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Everything posted by ruyjo

  1. ruyjo

    RC 747-200

    I hope there was a bell ringing in their heads to change the sound of the engines somewhere between 1994 and now, haha Apart from that, I still would love to have this rc model.
  2. I've been working on this one for quite a long time. The SSJ is a hard one to fly, but if you are patient, everything goes fine. Enjoy the result:
  3. The last picture, the most beautiful realistic one, love it
  4. ruyjo

    KLM 777-300

    Looks very promising, my home airline
  5. ruyjo

    United A319

    Ah ok, thx for the tip man
  6. ruyjo

    United A319

    I used Oblivion in the past, but I don't fly "their" planes anymore. Maybe you can make a United livery for the QPAC A320 V1.1 (That version has just been released. Liveries for older versions DON'T work on it, so I would appreciate it if you could make some for the V1.1 A320
  7. ruyjo

    United A319

    Great job, but some of the windows are not at the right level. If you look close, you can see some are placed higher than the others. Any idea where I can find this plane?
  8. ruyjo

    Beautiful A330-300

    Thx mate
  9. Long arms, high heels and a 'tender' belly. Thats how I think the A333 can be described:
  10. That looks amazing, I love this livery!
  11. Nice Javelin, Keflavik looks stunning at night in X-plane 10.
  12. Thanks. I didn't activated the roads on purpose, it looked quite weird to see buildings overlapping roads and some roads didn't followed the photo real roads correctly. But apart from that, it's a great scenery. Well worth the buying
  13. This is the first scenery Aerosoft has released for X-plane 10. The original version is created by FSDG, XHT labs did the conversion (which is done very well). I used the KC-10 and C-130, according to the military function Keflavik had in the past. Sorry for the misspelled 'Keflavik' in the last few seconds of the video.
  14. Thanks for the tip man! I'll try that out.
  15. A like really helps: The scenery I used has just been released/updated. You can find it here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15659 You can choose to download the photo real scenery or the airport scenery or both. I used pilot view for some views and a little tip is to fly with a helicopter over the airport while recording the scenery below. Though some of you may will think this video was made in X-plane 9. I can understand that, because I didn't used many of X-plane 10's features: There are no 3d clouds, just a clear sky and neither did I used the AL aircraft traffic. When I set the AL traffic to a representative number (around 4 or 6), the simulator will lag to much in my opinion. I'm still tweaking so I hope someday my videos won't lag as much as this one. Critics are welcome, because it's good to know what I can do better.
  16. Nice video, relaxing music. I like the glass cockpit windows and the photo real scenery.
  17. You landed perfectly in the touchdown-zone. Music from artists like Two Steps From Hell or Mark Petrie is nice. A great track for example is Election Daze by Two Steps from Hell.
  18. ruyjo

    KLGA (by butnaru)

    Yep, probably thought it was too hot in the cockpit
  19. ruyjo

    KLGA (by butnaru)

    Here's a video about Butnaru's KLGA which is out for a while now.
  20. I think they really wanted to show X-plane is an Ultra Realistic Real Time computed Flight Simulator. The F-16 looked nice and flying through the clouds was a great idea to display the 3d constructs of them.
  21. Angles were sometimes hard to get but I think the result is nice. Thanks. Muchas gracias.
  22. Merry Christmas. I have finally finished my first X-plane 10 video and I'm satisfied with the result: I hope you like it. Please reply when you think that you see something in the video that I should do better next time.
  23. ruyjo

    Testing out 10

    Looking good, but it's not really giving the feeling as 1080p because of the black borders
  24. Looks nice.
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