I can't stand looking at a dark cockpit for extended periods with a dome light doing nothing during daytime, even when the cockpit is completely in the shadow. Even though the Saab is my favorite plane in X-Plane, and tend to fly with planes with less fidelity because they have better lighting (Fokker 50 for example).
A developer on another forum was kind to supply we with some info how to change lighting for the Piper 28, and it was just a few lines a confíg file.
Is there a set of paramters how to make the dome light work like a real lamp taht illuminates the cocjput and not just a set of brighter textures during night?
If my appartment is dark I can turn on the light, even during daytime.
Also the overhead lamps are completely non-functional and would provide additional lighting. They are there because pilots need them, so they should work. It's weird to have working headlamps in every passenger seat but not the one for the pilot.