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Everything posted by VirtualAviator

  1. TBH, I rarely use the tool. I tend to set trim to some value I can't recall at the moment or just accept the default value. Now that Pan-Aero is on my radar again, I may use it more often. Maybe then I can talk about my experiences by updating this thread.
  2. Trim is generally a function of Weight and Balance. The only simming solution I've found, thanks to FoxTrot Alpha Aviation, is the Pan-Aero weight and balance tool. The tool is specific to the C600/C650. Unfortunately, an Apple product is required to run the tool (i.e. Ipad, Iphone, etc.).
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the work you're doing is basically the XP12 port + work. Where the + (plus) is the additional modeling you've talked about. Sometime later, you're going to do a major lift on the project?
  4. Although I don't use all of these, here are some more. Perhaps, you'll find some useful: I’M SAFE – Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Emotion [preflight] CHAPS – Clear (clearing turns), Heading, Altitude, Position (where are you?), Set power [before maneuvering] A TOMATO FLAMES – Altimeter, Tachometer, Oil pressure, Magnetic compass, Airspeed, Temperature (water), Oil temperature, Fuel gauge, Landing gear position, Anticollision lights (strobes), Manifold pressure, ELT, Safety belts. [preflight] FLAPS – Fuses, Landing lights, Anticollision lights (strobes), Position lights (nav lights), Source of electricity (battery, alternator, volts, amps) [preflight] 5 C’s – Cram (full power), Climb, Clean (configure), Cool (temperatures), Call (communicate) [go around] As I discover more I'll add them. Hope y'all find this thread useful.
  5. The Citation X by Laminar Research is my 2nd favorite business/corporate jet (it would be my fav if it was model to the standard of the CL650). I created a C750 checklist that turned out to be rather popular, but nothing compares to the video below: The default Cessna Citation X, by Laminar Research, is worth the purchase price of X-Plane, IMO.
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  6. I get an email each time this post is updated. One day, I'm gonna click open that email and it's gonna say, "It's ready. Get it now!" (or something like that).
  7. I can't manipulate the menu items. After clicking on the drop down menu, I invoke the menu that allows the battery to be recharged. For me, it's not clickable. Log.txtLog.txt
  8. I was doing some touch and goes in a single engine piston plane and it dawned on me that I didn't include one of my favorite aids in the list. Forgetting to turn on my landing lights reminded me of this one: GUMPS, or GLUMPS - which I prefer. GUMPS - Gas, Under-carriage, Mixture, Props, Seatbelt GLUMPS - Gas, Lighs, Under-carriage, Mixture, Props, Seatbelt I had to mozy right on over here to include these.
  9. What are some of the mnemonics you use? Below is a list of some of the ones I use CIGAR - Controls, Instruments, Gas, Atitude and Runup (Mainly used in the C172) SLIM - Switches, Lean Ignition, Master (Mainly used in the C172) WARN - Weather, Approach brief, Radios, Navigation (pre-decent nmemonic memory aid) FLT - Flaps Lights, Transponder and/or Trim (after landing) pronounced 'flight' I've seen some cool ones on various sites. Would love to know your favorites.
  10. Sure you can. Seriously though, are you saying we can expect a newer 3D exterior on the B733 (perhaps a dumb question since you just said it ). As for me, I haven't a clue what refactoring the navdata code means. Care to elaborate? Thanks.
  11. Interesting. My guess would be that spell checkers would choke often on code so as long as the syntax works then mispelled words can slip by. As far as sheild goes, I think I've heard Samuel L. Jackson use that term a few times, although no particular movies comes to mind. That might also explain why you want find sheild in English language. Sound too much like the other word. BTW: Did you find the other word I misspelled in this reply?
  12. Favorites for me is a moving target. After a year I can still say my favorite is the Bombardier Challenger 650 by Hot Start. Although the previous poster commented almost 5 years ago, I expect the IXEG 737 Classic to join the list once it's released for XP12. The Cessna Citation X by Laminar Research is also a favorite, even though it is a default aircraft. The depth of system are shallow but enough to provide an immersive experience. Finally, I enjoy the Mitsubishi MU-2 Marquise by TOGA. It's a blast to fly.
  13. While I can't presume to speak for the developer it's generally announced on the product page if there will be an X-Plane 12 version. So far, I don't think one has been announced for this plane.
  14. SimVenture is coming again this year. SimVenture allow simulation enthusiast to enjoy the fast past challenge of getting their airplane in and out of the worlds largest civil aviation event. Moreover, it provides real world pilots with an opportunity to practice the famous Oshkosh arrivals. The event procedures has been noted as nearly identical to the actual procedures. In fact, the sim event uses the same controllers as the real-world event. To participant you will need a PilotEdge subscription or you may use a PE trial membership. For more information visit PilotEdge Website or the EAA Website.
  15. Nevertheless, he was missed (albeit, I wasn't there either). No new things coming down the pipe presents lost opportunity. While there may not have been any new product announcements, I believe there is something in the X-Plane eco-system that can generate buzz. Take a page from Tom; there's already buzz growing around the 717. Just read a blurb at one the flight-sim news outlets on it. The flight sim environment is changing, has changed, at least for the consumer side. As much as devs want to avoid the vaporware and lateware traps,I believe marketing is becoming more and more important. I don't know how many folk are like me, but I want to hear about my horse and all the things my horse need and want, cause in the end, I'm betting on him. Moving on... I've been a subscriber to FF for years. With what Navigraph announced, I think i might be able to soon save $100.00. Hope so. Thanks Navigraph.
  16. I tried to catch as much coverage as I could on Youtube. I watched with bated breath for anything to do with X-Plane. There wasn't a lot said. Some of the post-event comments I heard alluded to Laminar Research having a smaller foot print then they thought it should have had. Also the area didn't seem to be as inviting. Finally, Austin was noticeably missed. It was great to hear that Austin lights up a room, so he should have been there. You have any thoughts on the event, specifically or in general?
  17. FS Expo was such a positive experience and judging from the post-event Youtube vidoes I've seen (I watched most of the product announcements in real-time during the event), I'd say people are still feeling the vibe. This thread turned out to be, IMO, a lost opportunity. I really would have liked to have heard what you guys thought about the event, what surprised you, what you may want in the next event, etc. Anywho, I caught a snippet of the vibe in another thread on these forum, albeit it was a one-liner.
  18. A favor, if I may? It's doubtful I'll see any notices when the final drops. Would you circle back to this thread and let me know? I let to try flying it again. Thanks!
  19. Nevertheless, I found a 105kt direct headwind at FL250 that extended your flight interesting. Can't really say why, 'cause it's what you'd expect, right? Some have complained about the power on the 560XL; you should certainly be able to climb above 250 in that aircraft. I've flown it a few times and posted a video on one of my flights. The dev was unhappy about my comment that I thought the aircraft was a bit overpriced (I think $45US is fair). Nevertheless, he said he'd address some of the things I pointed out in the video, but wasn't really interested in streamlining the POH. I haven't checked lately to see if he's released any updates. I told him that for his first payware aircraft he did an incredible job. I expect his next release to be awesome.
  20. The hidden altitude hold button is just above the AP selector button on the word "Piper". See video: Full Length Video here
  21. The Just Flight Arrow III has a hidden button to enable altitude hold. I know you're out of the Arrow at the moment, but I'll see if I can't locate the click spot if you like.
  22. Goes to show that a lot of folks are interested in VA flying. Keep your windshield pointed toward the sky.
  23. I enjoy reading both your blog and @Rick310's blog. I gotta say, you're lucky that those downdrafts and windshear associated with cumulonimbus clouds didn't break the wings off that Citation jet. Keep up the shenanigans guys - not always 'blue skies' right?
  24. My wife, in the virtual world, is a perfect 10 who hardly ages. She's my best friend, lifts me when I'm down and when I'm happy, she adds to that happiness. She lets me win all arguments, loves my extended family, and don't mind if I spend more time simming than talking with her. Most of all, she loves me with all her heart. But, I'm in the real world. @Rick310 Watch out for those cumulonimbus clouds on your way back. Either go around them or land and wait them out.
  25. Agreed. The questions did not push him. Maybe the next interview, wherever that might be will. BTW: I am impressed with Austin, LR and X-Plane, as well as 3rd party devs who deliver high-end products. I remember when AOL and Yahoo dominated the internet. Sears dominated retail sales. I even remember when Lotus 123 and dBase dominated software sales. The point is, org's domination is not carved in stone. As for Cameron and the X-Pilot.com site, I think he might be open to volunteer help as long as the volunteers is seriously willing to make a commitment and is competent. If all C did was maintain the site it might look different. Turns out C is heavily involved in development, as far as I can tell. I began drafting a letter to LR asking for an interview. However, I decided I might be overstepping.
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