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Burning Bridges

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  1. how many people have purchased the 430/650 vs 750?
  2. Yes now that you mention it, I also crashed when I was flying in the Arctic. I assume that was due to icing like you say.
  3. Yes I understand, you want to do it properly. I commend that! Just wanted to point out that it can be done in 10 minutes at home by using "Auto Adjust Image". It will mess up your wonderful textures but looks way better in X-Plane 12 as of this date (imo) Otherwise your Saab works beautifully in X-Plane 12 so I think more people should use it.
  4. Thanks for the reply Cameron. Yes it worked when I used the installer. Some remarks. The Saab 340 works surprisingly well in XP12. Like, I was genuinely surprised. The sound effects appear even better than in XP11 (maybe imagination), autopilot seems to work well and I could fly it without real problems. The throttle levers sometimes get stuck but that was already a problem in XP11. All in all this is now my favorite "copied" XP11 plane in XP12 and works much better than all others (Zibo, FJS 732 etc). The only real problem is cockpit lighting. I could mitigate that by increasing blrightness on several cockpit dds files (basically I just used "Auto Adjust Colors". attached screenshots, one under good and another under extremely bad lighting conditions in the Arctic). It's only a hack but it can be done in like 10 minutes and allows me to enjoy this plane and fly it in XP12 already. How hard would it be to make a pure graphical update that only adresses the cockpit brightness?
  5. is there a particular trick to activating it under X-Plane 12? I copied it from X-Plane 11 (including the Gizmo plugin) and I get an error message on activation every time. The credentials must be right, if I enter the wrong password the window closes much faster and there is no error message just "Activation Failed" Is there a special version of Gizmo 64 for X-Plane 12?
  6. 2 days later the Saab flies normal again. It really seems to have been a "case of the mondays" (X-plane weather broken). Thanks for the tips.
  7. I tried to take off with icing protection but no luck. And the first 2 attempted flights were in sunny Spain.
  8. Once I reach 6000ft the airplane starts to rock violently like in a thunderstorm, autopilot cannot keep the plane on course and I have to abandon flight I tried both the Cargo and Passenger version, same problem
  9. Yes but there is an "n" missing. It says "authorized personel"
  10. Do you use FSE? I noticed that FSE can put quite a bit of cargo weight on the Saab, theoretically so much that I can barely take off.
  11. What do you mean with "hardware plugins"?
  12. How high do you rate the probability that a plugin interfers with trim of individual 3rd party aircraft?
  13. No stress, I am used to what we have now but under some conditions X-Plane lightings is way too dark and it makes me feel depressed. A way to better illumínate the cockpit would be great and would make me enjoy the Saab much more - if it is technically doable. Other airplanes have the same problem but the cockpit in Thranda airplanes is better in that regard, especially the Piper Arrow.
  14. I can't stand looking at a dark cockpit for extended periods with a dome light doing nothing during daytime, even when the cockpit is completely in the shadow. Even though the Saab is my favorite plane in X-Plane, and tend to fly with planes with less fidelity because they have better lighting (Fokker 50 for example). A developer on another forum was kind to supply we with some info how to change lighting for the Piper 28, and it was just a few lines a confíg file. Is there a set of paramters how to make the dome light work like a real lamp taht illuminates the cocjput and not just a set of brighter textures during night? If my appartment is dark I can turn on the light, even during daytime. Also the overhead lamps are completely non-functional and would provide additional lighting. They are there because pilots need them, so they should work. It's weird to have working headlamps in every passenger seat but not the one for the pilot.
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