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Everything posted by liv4deth95

  1. liv4deth95

    Rain on CRJ

    just finished watching the video I have to say im extremely impressed not only with this but the crj in general as well as your other planes If there was an award for every time someone raised the standard in x-plane, I can imagine you would have won that award even before this plane comes out I have 2 questions: one is there anyway I can donate? two: this rain was modeled as an object? im interested to find out how you did this and hw you got it to go on off the windshield
  2. ouch man xDhaha I agree on some points but keep in mind the amount of work put into the plane I'd say that its worth 30-40 in AMERICAN money I do not like that we pay in euros I love europeans im proud to be european but I live in america and use american money xD lol sorry ranting but If you're looking for a good quality A380 for the realistic way it flies and ok graphics I would buy Keep in mind : dont plan on using in any detailed scenery: this thing is a FPS killer for most coputers
  3. I couldn't agree more... even worse the new delta paint isnt hardly as good as the old 2003 one I liked it alot more!
  4. thats really sad damn im gonna miss the good ol' days outta minneapolis st paul with the nice service and those greatly painted 757s and especially their line of 747s >.< lol I feel pathetic im actually tearing >.<
  5. guess there wont be a northwest livery oh well, I see some other liveries I like ill buy good quality aircraft
  6. hey cool pics just wondering but howd u convert SFO so well? when i did everything was off the ground and the taxiways were missing
  7. oops my bad lol anyway might as well get the MU-2 for now will be waiting for more updates though Regards
  8. lol thats not what i was talking about i was asking a question about the CRJ on XPFW im not mistaken but I know theres a difference and btw im not saying you did but its almost like you avoided my question
  9. "i think javier is playing games with us....i am really annoyed with all this postponment week after week. I am also annoyed when people have got v2 "beta" for testing and we have nothing for so long. Finally it would be a good thing, Javier to write himself a post explaining the situation, the progress or whatever....to give us something." lol not my words but people are obviously very very anxious ahaha do you have any updates on the crj? Regards, Eric lahti
  10. I could get good pics of JFK only the outside for most buildings but some i could get inside
  11. What ever happened to XCopilot?
  12. I would love an FS Passengers plugin considering XCopilot hasn't been updated in ages anyway does anyone know what happened to XCopilot? They said they would update to V9 and I bet you half the new users or all don't know of its existence
  13. I have ran out of ideas! But here are some I have been working on: ATC plugin Radar plugin
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