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Everything posted by Daytona125

  1. Can someone tell us how it's been addressed? I tried but I can't find any solution. Sorry, found the info I was looking for, looking forward to the update.
  2. Come on you guys. Give us this plane!!!! Can't wait.
  3. PLEASE! TAKE MY MONEY!! Can't wait!!!
  4. How about a time line(if possible) and an upgrade price from v1.9(if possible)? The reason I ask is because this plane has really piqued my interest in the MU-2 again and I'm not sure I can wait for v2, I might just buy V1.9 the pay for the upgrade later, depending on the timeline and upgrade price. If it's days I might be able to wait, if it's months there is no way I'm waiting.....
  5. I have a hot key bound to Avitab on my keyboard and I use it with some success. The problem is when Avitab opens up the image in my Oculus Quest 2 is really big, so I just grab the bottom edge to make it smaller, I can then use my mouse to do anything in Avitab, in VR, every time I open it I have to resize it this way unfortunately. On the same subject. I also have the Aerobask Eclipse 550 and it has it's own tablet with Avitab on it. I am able to do everything on this tablet including using Avitab and Navigraph, everything works without having to use any pop up window, I don't know how Aerobask did it(or Avitab) it just works great. The Aerobask Eclipse is the only one that works for me this way though.
  6. Which plane? If it's the tbm 900 make sure the radios are turned on on the far left side of the panel. 2 lights on top where it says com 1 and 2
  7. I had the same problem. Make sure the radios are on. Look to the far left of the panel and make sure the 2 lights are on for the coms(at the top). Just took me a week to figure it out lol.
  8. After total uninstall of TBM900 and total uninstall and reinstall of X-PLANE I am still having the same results, no ATC at all. Should also mention TBM is the only add-on I installed, so no other plug-in is interfering with anything. Also worth a mention is the ATC in the default 172 is working. I know things will get ironed out. In the meantime, who needs ATC? This plane is just too good to leave parked, I’m flying it anyway! Again. Thanks for the great communication again Goran! Dean.
  9. Thank you for the quick reply Goran. Tried both the g1000 and the reg default 172 from a cold point. I Then reloaded the tbm from that point. Still no joy. I am going to try to load from an already running and set up default 172 to the tbm to see if this helps. Will post my results. Again thank you for the great service Goran.
  10. Anyone else with communication issues while trying to contact ATC after filing flight plan? Every time I file a flight plan in xplane with the tbm 900 it seems to almost crash the atc part of the sim. I file the flight plan the I try to communicate with atc and I can see the radio trying to contact atc(frequency flashes every second or so and I sometime hear a small sound of the radio trying to communicate). I cannot contact anyone on the radio at all. I have tried on other aircraft, both default and purchased aircraft(flyjsim 727 and 737) and every other plane works fine. A friend of mine is also having this exact issue. I've totally deleted and re-downloaded the plane, turned windows defender off, tried everything I can think of. I am running the latest xplane beta and the latest Hotstart software. PLEASE help. I can't wait to fly this plane again..... Log.txt
  11. Thanks Xpst This one has me baffled. Friend of mine is having the same issue as me.
  12. Am I the only one? Help?
  13. Any one else having trouble filing flight plan with ATC? Can't communicate with ATC at all. Works on other planes though.
  14. I am having the same issue and unfortunately I can't downgrade to x-plane 11.3. FRUSTRATING to say the least..... I too am having WAY too many crashes to enjoy this sim. Almost ready to revert back to P3D. At least I can finish a flight without a crash......
  15. I am having the same issue and unfortunately I can't downgrade to x-plane 11.3. FRUSTRATING to say the least.....
  16. My plane gets broken every time my tail touches the ground. Learned the hard way, when reversing props on the ground DON’T let the tail hit the ground, you will write it off every time. Gets expensive!!!
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