then spend the next 2--4 hrs with your head in a copy of Playboy or checking out Facebook! Can't even see Tinsel Town 20,000ft below on a clear day except for the brief take off and landing. GA aircraft you do have to fly--- & I love it. They should divide X-Plane into two seperate Sims. a. A Flight simulator with everything necessary to simulate true flight in a variety of realistically simulated Planes in equally realistic variables that could/would confront a real pilot ie.weather/winds etc.(All the computers resources are geared to this objective) And b. A Passenger simulator with everything necessary to simulate looking out of a plane window Then I could have my clouds back. I could fly them 23--35fps but I appreciate a lot of computers could not & X-Plane has to be geared for a wide market and be enjoyed by all.
  19. Australian Police Entrance Test An Australian man is seeking to join his State Police force. The Sergeant doing the interview says: "Your qualifications all look good, but there is an attitude suitability test that you must take before you can be accepted." Then, sliding a pistol across the desk, he says: "Take this pistol and go out and shoot six illegal immigrants, six drug dealers, six Muslim extremists, and a rabbit." "Why the rabbit?" "Great attitude," says the Sergeant. "When can you start?"
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