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  1. @craighardy How much RAM do you have? When I had only 16GB in my computer I would sometimes get crashes with SMP from running out of RAM. Since upgrading to 32 I haven't had any issues. Note: It wasn't necessarily SMP causing the crash, it was usually at large add-on sceneries flying something like the FFa320, so SMP was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
  2. Having the same issue. I've attached a screen shot of the error. I have SMP v4.8 installed and running in XP.
  3. @hmmelhoThe toe brakes are part of the rudder pedals for the actual aircraft and hardware computer rudder pedals. Most pedals for your PC, each pedal will rock back and forth, so you push on them with your toes to engage the brakes. If you don't have pedals then you can assign the toggle brakes command to a button on your joystick or keyboard to use the brakes.
  4. Awesome! Thank you!
  5. I noticed on the App Store preview pictures a page with Vspeeds and trim settings, but I couldn't find them in the app. Is this a feature for later on?
  6. The second screenshot labeled v1.5.1 is from a fresh download. So your "HIGH SPEED SYSTEM" value for 1.5.1 is set to 0.001?
  7. When I made the original post, 11.26. Now I'm on 11.30.
  8. After updating to v1.5.1 I noticed the aircraft was noticeably less stable than v1.5, especially on the roll axis. I kept a back-up of v1.5 so I compared the values that can affect flight performance for each version in Plane Maker. The only difference I noticed were the values corresponding to when the High Speed Artificial Stability System is in use. In v1.5 this value is set to 0,001kt, while in v1.5.1 it is set to 9,999kts. Which value is correct? v.1.5.1 is much more difficult to control than v1.5 was. I have uploaded 2 screen shot of the Art Stab screen in Plane Maker, which are labeled corresponding to their version. Thank you for you help.
  9. @CameronThat's what I thought but it isn't available to install anymore.
  10. Was checking liveries and I noticed the Aloha Air Cargo is not available in the download manager. Was this livery removed?
  11. I can confirm #2 as well. The trim almost maxes out in the up position on approach on 1.5.1. I re-installed a back up of 1.5 to test and the trim setting stayed within the green. The aircraft's roll axis in 1.5.1 seems more unstable too.
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