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Everything posted by edwin

  1. Interesting--theres a difference how trakir5 centres between v9 & v10. without Pilot view. I was just flying v9 for the first time in weeks doing some of the endless comparison checks (Sure we've all been at it) Same plane same aeroport. v9 needs adjustment when Trakir started up as view does not centre.(One of the reasons I started using Pilot View originally) v10 on the other hand seems to centre me in the pilots seat & at a perfect position. I've noticed this since first using v10 but it's the first time I've directly compared it. Works for all aircraft too. Worth noting.
  2. Thanks for putting me straight on that one Larjeet, I have indeed been under the misconception that it was a plugin designed around Trakir & the like & used to use it in v9. However with the initial conflicts with v10 (Or v10 with Pilot view as I have been informed) I stopped using it and haven't gone back as I tend to get a 'Jittery' screen sometimes with it in v10. Always found the Forces feature effects a little to strong for my comfort but really love X-Planes 'Cinema Veritie' Thanks again
  3. Pilot view needs Trakir though--& trakir works without it though it does allow for added tuning..
  4. When I first started flying Sims I was always behind the aircraft like so many that have come around to try it out since. Logic got the better of me eventually (& common sense) & I started flying from the pilots seat but with the FOV turned up so high I had a tiny panel & could see out of the windows left-front-right (Completely alien perspective). All commands were basically allocated to the Saitek X52 I slowly began to use the 3D panel controls & set the nav using the mouse as a hand & apart from the Joystick controls-Trims-throttle-Flaps and landing gear I neaded little else to be programmed on the X52. It meansI have learned to 'fly' each plane individually for each plane is very individual apart from the 'major six'. This saw me with a panel perspective not unfamiliar to what is X-Planes opening default which few seem to be comfortable with at the begining.I estimated my head position by turning the view to ensure my head rested on the head rest-that the joystick/column was in the 'Real' position and that perspective was correct. (This really does leave you very close to the default setting!! & I have checked it in real cockpits) We ideally need three monitors for near perfection but a large widescreen and Trakir5 Pro set up correctly is about as close as you can get to the real thing and the brain rapidly compromise's to fill in any defects--personally I cannot fly without it now--it's just not real--and trakir brings out the best of X-Planes HDR & 3D shadowing too. Apart from the computer,screen & mouse it is definitely one of X-Planes major must haves. Edwin
  5. With the Saitek X-52 Throttle module= I use the thumb slider for Up/Down Pitch trim (as it is the most used)--the top large Hat switch left//right for aileron trim (second most used) & the lower small Hat switch for rudder trim (least used) & the button in between for landing gear Tog. All three can be programmed to have a central stop spot which can be allocated deadzone.Thus programmed makes it easy flying although I have noticed these trim controls are often well spread out on most aircraft in reality. I counteract engine torque on single props where/when necessary, generally take off, using the Joystick twist function as foot pedal function (As the torque effect generally dies away as the throttle is reduced and speed is regulated. In planes that tend to hold on to torque effect [Hurricaines---certain other powerful WW2 single props] I adjust the small Hat switch rudder trim in flight.
  6. Jasons Cirrus SR22 collection are neat planes & for thier high level Nav & displays don't eat the fps--X-Aviation's Cessna Corvalis TT is in the same league--both sweet pleasure to fly. Screenshots p64
  7. All of Carenados planes have the same fault (& I think it is a fault) of being over sensitive to wind on the ground. I have the whole collection and fly them a great deal in particular the new addition C185 at the moment as it has just come out & like the rest it's one brilliant flier (fantastic planes to practice the fundementals of navigation too). However being a heavy plane it i still becomes unresponsive to steering with winds over 6-10 knts whilst on the ground--above that forget flying unless you can get off from the verge facing the wind. Once airbourne however they all handle wind/turbulence really well (and I fly the desert around KEDW a lot where high winds & turbulence are a daily feature-real time weather.) They land well in cross winds until they start to slow down when the over sensitivity to wind takes over big time again. Carenado needs to sort it. All the Carenado's tend to eat a bit of fps--other really nice planes that seem to eat the least are Jasons Chandlers AIR.C74.NET
  8. Yeah had to order it-with three kids around I was living in constant fear they'd destroy the v9--and now v10 Discs
  9. She, like all Carenado's planes flies like a dream and I have the whole set. Feels a bit heavier than some other aircraft in particular on landing. If you havent bought yet think about the latest edition-the C185F Skywagon. It is very different from the rest being a taildragger but one where you can see the runway and although a heavy plane it's practically STOL & a Beaut to race around small mountain airstrips in--a very responsive aircraft once you've mastered her--& thats not difficult.
  10. You were right about the spam filter Philipp!! Cheers
  11. Yes I needed to get hold of her and was able to eventually & order wise everthing was sorted quickly. I just dont think they've got their site sorted completely yet. eg:-If you choose the English site there are fewer sale options than the Europe site--- The Aerofly4 is not offered for instance--I ordered from the Europe site where it is. Payment methods are not clarified Credit card or bankers draught (& the latter costs £40) but when I requested paypal on two occassions they made this option open for me & everything went as sweet as a nut. Frau Vetter is very helpful as you rightly say & is even enquiring into the Forum business for me as the saga is still not finalised. I think they just need to organise their site a bit--clean it up/clarify it--then it should be fine. Edwin
  12. Hopefully not Philip--6 daysnow 7 is a long time to create an account--It only took Him upstairs that to create the world.thanks for the reply
  13. A word of possible caution:-I am finding it a problem communicating with this company. Ordered from them and had the strangest of replies &/or no replies whatsoever but eventually my order arrived yesterday. Tried to order another product today but when I tried to sign in it was refused--incorrect password--went for the reclaim password--was told I would recieve an email but nothing has happened and its the fourth attempt today-- past attempts have had the same results. Have attempted to register into the forum--everything 'Hunkey Dorey' & get Ikarus will get back to you. Have made 7 such attempts during 6 days but no results. Normally if one makes a second attempt to register with a forum--or anything--one is rebuked with the "This name/email is already in use" Not with Ikarus. It's accepted continually & an email arrives--<Your account has been activated but you are currently in the moderation queue to be added to the forum.> for 6 days so far. I have tried repeatedly without avail--something is going wrong in the pipeline or there is a very 'Shoddy Crew' running it all--Sadly it Smacks of the latter!.
  14. Ive got most of his planes Andy. I'm really only into GA Planes & the largest I generally fly are Jasons Piperjet FJ44 & Cessna Mustang 510 (sometimes the Gulfstream) they all fly well. X-Aviations Cessna Corvallis TT is brill' too (So sim to the SR22) but to fly it in constant 3D TrakirPro 5 is a must & then she's a dream. Cheers
  15. Hi Gjalp. Its one of many of Jason Chandlers of C74's planes I have a lot of them & they are all nice--the SR22 (Theres 3 Models in the purchase) is one of my favorites of all the planes I have & flies as well as it looks. (Theres an incredible livery with them) The sunset shots were edited--just toned up. The cloud shots believe it or not were not--I just ran into a strong storm (Real weather on over KORS) and the new clouds in v10 just rendered out like that. I normally like to sharpen my planes a bit but those two shots looked so much like a painting I was happy with them. Edwin
  16. You think you have lived to be 80 and know who you are, then along comes someone and blows it all to pieces!! An old Marine Pilot sat down at the Starbucks, still wearing his old USMC flight suit and leather jacket and ordered a cup of coffee. As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him. She turned to the pilot and asked, Are you a real pilot? He replied, 'Well, I've spent my whole life flying planes, first Stearmans, then the early Grummans... flew a Wildcat and Corsair in WWII, and later in the Korean conflict, Banshees and Cougars. I've taught more than 260 people to fly and given rides to hundreds, so I guess I am a pilot, and you, what are you? She said, 'I'm a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about naked women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about naked women. When I shower, I think about naked women. When I watch TV, I think about naked women. It seems everything makes me think of naked women.' The two sat sipping in silence. A little while later, a young man sat down on the other side of the old pilot and asked: "are you a real pilot?" He replied, 'I always thought I was, but I just found out I'm a lesbian.'
  17. Have you tried < http://wiki.x-plane.com > Setting up X-Plane. Also X-Plane hardly runs on my AMD PhenomII x4 3.2G without considerable overclocking & there are huge variations in frame rates depending on the aircraft being flown. A Hurricane can maintain 65-70fps doing the craziest of manouvers. Cessna 172 45-65fps. Just turning on the Garmin colour terrain GPS feature on the Cessna Corvalis TT preflight sees the fps drop from 50 to 29-35fps -- thats whilst you're on the tarmac. Give the Wiki settings a go.Cheers
  18. I have had real problems with X-Plane and Saitek programming in particular the X52 Flight Control System which I never had with FSX. The original Saitek Profiles were saved as DAT. Files and I modified a pre written FSX file which worked fairly well except every now and then it would run wild typing in multiple keyboard commands at random (Word/Internet/ect). This only occured whilst X-Plane was running and would not stop interfering until the profile was deselected/cleared. Saitek has since brought out new drivers and a new programming system which saves PRO.Files. This causes slow frame rates, intermittent snatch freezing & resource drain. I have had to revert to the original DAT.File system (Luckily I kept the disc) because the new prog.software uninstalls the older version automatically before installing. The cleanest of all is to directly program from X-Planes <settings> <Joysticks-Buttons-Keys> (No profile in Saitek) except that one cannot use the Mode functions and thus lose valuable buttons/sliders ect. Saitek never get back once they have your money banked.
  19. Wierd getting such low framerates and doubt that its the Phenom Black x4 CPU to blame & I have read in other forums that upgrading to x6 is of no great advantage. I have a somewhat modest GPU <GeForce 260 gtx = 1Gb overclocked x2.> CPU< Phenom Black 3.2 overclocked =215mhz x16 = 3440mhz> <8gb RAM> <Win. Memory usage set to Program with Virtual Mem paging file set to 3550mb> Win XP sp3 32bit--but plenty of good quality fans cleaned weekly keeping the average temp CPU 34deg- MB 32deg -and GPU fan set to 80% manual maintaining an average 40/50deg (The cooling system & cleaning made a huge difference!) X-Plane settings are default or above Scenery/weather ect and I get no problems whatsoever running 70 fps for long periods with 'Clear skies' at 20miles with weather updated every 10 min.
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