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Everything posted by twinonwheels

  1. Hello awesome TBM 900 person.

     just looking for a button list to map ac and bleed switches 


    1. skiselkov


      I'm afraid you'll have to use datarefs for these. These do not use commands. There are tools out there that allow converting dataref access into commands. I suggest you head over to our Discord: https://discord.gg/7egEpuZ

      We have an active cockpit builder community that can recommend specific plugins and tools to do that (I'm not a cockpit builder myself, so I can't recall any off the top of my head).

    2. twinonwheels


      right on right on :) will do awesome TBM900 person

  2. anyway to map buttons for Master Warning and Master Caution in the TBM900


    1. skiselkov


      Yes, we use the stock commands for these:


      Just bind these to a key or button of your choice.

    2. twinonwheels


      cool cool cool  Thanks :)


  3. aNY WORD ON tERRA mAXX and TBM 900
  4. image.thumb.png.358923c6c127745a2d5b10d4115738f1.pngi must being doing something to cause this.

    my fix is to re-create another tbm900 and everything is good.

    this only happens when starting up another flight and continuing with same tbm900. 

    i double checked to make everything was shutdown cool. all switches down. covers on. then save tbm900 for next flight, but i seem to always return to this. 

    i will c if this happens again.

    i must be doing something wrong.

    thanks in advance

  5. This TBM900 is TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!:)

  6. image.png.0e19ea1c6305f0bb565400f278457b64.pngHello Cool person :)

    got this when installing TSM 900


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. twinonwheels


      oh i forgot to ask. can i reinstall terramaxx again. had to temp remove terramaxx due to the reloads in terramaxx

    3. skiselkov


      We are still looking into this issue. Sorry no fix for it yet.

    4. twinonwheels
  7. here too. i was forced to remove terramaxx from plugin folder till fix arrives.
  8. Right on! checking now cool cool cool
  9. anybody getting this
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