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Hello folks, I seem to have a problem with the power bar to start power. when I go to lift bar to get power, the landing gears retract, causing plane to lower to the ground. i don’t know what it’s doing that all of a sudden. there is no key assignment. the gear handle is down and there is no assignment to the g key is working. what am I missing. thanks .....RobertC
Thx for the quick response, hhhmmm im wondering though can I use the mixture axis and the flap axis and not just the keys or buttons. I can move the flaps a notch at a time by just moving the flaps axis a little at a time. Seems like I should be able to assign the mixture axis to move the lever from lo to high. So let me ask is it possible to control the tbm throttles solely using axis only and not buttons. Thx....RobertC
Hello Folks, I must say that I have been simming for about twenty plus years, and I have to admit that most of it was using a moving map to help guide me from here to there. Not really utilizing tools that real pilots use. Now that im flying the Tbm 900 from HT. I want to be as real as I can get. My moving networked map stop working for some reason. I decided to see how hard its to fly without the crutch of the map aid. I find myself absolutely paying more attention to the planes moving map, and learning more about the functions of the g1000. So as a simmer versus a real pilot that can be done correct. So bottom line I think im going to stop using a moving map or some other aid that helps in flying. Just use what you pilots use as aids. I noticed right off that most pilots use an ipad to pull up information and charts. I know that most of you good simming folks probably dropped using moving maps and such things long time ago:). So is there a some good software that I can use without the aid of my three computers that are networked together. Just use my ipad to prepare a flight plan and such. Also I use Skyvector , but I shy away from them for they I believe are the real deal. So I use them sparingly. could be wrong about this. So bottom line , I want to do it as close to real as possible. And the TBM-900 by Hotstart , has made me want to up my game in simming. If they can make a better plane , I can become a better simmer. Thx......RobertC
I must agree, I have been flying sims for twenty plus years. Most time with Fsx. I have most of all the great planes. The TBM 900 is the best GA plane out here. Its for real . That plane also made me convert from FSX to X plane. Trying to figure out what took me so long. FSX 32 bit and old. Steam , FSX 32bit old, Prepar3d FSX 32 bit old. X plane 64 bit and new, I did the math. Once I went to X plane I knew then I was not going back. X plane does the TBM 900 true justice. My system is : 6700k, asus z-170 MB, GTX rgb 1070, two tere HD, 32 gig ram. All water-cooled from my specs. never gets over 31c. Imagine running it on a Samsung 49 inch gaming monitor. secondary 21 inch monitor for instructional use. If you have a good set up , you will enjoy this plane. I don't even look at the frame rate. Im not a pilot, but this plane and all of the excellent graphics of Xplane, allows me to imagine that I am. Thanks , Laminar Research and Hotstart. RobertC
Hello folks, great plane, I'm just wondering when you file a flight plan in X plane , they ask for the aircraft manufactures. I'm puzzles as to why Daher- Socata or is not on the manufactures list. Is there a way to add the manufactures If you can add your manufactures your aircraft model will appear in the model pull down box. But for some reason those two aircraft don't show up. Am I missing something. Thx...….RobertC
Hello Folks, I just want to say that this plane is the best GA plane ever in my 23+ years of simming. I owned most planes, all the great birds , but this plane is one of the best if not the best. With that said, this is a simulator, not a game or arcade type environment. It is set up to simulate real aircraft. That means all rules apply who ever can make that happen. The more advance the sim the harder it is to fly. Why, because its like jumping in a real TBM-900 and starting it up and then try to fly it. No way, unless you are a real pilot and know your way around, and even then they must read the manual and all that applies. Hot Start decided to make it as real as it gets from A to Z. And your wondering why your having problems. In my twenty years , this plane is making me use all of my sim skills to fly. And I follow all the rules the best that I can. If you have never flown a complicated plane in the sim world, then it is best advised to start with say a 172. The sim world has become mush more advance than even . It all looks so real if you have the right set up. My set up Runs my system just fine. So the more real the sim aircraft, the more difficult to fly in the sim world, let alone in the real world. You back flipped your plane, because you did not know your plane. Just like in real life. Do you realize how much damaged you did by doing that. Thanks for the reframe reload, or you would have to be Jeff Bezos to afford it:) I have destroyed , crashed, bent and destroyed props in my TBM-900. This plane is the real deal, so I learn from my mistakes and fly better. I now fly like a pro or maybe close to a pro, and I enjoy learning more and more of this great plane. Its going to take months and a couple of years to master this plane. Go jump in a real TBM-900 and see if you can do what we do in a sim. we'd all be dead by now:) Treat it like the real deal and you sir will enjoy flying this plane. In the sim world that is. 6700k, ASUS Z-170 MB, GTX rgb 1070, 32meg ram.3T hard driv. Thx..………...RobertC
Hello folks , Hot Start your TBN 900 has become my all time favorite plane to fly , in fact its the only bird I fly. And that's twenty plus years of simming, had em all , this is one of the best ever. Question, on my MFD screen five red X,s blocking out the Prop, NG, ITT,oil p., oil c, can anyone direct me as to what is happening. THX...……...RobertC
Well my friend, from what you are telling me , it sounds like computer issues. I run 6700k , Asus Z170 MB, 1070gtx/rtb, 32 gig of ram, 2 tera hard. All water cooled . Monitors My just bought 49"Samsung curved gaming monitor( it spans my whole desk) with two 27 "for support. Ch Eclipse yolk. I come from the FSX world of twenty years, and I decided to switch to X plane. And the main reason was I was tired of the old FSX and I was chasing the Hot Star TBN 900, and the only way to get it was switch over. After twenty plus years of simming, I must say it has never been better. X plane to me is just plane artwork, I cannot believe the colors and contrast and the game play. Hot Start TBN 900 is the most amazing Plane I have ever flown, and I have them all. My system runs like butter, and I don't even know the framerate. You must have a descent system for sure to have good results. I would suggest if your system is descent that you revamp it. Do a reboot on your whole system and start from scratch, and dedicate your system to just X plane only. Make sure you have plenty of Ram 16 gig at least, 32 is better. One thing about X plane it takes a long time to load in the beginning, but let it go thru its process. And when it first comes up let it sit for a few minute before you start messing with , its still loading files and such. Every now in then when I boot it up it will crash to screen, but for some reason after that it is solid as a rock. In fact this plane is so beautiful I will just sit there and look at it parked, and let it sit over night and still be sitting there in the morning. And with a 49 inch curved monitor its like sitting in the real plane. My friend im almost positive its your system that is letting you down. And a little patients, this plane is the best I have seen in a long time and you can tell it was done above well. I know , because I have bought many of a plane pmdg, carenado, etc.1000s of dollars and thousands of hours simming. Im what you call a professional simm pilot. I know how these birds should do and how much money to spend on them. This GA plane mimics every detail of a real plane , of course its going to be difficult to learn to fly. Make your system right first and I guarantee you will see great results. Fine tune the engine under your computer first , then fine tune Xplane then fine tune the TBN 900. These all must work in that order. Hope this helps, and a little patients.
Hello folks, love this bird. But im wondering is there a good fuel planner for the TBN 900. Most fuel planners don't recognize the 900. THX>>>>>>>RobertC
Thx for he fast reply I will do that next time and use .325 , if asked to use .320. Thx.....RobertC
Hello folks, this is a superb plane. However there seems to be a problem with the com radio freq. Its just one freq. that is giving me a problem. !26.320, its not the first set of numbers , its the second set that's the problem. I cannot dial in 320, it will only allow 315 below or 325 above but not 320. Atc is asking me to call 126.320. but I cannot get the last digits 320, only 315 below it or 325 above it. I have been using the default atc and 124thatcv2 , and I cannot dial in that one set of numbers on the back end 320. Is that a bug , or am I missing something. Thx.....RobertC
Sorry for the spelling, I meant Hot Start. RobertC
Well folks I solved my problem, before x plane I was a fsx user and I was running four monitors. I'm finding out the use of monitors with X plane. I decided to revamp my system and go with a single monitor, why because monitors and computers are much more advanced. my specs : 6700k, 1070gtx, 2tera, And two monitors. one monitor is 17" and my main monitor is a new Samsung 49" in curved . that monitor takes up my entire desktop. I have never seen my graphic's better . this one 49 inch gaming monitor changed the way I fly. Don't need three monitors, just the one and the second one for instructional use only . Yes I was having problems with flickering and a dim green screen with using monitors in x plane. But I was tired of the fish eye look and wasting a side view and monitor just to look out the left or right anyway. This one large 49 " screen measures 47 " across and 14" wide. its beautiful . And the graphic's are incredible. I have been a using FSX from almost the beginning and dabbled a little in X plane. I decided I have had enough of FSX(getting old) and it was time to take the full plunge into XP. The driving force was the new Hotshot tbn 900 for X plane. I know and build water cooled and regular computers for my personal pleasure. AS for X plane today in its latest form is the best I have seen in sims. As for the Hotshot 900 there is no plane out here that's better, its incredible, and I have flown and owned just about all of them. The TBN 900 and X plane coupled together is a perfect match. Also bought the Tbn 850 from Carenado for x plane and its no where in the ball park of the 900. Thanks Hot shot and X plane. Right now I'm learning X plane and how it runs. the Artwork in the scenes are incredible. buildings and plane look great at a distance. Everything runs smooth as silk the weather engine is great. I have downloaded the free ATC program 124thatcv2 , and its a great program so far. X plane 11 in my experience and Hot shot TBN 900 is the best out there right now. Thanks folks, all is good with me now. THX...……………………………….RobertC
Ok folks, im feeling that im not getting any help on this expensive software,. MY system, 6700k, 1170 tgx, 32 meg ram, 2 tera . The plane seems tp load fine but the PFD and the MFD shows up in a muted green color and not a clear screen. it also flikers. What am I missing here. if I click on the PFD or MFD the pop out is clear, but if I return to screen its a washed out green muted color and not vivid. please help. THX...……………………..RobertC