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Everything posted by ebbsy1
Hi tried a flight this morning and I'm now getting different issues.the tbm starts up as it should but now I'm getting no thrust problems seems to happen when I bind commands to the honeycomb throttle quadrant.deleted prefrance folder last night then started tbm up with no controls binded to it once started I binded the throttle and landing gear and flaps and it worked. This morning I binded the parking brake and reverse thrust and when I add power all the gauges respond as they should but the plane barely taxis a d does not provide enough thrust to take off
Hi and thx very much for the support. I deleted the prefrance volder and reconfigured the hardware all working as it should now
hope this is ok long time since i used obs 1119183149_2023-08-2021-34-25.mkv
thx for the reply have tried uninstall and even redownloaded the installer created the new airframe but still having same issue logtext bellow thx TBM900_Log.txt Log.txt
Hi just redownloaded the tbm900 and when it ask for the machine name I typed the wrong name in.allthogh when I start xplane the product as activated successfully but when I try start the engines it makes all the right noises but the prop won't spin and on pdf screen reads 0 rpm
hi still getting no icing effects on window screen. i`m under the impression that wind shield and icing are the same check box in settings. i get the rain effect but have not had icing effects work since i bought the plane back on version 1.6 just cant get icing to work.any body else have this issue.done many flights now in the tbm in all conditions and i have never used the anti ice system on the plane has it does not seem to simulate icing.
have you tried just flying with mouse and keyboard and just using the tbm ap controls or flying another plane just to make sure it not hardware related .i had a go on my to try replicate what was happening when i got to alt and leveled off everything was ok and following the magenta line, then i nudge my trim wheal on the saitek panel soon as i touch that all ap went off and it started to pitch up just like yours.
hi ive noticed on the 1st vid you posted you armed the auto pilot and nav but you did not select the vs button.you can delete the flight plan by pressing the flight plan button then the menu button you will then get a list of commands one is delete flight plan just push the fms knob then use the outer dial on the fms highlight delete flight plan then enter.i also use auto pilot to climb out some time and what i do is select the alt before take off lts say 10000 i also input the flight plan on the ground then after i take off press auto pilot click nav then i click vs then i use the vsdial at the side of the button and select the fpm i require
hi keypad still a bit dodgy, still getting no icing effects and weather radar does not pick up anything now it used to pick up terrain in weather mode now i get nothing ,terrain radar seems to work fine.wether radar does still pick up the terrain
no probs think its got something to do with the zoom level as i found the further you zoom in the better it works but its still a little buggy.
i think there is a bug with the keypad i fly a lot of the uk and when i press e on the keypad i get a 5 so i press backspace press e again i get a 0 nearly every time .alway third time lucky i get the e,
hi unfortunately i am not a pilot just fly the sim for fun so not sure how it works in real life.but when you 1st power up the displays on the tbm centre display hit menu button on the tmb keypad and i think north up is highlighted on the g1000 by default, just hit the enter button and it changes to track up i know its possible as i changed mine to track up yesterday
hi g1000 if your on the main map screen click menu button north up will be highlighted if not press the fms button to highlight then click enter this will change to track up.as far as the throttle i have a saitek throttle quadrant ,when i have the throttle on the tmb to the right i have to use the mouse for low idle and high and to switch to the left to flight idle but when the throttle is to the left i think if you can toggle the reverse thruster to a button on your hardware or key pad it then let your throttle on your hardware go from reverse into taxi and also flight mode but when you throttle back it goes back to flight idle only to get back to taxi range you have to press the reverse thrust button again the push your throttle back up to taxi.
hi saw a vid on you tube last night of someone showing off the amazing icing effect.i asked if it worked in 1.1.7 and got the message back saying that he`s just tryed it out and could not reproduce the effect in 1.1.7.also don't think the weather radar works correctly as i have it set to weather but all it picks up is the terrain
i had ctd today when i was rolling down the runway gathering take off speed i was at about 50 knots.restarted xplane and in the menu hit resume last flight got the tbm menu asking if i wanted to continue i hit yes and when resumed i was still rolling down the runway about 50 knots so i gave the throttle a little nudge then managed to take off
is it possible to reinstall v1.1.6 not sure 1.1.7 is working correctly or its me.done another flight today where i deliberately overstressed the landing gear flaps got back to the maintenance hangar and the plane was fine. still getting no icing effects yet i've seen youtube vids on this working.when i bought the plane installed it it was version 1.1.6 and i pretty sure i saw icing on 1 of my flights were i did forget to turn window heat on only had the plane a few days before 1.1.7 came out and i updated.i do still have the 1.1.6 zip file but when i went to install i got error message saying unable to download missing component
hi after a fresh install im still not seeing any icing effects.originally i reported no windshield icing but after doing a few flights now without any deicing on i'm not seeing any icing effects on the tbm at all,just wondering if any one else is getting icing effect or not the, box is ticked in the plugin rain and icing effect i get the rain no ice.also don't seem to be getting the weather radar to work it picks up the terrain ok but not the precipitation and i have it set to weather flying through the rain i got nothing showing on radar till i tilted down then all that got pick up was the terrain set the tilt back to 0 and got nothing.one more thing i`m experiencing is when typing a flight plan on the keypad when i press e it inputs a 0 i have to press backspace to start again press e again i get a 5 so back space again then i get the e.other little bugs i had like landing gear fail and a door fail seem to have gone after the fresh install
im going to do a fresh install as i think im getting some sort of loading error.took off from bgbw greenland and just landed at egpo stornoway.ive checked the air frame in the maintenance when landed tab and everything was ok as new but i still got the door error.if i go to the centre pfd and click system there's a red area indicating that the door is open so i shut down xplane and started new flight at egpo powered on the battery went to the centre pfd and the red door had gone .checked the doors from inside and out side and both open and close properly when i open door on ground i get warning pop up and when i close warning disappears many thx
pretty sure it was about six when i first installed 1.16 lol .thx for the help i am enjoying the plane and the surprizes it springs on me the landing gear failure and the cabin pressure its good sim experience.at the moment im about 300 nm of stornoway 15000 ft with the oxygen mask on that ive just discovered above the passenger side
ok thx the door is definitely closed and latched i will check the maitaine tab when i land.as for the fresh install ive noticed if i create a new air frame it does not reset the flight hours and ive also deleted the plane and installed again and it still creates a plane with 20hour plus.what im wanting to do is reset the plane to zero to see if tht gets rid of the glitches i keep getting.wether radar not working atm were it did in a previous flight and window ice
is there a way to do a complete new install.had the tbm just over a week and while i was getting used to ive done a few new installs but notice the airframe manager the hours did not refresh reason for this is im having a few glitches with the plane that no one else as mentioned in the forums.1st i had a landing gear fail but when checked after flight all was ok and now i have taken off from bgbw .all was ok on take off as i climbed through 10000 i had no warnings on the cas screen oxygen on,and at 180000 ish plane dived down to 15000 because of the cabin pressure then on the cas it says door.ive checked both doors and both are closed but the warning wont disappear.and also now getting no data from the weather radar currently at 15000 with oxygen max on flying through what appears to be rain but could be snow got the weather radar set to weather and angled down about 5 degree range set at 40 miles but all i got on the screen is black.also ive ive flown about 4000 nm at an alt from 2 -29000 ft with no wind shield heat on and not seen any ice form .the effects box is ticked rain and ice but i only seem to get the rain texture.thx
hi using saitek yoke and throttle.on the tbm throttle quadrant theres a switch underneath that you pull to allow you to go to taxi mode is the a button i can configure to this instead of just pulling the saitek into reverse then up to taxi