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Everything posted by edwin

  1. Tasty as usual Max--Nice one
  2. 100% with you on that one. X-Plane had the see through clouds/mists which were amazing to fly VFR through with GA aircraft but it got axed around v10.04 to give into the understandable demand for fps for some. It means that now GA flying in mountain regions with even a hint of possible cloud is a definite No-No. Milk soup!!! What I find strange is Wannabe pilots seem to prefer to have loads of Tinsel Town buildings to look down on rather than realistic cloud densities to simulate flight in. Must be the Furniture the FSX Immigrants loaded their wagons with when they headed west in the search of the promise's that the new lands called X-Plane had to offer
  3. Since it has such a big following on this forum drawing scenery/objects has begun to interest me. Having been long qualified in AutoCad and having had to use it extensively to draw intricate structures for my work over the years (Building structures mainly) would I be able to draw detailed Building/Hangars etc. and adapt them for use in X-Plane? (Never tried anything like this before & would like to give it a go?) Wheres the best link for info please?
  4. Now that does look rather neat.
  5. Nice--this is my Real V35--seen through my very unreal, vivid imagination (Well it's better than stealing nuts of off Squirrels!) Wife's polishing the Yoke in the back seat
  6. What a beaute, the interior is quite something else, --a pleasure to sit & dream in--- the last time I saw Walnut panelling like that was on my first car, an straight 8 cylinder 'Armstrong Sidley', some 48 years ago---!! (Flies well too--the V35 that is)
  7. Thanks--the photos were confusing. Because we drive on the left over here I have to hold the steering wheel of my car with my right hand and adjusting everything with the left. When I'm sim flying I do the same (Joystick in right hand ect) whereas the planes are laid out USA style. As I like to fly as realistically as poss I'm going to have to get a Yoke--that will force me to do it properly. Appreciate the reply--Cheers
  8. Hi Wowee. Had to have a look at your Tecnan P2002 shots--great--but it's posed a question. I noticed the pilots flying on the right hand side--yet the instrument panel is shown as being on the left. Is he just sitting on that side or are some planes thus adapted??? (We drive on that side here in UK & for me it would be the place to fly ) Cheers
  9. Not tried it but I didn't like FSX/FS2004 after switching to X-Plane but I've eyed through a lot of the screenshots and summaries and to be fair it's never proported to upfront FSX let alone X-Plane. It basically described itself as what it is--an everymans game. On the slagging of the Clouds issue-- if one takes a closer look there's quite some similarity with v10's present offerings which have taken quite a bashing since the initial release and v10.4b7-----v10.04b4 basically saw the end of the last functional & representable clouds. Apart from the (My personal) cloud issue b7 is a breath of fresh air.
  10. It's neat alright--notice the Kiwi's are doing some nice things with it too--and please let me know about this Cub X business. Looked at the site yesterday but could not make head or tail of it?? Cheers
  11. edwin


    Sorted. Installed a clean version from disc and updated & after the initial sttings adjustments everything was 'Hunkey Dory' Trakir is recognised immediately and all the views which were all over the place and erratic started behaving like a newly married wife (The old fashioned - pre 1960 types that is--now completely extinct ) but give it a little time. (As we did with the pre 1960 models too ) Thanks All------
  12. Never been much into scenery-- I find a lot is pretty much 'Micky Mouse' comic like stuff & often demeans the Planes & Terrain so I do without it. Got to say I'm completely Gobsmacked by the stuff you Guys are turning out though--Well tasty!!! Well done!!!
  13. Love the shots Max but are you using some scenery overlay addon as it doesn't look standard v10?
  14. I've put one in direct from the account contact Cameron but I need it fixed as this security B#####ks is getting well out of hand and I'm not talking specifically about X-Aviation. Security is not in place 99% of the time to protect me--but to protect the Guys flogging the product. That I'm cool with except when that system starts messing me around--I paid for the plane--not the security or any hassle involved!! X-Plane is going all over the place at the moment & I have to reinstall beta editions constantly whilst trying to hang onto decent ones. This means I generally have 3 installs on the computer at any one time. A fresh Disc install ready to update. The latest beta that worked really successfully (Gold dust & presently b4) and the latest update now b6 which is full of grief. (Once a good update is found it has to be kept--losing it by updating and finding consequential bugs later means no turning back) Most planes swap over well--even the Corvalis I was having trouble with a long while back shifts back and forth sweetly -- but after looking at some nice shots on this forum today I found I had not transferred the MU-2 so I opened up the download--installed--& got an Activation request. Following the instructions took me nowhere. Trying to input my codes in accounts were inutile. I’m stuck with an aeroplane on the runway and a Activation request which is as useful to me as a parachute is to a scuba diver ---- Help or call a Vet to put me out of my misery
  15. edwin


    Now thats a good question--Conflict? In my versions of MFS & Aerofly which I no longer use but opened to test, Trakir is recognized immediately--the same happens in v9 both of my remaining installations. Trakir is enabled in v10.04b4 & v10.04b6 which are on seperate locations on the computer. Trakir is not registering on either at opening although they did before updating and it was recognised in the (what is now beta 4 installation when I first installed it from disc recently) but then stopped working when I updated that instal to v10.04b4. If I switch on Trakir via Pilot view it works under that pluggin perfectly in the b4 instal until the connection is shut down--but only with pilot view running-- and Chase view delux works along side as do other view options . Doing the same in the b6 instal causes grief and is erratic. Any change of view closes down Pilot view and I have to restart the plugin from options every time I change views. Chase view delux does not open at all. In v9 trakir is recognised independantly, works with Pilot view when I want, and works after switching views including Chase view delux--As sweet as a nut in fact.????? Is yours beinng recognised on opening without any plugin? Do you have Pilot view delux installedWarmbrak ?--Cheers
  16. Luckily I have kept a full instalation of v10.04.b4 Larjeet. With my machine I can always get a reasonable flight with most things turned up max but b6 suddenly put HDR and clouds at 130% on my plate with fps to spare. However the drastic alterations of the clouds in b6 (& possibly the only reason for the +fps) saw the end of the mist and multi density cloud effects in b4 which made VHR around my favorite mountain areas very realistic and challenging. Now entering any cloud base is a sudden transition of flying into a bowl of Milk(albeit up into a bowl of milk)--the density & mist are totally gone. I have had the pleasure of a couple of hours flying GA VFR in quite appauling cloud conditions picking out aerodromes through an ever changing but very realistic cloud densities which are completely off the menu in b6. (No HDR & the sudden Black Hole fps drops are back naturally but it's worth it)
  17. Had a few problems with Trakir 5 when I went up to the beta 4 update but managed to sort it. Since updating to b6 X-Plane does not aknowledge trakir at all & when I put Pilot view on I am getting the return of the early problem where there was conflict with the mouse in mouse view. Trakir is working fine in both of the v9.70 installations on the same machine so its not that?? Anyone tried it out?? I hate to fly without it-- Cheers
  18. Got a lovely increase in fps. Always had everything up real high except for Cars & AI which I dont need-Clouds 30% HDR off. Since updating have had clouds up to 75% HDR on and still managing the same or better frame rates in the areas I fly. Think something 'has' been altered in the clouds as they're rendering out differently in the screenshots since.
  19. If you dont mind me asking what method are you using to download your screenshots as I'm loosing clarity and sharpness a lot when I down load to this site. Flyaway however http://flyawaysimulation.com render the results I sent & FlightSimNet maybe even better http://www.flightsimulatornetwork.com/ Like your work. Just downloaded beta 6and that really allows you to poke up everything whist retaining fps. Cheers/Salute
  20. Was really hoping they would sort that out for v10 but sadly no. Direct to only except where theres a combined FMC & you can type in and save flight plans on that and recal them with load or add a pre-made flight plan direct to flight plans' Typing a divert on route into the FMC works with most aircraft. Having that GPS fully functional is top of my wish list as I mostly fly small/medium GA craft small airport hopping
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