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Everything posted by DeltaV

  1. DeltaV

    Speeds in G1000?

    Shame. With such an attention to detail everywhere else I wonder why this is given a lower priority? I hope we see it one day. It is a key G1000 function that is right in front of the pilot. Maybe include it in a TBM900 Professional add-on.
  2. Framerate corrected itself after two restarts.
  3. My framerate use to be in the 30's now its 15 and less. It's now unflyable. Whats going on? Thanks
  4. I checked my damages again after shutdown and there was magical damage to multiple surfaces. All fixed now. 1.1.4 update glitch. Thanks all.
  5. I'm thinking about starting a new airframe to see if that works but then I have to start all over again.
  6. yes part of startup checklist.
  7. I check my maintenance logs before every flight. All is green.
  8. As of 1.1.4 Once I have completed my startup, I try to set my Rudder and Elevator trim for takeoff and they don't move on the MFD indicator. I can see the trim button move on the yolk so I know that the joystick mapping is correct. Whats going on here? Thanks
  9. Is there a way to enter V Speeds into the TBM900 G1000 Reference window?
  10. I agree. Remove him. Its worthless to have him there once the door is open.
  11. Thanks
  12. I don't have a TBM900/state/ folder. So how do I fix this?
  13. Mustang Citation. It has the same G1000 layout as the TBM900. Phenom 300 would be my second or a G3000 jet.
  14. How do I get the throttle lockout to work in XPlane11? I keymapped a button on my X56 to "toggle reverse", and then tried "toggle beta" per the tutorial and without pressing either button my throttle slides from Flight Power to Taxi and to Reverse Thrust and vise verse. I slid the throttle from Flight to Reverse thrust on final approach with bad results. Help please.
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