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About CptIceman

  • Birthday 04/18/1968

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  1. No. I just want to map my Bravo throttle quadrant same button. It was working in prior versions, but I just updated and it is not working anymore. I did a clean reinstall and see if this helps.
  2. Odd, it didn't work when I tried it. I will try again. Thx.
  3. Can you tell me please which command is the one to activate the TO/GA at the throttle quadrants, please?
  4. Hello thank you for your answer. The only command showing is the AP_disengage. I am looking for the rest of the AP_ commands and I looked for them in the Xplane keyboard search function and they are not showing up. DRT scans all of the available datarefs and commands. As you can see from my screenshot above the one that you are showing is showing also in the DRT tool. I cannot find the command for engaging TOGA.
  5. I tried but the default XP commands are not working. I am not able to engage TOGA and then disconnect the autothrottle at final. If you can indicate which commands are the ones that I need to use. I have been browsing without any success. On the other hand, was there some reason to remove these commands?
  6. Here is what the data ref tool is reporting as the only available commands for the latest version. Only one autopilot command is available.
  7. Hello. I just installed the 1.5.2 of the plus version and trying to configure my HC controllers, the commands for the autothrottle disengage, TOGA, etc are missing. I searched for the commands with the dataref editor and with the joystick assignments but none of this set are available. I am doing something wrong. Thx. Also on the replay the aircraft goes completely out of energy and it goes cold and dark. Cheers! PS XP 12.1 RC
  8. Yup maybe. It will be weird though to call 10,000 ft and have a pop un menu... If not I can always turn on and off the no smoking... A minor change in the SOPS... Haha Cheers! PS thanks for the adjustment in the start engines reaching out 23% ish N2 at high altitude. Hopefully the new revised engine model in 12.0.8 will address the other issues of spooling too fast. Even the APU fires like a rocket.
  9. Hello IXEG team. When things are beautiful, it is then that some of us are always finding thing to say... haha. In this case it is just a preference of an old habit/SOPS from my former airlines. The 10,000 ft AGL to advice the crew of sterile cabin procedures, we used to chime twice with the ATTND button at the overhead panel. However in the IXEG this brings up the menu in the middle of the screen... hahaha I understand the "functionality" of this, but is there a way that we can have this behavior as an option? Thank you for reading the words of a nostalgic B737 flight man. Cheers!
  10. Fun to watch these liveries, since AMX never had the 300. But hey, we are in the sim world. Cheers!
  11. As a side note. the B733 wings are not really that flexible in their whole structure, they are mostly rigid as the 732. Flex wings came out later with new materials technology. They do balance in turbulence air but you will not see them even in take off flexing upwards when they start generating lift as others. Cheers!
  12. Nice. Can you also adjust the taxi lights. They are very dim at night. I have to turn on the landing light to see the yellow line... hahha
  13. Ha, I was about to post a video of the starting at high altitudes. There are 3 different ILS approaches for MMMD. The problem is that the FMC just reads the data of the first one. Selecting any of these approaches on the FMC results in only selecting the ILS DME 01 I am attaching the xml file for the sid/star so you can have a look. Cheers mmmd.xml
  14. What do you mean "Old guys"... We are still very young mate. At these higher altitudes you will never get 25% but 23.8 to 24.0 You should not add fuel at lower N2% or you will flood the engine and it could cause a hot start, damaging the engine. The lower limit you should get is 20% N2 but after max the motoring.
  15. Yes, of course, I selected the course in the MCP to intercept, flying with HDG mode, and the VOR tuned in the radio for a VOR/DME approach. At that time in Mexico we only had a few RNAV approaches and it was very seldom for us to use them. Most of them were old school even for Mexico City. On the other hand regarding the N2. I see that your alt is NEG? Try starting the engines at MMMX. it is 7,340 ft ASL. I don't have a bunch of plugins. The basic ones I believe I will record a video and post it. Cheers
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