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Everything posted by DeadZone44

  1. COOP! I have been schooled!! The VRAM was the issue! I never thought to lower that setting as all of my other aircraft work well with the texture set to max. I did a few test flights and the frames were between 23-59 depending on building density. It got a little jittery in the DT LA area, but still very flyable. I lowered my world objects, but it did not make that much of a difference so I put it back were it was. Lower frames are also because I run a 49" Samsung 5120 x 1440. But it is very flyable!! You have made someone very happy today!! Thank you for responding so quickly. Bring on the Integra!!!
  2. Hi Coop, Here is the log.txt and a pic of the graphics settings I use 100% of the time. The frames range from 23 to 31, but the stuttering still persists and when this happens the frames seem to be the same and don't drop like I thought they would. Also, here is a link to a quick video of the stuttering. It becomes much worse than the video shows, but you will get the idea. Amazingly the frames are still showing around 30! Sometimes it will freeze completely , like it is taking snapshots. https://photos.app.goo.gl/CwCDWoCQ1Dy4RY1R7 Log.txt
  3. Thanks Coop, Thanks for responding so quickly. I have one of my computers down for the day to add in a SATA SSD. I will get you the information you are requesting tomorrow
  4. I too have experienced low FPS with the SR22 ever since I purchased the plane. I bought it the day it came out. It is completely unflyable on my system. I have a fairly high end machine: SR22 version 1.1.1, Latest Windows 10, X-Plane 11.5 running Vulcan. RTX 2070 Super GPU, i7 9700 3.6 gig CPU. Z390 motherboard, 32 gig of DDR4 RAM. I have tried turning my world objects to zero, no weather apps(clouds). The plane behaves the same. Major stutters that turn it into a .JPEG I know you say this is not important, but every other aircraft, be it stock or third party, runs fine on my system with most sliders set up fairly high. Please let me know if there is anything that can be done to rectify this issue. When I do get a few smooth moments - it looks like it would be a joy to fly.
  5. Ahh yes I know the feeling. I recently moved also and my simulator was down for the count for a few months, I used most of that time redesgning the layout and flying on the iPad...not quite the same. Good luck with the move and I look forward to seeing the pictures. DeadZone44
  6. Hi, I thought that I might throw my link out at you as you look like you are doing something similar to me. Although you are going jetliner and I went G.A., but the built process is in the same vane... I did a lot of pre-thinking and AutoCad drawings for this project...I am quite happy with it. Good luck to you and your project!! http://web.me.com/vi..._Simulator.html DeadZone44
  7. Hi MadJason12, I have that aircraft also...really fun to fly if you like GA. Sounds great too. See you in school. DeadZone44
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