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Julien Pham

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Everything posted by Julien Pham

  1. I have watched a good looking preview video here: The plane we see at 2:49 is a robin DR400, right? Where can I find it? Is it the one from XPFR? Or another one? Thanks
  2. I can't create a plugin myself though, I have not the knowledge for that, I'll just use the saitek software. If you could create an x-plane plugin, I'll use it. Too bad the switch panel plugin does not handle this TPM. The only issue with the saitek software is that when x-plane is launched it does not initialize the switches. So for instance if the switch I use for the light is in the off position, and the plane starts with light on, it will stays on, until I put the light switch to on then off again. So maybe what I'll have to do is move all switches off/on (or on/off) before the flight...
  3. Yes this is how it works. The first switch, for instance, is G1. Down position means button G1 pressed, Up position means button G1 released. Of course it does not mean the G1 button is pressed several time, just once. What do you mean by a "fix"? A fix for what? The ideal would be a plugin for x-plane that initialized the current position of the button at start then behaves like a switch, unsure how to do this. I have found a way to use it with the saitek software though, like "hit that key when button is pressed", then this one when it is released, didn't try it with x-plane though... but I guess it could work.
  4. Hi, Can someone advice me how to use the SAITEK programming software to use the switches of my TPM as... switches? I guess this has something to do like "when button is pressed" do that command and "when it is depressed" do that other command, as for instance the first switch is button 1 on when it is down, and button 1 off when it is up, but unsure exactly how to program this... Or, except if there is a better way to do this, just inside x-plane with plugins? Thanks
  5. Waow I want this Just saw we can have UrbanMaxx as well for free with this one, too bad I already bought UrbanMaxx Extreme
  6. Ho, great news, I was looking for this one for a bit. I already took Urbanmaxx extreme from this same author. And I guess if you have put this on your website, this means you'll sell this yourself. Great news as well
  7. Hi, The T16000 is a very precise stick with hall sensors instead of potentiometers. What I wonder is... would it be doable to lengthen the stick, and remove the spring, so as to use for helicopter control? Anybody has an idea about that? This is a cheap joystick as well, so nothing would prevent me, if this is doable, to take two T16000, one for plane, as it is, and the other one for helicopter control. Thanks
  8. This is the way to go, in civilian planes we fly with left hand I do the same, but I use the stick gas thing so I have the stick between my legs so I can use it in my left hand and use the right hand for gas. But when I'll have external gas thing I'll put the stick to my left, as in the Cessna Corvalis TT. What is good with the T16000 is that it is a stick for both left handed and right handed, there are parts to change it from left to right handed include, and it is very easy to do (a screw to remove, you change the side of the thing, you put another part, and you put the screw back. Less than 5 minutes to do that... I'll have to move mine to left handed, but I have to find this plastic part back
  9. Yes he sent me a mail saying he will do it
  10. I have found this piper set: http://www.c74.net/xplane/_piper.html But I don't know how realistic the flight model of those is... i don't know C74.
  11. Cessna or not Cessna version,
  12. Oh and btw, if I have to buy a flight sim Yoke, which one should I take? Saitek are the best ones at affordable prices? And which one between the pro flight and the pro flight cessna? Thanks
  13. In fact the issue with the real Yoke is not the price, it is the room in my racing cockpit, as the racing wheel takes the place I would like to put the Yoke You think I'll fly more precisely just using the Joystick then? (It is a T16000 from thrustmaster) Maybe I'll just use the Stick then, until I decide to give up racing and sell my racing hardware and take flight sim hardware instead ^^ btw I wonder, why some planes have Yokes, and others have Sticks? Is there a reason? Or just a matter of taste of the aircraft manufacturer... Thanks
  14. Though I think I'll try to train in the same aircraft, so I can compare the sim vs the real thing, and be at home with the instrument positions
  15. Thanks. What I wonder is, if I train for real, is it ok to train in the sim in another plain? It will help? I have found a tomahawk here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=11697 But dunno how good it is. I mean, when it comes to flight model.
  16. Hi, I wonder if there is somewhere I can find a really good (by good I mean visually and about the flight model) PA38-112 Tomahawk for X-plane 10? I don't care if I have to pay for it. I'll maybe (not sure yet) learn to fly and this is the plane at my local aeroclub. Thanks
  17. Hi, I would like your advice about something. As a racing fan, I'm the owner of a Fanatec clubsport wheel with the formula rim. You can see what it is here: http://eu.fanatec.com/RacingWheels?product_id=568 Now my thoughts... how is a flight sim Yoke different from a racing wheel? It has an Y Axis the racing wheel has not... This fanatec wheel has, though, an analog joystick I can use with a finger. So can we imagine using this racing wheel as a flight sim Yoke, and use this analog hat as the Y Axis? Or is it unflyable this way? Other idea would be to use a real joystick just at the side to use as the Y axis. Thanks
  18. Oh ok thanks. Too bad the real aircraft has not I mean, according to planes I saw, lower brand Cessna do have ^^ I'll try the overhead light...
  19. And it is not possible for a plane designer to deactivate the rudder trim in x-plane to model the real aircraft? btw is a rudder trim that useful?
  20. This means no rudder trim (left / right trim ?) but still an elevator trim, right?
  21. Better not loose our x-aviation username and password then ^^
  22. Hi, I like this aircraft, well designed. But I have an issue with night flights. I mean, is there a way to lit up the dashboard, to see the knobs? The buttons are lit up, but not the knobs, so I don't see them. Hard, for instance, to use the COM in the night as I can't see where to put my mouse to move the knob. I manage to do it after trials and errors, but not very convenient. Is this the same in the real aircraft? As I have seen on other planes some kind of light that lit the whole dashboard in a dim blue light for instance. Not with the Corvalis? Thanks
  23. What do you mean by "low flightmodel"? You mean it does not behave like the real thing? On the plane's page is displayed "Accurately reproduced flight characteristics".
  24. This is not a plugin, just an external software which emulates trackIR. FacetrackNoIR works fine for me now, with a PS3 eye webcam. It allows any kind of movement, even side moving. The only thing is that if I move too far I'm going out of the aircraft this way, not very realistic I tried Pilot View plugin, hoping the "limits" will allow to block the movements so I stay in the cockpit, but I still get out of the cockpit. I should try reaching the pilot view dev but I don't know how. About the 3D cockpit and the switches, I have setup the middle mouse button to start/stop facetracknoIR. With the options of "stay" for view (so it keeps the view as when I clicked the button) and the "keep tracking" option, so it just stops moving the view but keeps the tracking, so no delay when you click on the button again to resume tracking. Very satisfied with facetracknoIR, just that I would like to be able to stop the movement so I don't go outside the cockpit... ^^
  25. So, no need for a script anymore, someone pointed me out a plugin that will do this, in fact the plugin uses the left brake and right brake axis to use as the rudder. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=11801
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