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Everything posted by dlrk

  1. Should that be vFTO + 10?
  2. The TO value decreases during descent, should it be re-updated before landing? Also (I mentioned this in a different post), an APR value also shows up. Should that be used. EDIT: Answer: No, APR is the Automatic Power Reserve N1, not the approach N1
  3. Intermittently during flight in icing conditions, even with the probe heat on, a STALL FAIL warning comes up. It goes away after a minute or so.
  4. On the Thrust Limit Page, below 15,000 feet, an APR value appears. Should this be entered as the approach N1 TGT or should the TO value be used? Should the wing anti-ice be used when in icing conditions or only when ice is detected? If it must be used on approach, does that mean the approach must be made at the required higher thrust? EDIT: Answer: APR is the Automatic Power Reserve, not Approach N1. On approach with Wing-Anti Ice on, approach must be made at the higher thrust. EDIT: Chegg seems to provide an answer for a/i usage https://www.chegg.com/flashcards/cl650-a283a319-6995-47dc-8ca6-268d38b4b72a/deck , and here https://www.chegg.com/flashcards/cl-650-red-limitations-memory-fc0992a3-0b99-4e7b-ba44-a2d2536d6d18/deck
  5. When I try to enter a value into Delta VREF, I get "Invalid entry" EDIT: Per real-world info, delta VREF can only be used when the runway is contaminated
  6. I understand that the FMS generates real-time performance data in-flight. But how can I determine if an airport I'm planning a flight to can handle the Challenger without actually flying there and putting it in the FMS?
  7. What is the functionality where RWY appears above the VSI and a path is drawn on the PFD SYN VIS? I'm guessing it's displaying 3-degree glide path?
  8. Solved on discord, the OAT needs to be entered on the TEMP COMP page on page 2 of the index
  9. No, look at the manual you posted "This message is cleared when the temperature compensation is turned off...or when a valid temperature for the airport is entered"
  10. Disregard this post, I pulled the landing gear emergency extension instead of the parking brake
  11. After starting up per the expanded normal checklist, I receive a NOSE DOOR OPEN warning
  12. But I did enter a valid temperature
  13. What does "CHECK APT OAT" mean on the FMS? I've entered the OAT in the takeoff and perf pages.
  14. What is the procedure for a go-around?
  15. Not sure if this is a bug or supposed to be a reflection
  16. How should the FMS be set up for a traffic pattern training flight?
  17. What does this system do? Can't seem to find an explanation of this
  18. What value should be set for go-around N1 TGT? It looks like the TO value isn't displayed in flight, and and the checklists indicate this must be manually set.
  19. I've tried Vulkan, I've tried lowering antialising, and texture quality. Seems like no matter what I do, when there are thick and/or overlapping clouds, I can't maintain even 30 FPS
  20. I should add, this is without volumetric clouds
  21. I'm still having some pretty significant FPS issues, despite a fairly strong system (8Gb RTX 2070, i9-10850K CPU). X-Plane continues to indicate that the CPU is the limiting factor, and looking at VRAM, there doesn't seem to be any correlation to VRAM usage (it'll drop below 20 FPS with less than 70% VRAM in use). This problem seems to worsen when pointing my view "upwards"
  22. The X1000 does model track offsets, I've done it using this airplane.
  23. I'm also having this issue (not as bad as in the OP though). When I disconnect the autopilot to correct, it winds up pitching up rapidly due to apparently being out of trim. With regard to the throttle setting, this does seem more likely to occur in the 2 minute phase of cruise where power is set at full
  24. Perfect, that's exactly what i was looking for!
  25. First, let me say this is one of, if not the best, add-on airplanes I've purchased. The detailed engine model is amazing, and a lot of fun to learn how to handle. That said, there are a couple features that I would really love to see added if possible in a future version: 1.Avionics integration with xPilot (the VATSIM client) for radio on/off status and transponder on/off/alt. The squawk code goes over fine now, though. Just the mode C and radios don't seem to be integrated. 2. A more full in-sim maintenance system, like that in the HotStart TBM or the various REP planes. Finally, there are some typos in the before start G1000 checklist where "power lever" is sometimes written as "power level". Thanks for a great model!
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