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Everything posted by Rossco

  1. Hi Jeff, for what it's worth my left arrow transfer key is illuminated continuously as well. Not sure what's going on with the others. Suggest you PM cpuwolf (if you haven't already) as he has contact with Quickmake to see if he can help.
  2. Hi Jeff, Not sure why your rotactors are slow however to light up the LED keys you need to push on the ALT SEL knob & turn it to the right.
  3. My PFC Turbo Prop throttles have a TOGA switch which using SPAD.neXt I assign a short press for TOGA & a long press for Beta/Reverse.
  4. With my PFC throttle I have the beta/reverse turned off in the XP Joystick configurator as the TBM has it's own gate. I press the assigned reverser button as I pass my hardware detent & it works fine. Coming back past the detent the throttle automatically comes out of beta/rev. Think I did have the beta/reverser turned on at one stage in XP but was having difficulty in getting it to work with the exact position of my hardware reverse detent.
  5. Hi Jack, Not sure about assigning keyboard keys for specific commands I always use hardware buttons or levers. I assume you have no buttons on the TQ6?
  6. Hi Jack, I have the button on my PFC Throttle set to "Thrust reverse toggle" which works well.
  7. Thanks for the quick reply. Yes I did have the button programming correct however I found I had still had a conflicting command coming from SPAD.neXt which I had forgotten I had put in there. Current flight appears to be working well. No I don't have the Thrustmaster however I do have a now redundant Saitek Auto Pilot (for the TBM) which I have programmed using SPAD.neXt to operate the FMS including main buttons for FLP, ENT etc as well as map range. It is working quite well too at the moment. :-)
  8. Hi Cpuwolf & any others with QGMC710. I appear to be having an issue with the FLC operation. The scrolling wheel works perfectly when in VS mode however when I select FLC it becomes sporadic & the IAS jumps in large segments & usually eventually sets itself at 271kts & cannot be moved from there even if using the mouse. I have reinstalled the TBM & confirmed my programming of the QGMC is the same as shown above however this issue still persists. The QGMC is working correctly however I think maybe there is an issue with my software? Appreciate any help. B737 module looks great! I was thinking though the biggest issue I now have with the TBM is controlling the G1000 with my mouse & keeping it positioned in the correct place to scroll through pages & change the range. Probably because I use TrackIR. Would be great if Quickmake would look at doing the controller for that. :-)
  9. Hi Cpuwolf, Thanks for this. I had done as you explained numerous times however the default would always delete any settings I had made & replace with "do nothing". Must have done something wrong somewhere. Thanks for your list, I can now see the commands required for the wheel & will check the remainder off with what you have. I have a PFC Yoke & Throttles with MFG Xwind Pedals so manually changing the QGMC will be quicker for me than to re do all my flight control settings. Thanks again!!
  10. Well not sure what I'm doing wrong but reinstalled the files for control profiles & it reverted back to "do nothing" for all switches when I selected "reset to default" Including loses all my other controller settings for yoke, pedals & throttle. Did have a backup of what I had done though. Am having difficulty finding the commands for QGMC710 DN/UP. Can't find them in the TBM900 sub directory, can you advise where they are? Everything else I have found OK & appears to be working OK.
  11. Hi cpuwolf, thanks for your help. I had tried setting to default but when I did it showed all settings as "do nothing", hence my question as to whether the unit had default programming. No I don't have any programming background but have done a lot of key programming functionality mainly with SPADneXt for my controllers & Saitek panels but wasn't sure which keys to use for the wheel. Will change the settings I have so it will be correct & try the set to default again after saving what I already have. Again thanks for your help on this.
  12. Really impressed with the QGMC & find it a real joy to use when flying the TBM. I do have a question though re the VS/FLC adjustment wheel. Is this only for either the VS or FLC or can it be programmed to work with either once they are selected? I see it's labeled for the VS in the programming menu however in the aircraft using mouse control it can be used for either VS or FLC IAS. I tried programming my Saitek panel to operate this previously however it didn't work very well.
  13. Well Quickmake was true to his name & my QGMC710 was delivered here in Australia yesterday. Thank you QM for your excellent service! The unit looks fantastic & and all knobs & buttons have a great feel to them so hoping they will last quite a long time. It has taken me some time to locate the files required & to install in to XPlane. The first link to Github would open the file but not download them. This one worked however https://github.com/quickmake/QGMC710/releases & I downloaded v2 zip file. Anyway just to clear something up it appears the QGM files do not program the unit with the necessary XPlane commands to operate the TBM900 is that correct? I still have to find & allocate these myself? I thought with the files I installed into XPlane from the link that this would automatically be done for me. I'm not that familiar with XPlane to be honest so there may be something I have overlooked. Really looking forward to using this as soon as I get it sorted.
  14. Hi Kimchi, there is an app to give shipping estimates. They don't ask for payment for shipping till the product reaches the warehouse by the look of it & as cpuwolf pointed out Quickmake is away at the moment. Hi cpuwolf, thanks for the quick reply. Do you know if that is for most of the month? Not in a mad rush just wondering.
  15. Hi cpuwolf have sorted the problem by doing "topup" which allowed me to use Paypal (delayed time) or my own credit card. This was much easier however wasn't obvious at first. My bank in Australia is very cautious & recommended not to use the payment method suggested by Superbuy. I wasn't too fussed about the app wanting me to log in to my bank via it either. Prefer to keep that very separate from any third party apps or programs. Did I read that Quikmake is away at present so delivery is delayed?
  16. Hi Guys, Went to order unit through Superbuy however not impressed with their payment method & my bank here in Australia recommends not using the system they link to (Polipay). I have Paypal, anyone been able to use this with Superbuy? I couldn't see a link. Hi CPUWolf, tried to get back in touch via WeChat however became too difficult as it had dropped my password & security method to retrieve didn't work. Gave up with it eventually. Anyway saw the links here where to order QGMC710. Edit: Just saw if I do a "top up" I can use Paypal or a credit card. Problem is I'm not sure of the shipping cost at this stage of the transaction. Certainly different. .
  17. Have sent you a message.
  18. This looks great. Interested if you can sort your international shipping. I'm in Australia. What sort of cost?
  19. Well done! Looks great.
  20. Yes I believe Carrier speed of 29kts would be ground speed as per simulated satellite GPS reading. Interested to know what the switch panel is you are using?
  21. Actually you can use Spad.neXt however in doing so I had issues with the commands sending double inputs at times so it wasn't reliable enough to not cause problems. I have allocated the up mixture to one rocker switch on a spare Saitek throttle I have mounted upside down beneath my PFC throttles & the down mixture to the other side of the rocker. This way I can use the one switch to operate the throttle till it gets to flight idle then take over with my PFC throttle to handle the rest of the operational ranges. Using Spad.neXt I have also allocated a short push on the toga button to activate the TOGA & a long push to enter Taxi/Reverse mode. So far has been working pretty well.
  22. Don't know if there's some kind of connection however I had this issue with the previous version (only owned it since 5th Feb) & I found it was my Saitek Spad.neXt profile causing the problem. Once I changed the profile it has since been fine (touch wood :-)) I just quickly tested the new version & so far appears to be OK.
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