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Everything posted by ncc1701e

  1. I see. I was wondering about the same thing that how much more rendering power that would take but then you see videos like this and wonder how it's done if on a single machine.
  2. I would like to know what is the best software/technique to view multiple views in X-plane on the same computer while using just one monitor. Like in FSX you can have the cockpit as your primary view but you can have a smaller view inset in the corner that is showing an outside view in simultaneously.
  3. You are welcome. I had a very hard time with the written manual as well when I was first struggling with it but when I realized what a beautifully detailed model this is and all the hard work that went into making it, I can't blame the author for not wanting to release it without writing an extensive English manual which would have been timely and costly to any aircraft developer, especially since I think English is not his primary language. I hope to completely demystify this aircraft through my tutorials and perhaps create a gateway to understanding other eastern bloc aircraft and more complex aircraft (eastern or western for that matter) should more find their way into the X-Plane world.
  4. Overhead panel upper portion tutorial
  5. Thank you, just added one more today!
  6. This is my continuation of the An-24's tutorials. This is an introduction to the cockpit of the An-24. Minor supplemental features are also discussed. More to come in the future. Stay tuned.
  7. Very nice settings. Thanks for showing.
  8. Jim Kallinen, with your system's impressive specs, is it possible to ask for a shot of your rendering settings? I'm curious what a system like that can handle. Much obliged.
  9. I see. Thanks for the detailed advice. Greatly appreciate it. It seems there's is still a bit more ways to go before the new blender/python versions get a complete import functionality into the xplane2blender script.
  10. Are X-Plane 10 .obj format and the Wavefront .obj the same thing? I am asking because in Blender 2.69 with Xplane2Blender 3.20, I see an option for X-Plane .obj export in File->Export, but I don't see anything related to X-Plane in the File->Import menu but I do see a Wavefront .obj option there. So I was wondering if its the same format and how would I import an X-Plane object into Blender 2.69. Thanks
  11. Great. I appreciate the info. It's a very useful start for me to get back into it. Thanks.
  12. I haven't made any scenery since v9 and was getting back into it and wanted to know whether Overlay Editor is still used or is the new and improved WED all that is needed. I guess another way of asking is what are some of the things I might want to do with OE that WED still lacks? Also, can anyone tell me what is the latest version of blender that is correctly working with the xplane2blender scripts? much obliged.
  13. Work in progress. Will be continued based on feedback for demand. Comments welcome.
  14. Hi James. I actually added my narration later. I flew first and recorded with fraps. I then added my audio narration and tried to make it sound like I was doing it as I was flying. I didn't do both simultaneously. Im not that good yet I used the outcome of fraps and threw it into Camtasia for narration and callouts just and you recommended doing. I found the experience very pleasant and fun. I had never done a video with this much diligence before. I liked it just as much as flying X-Plane itself. I look forward to doing more videos and hope to get better and better. They only thing I missed that Camtasia didn't seem to have was a custom user defined sketch motion callout as opposed to the pre-built-in sketch motion callouts. I found a point where I wanted to define my own motion but couldn't. Overall though, Camtasia is very user friendly and intuitive. Thanks again for all your guidance. It really pointed me in the correct direction about a topic I knew little to nothing about. Cheers.
  15. My first attempt at video with narration.
  16. Wow! I had no idea of this plugin being in the works. Simply amazing! You are correct, this is a game changer indeed!
  17. I just now had the time to fully watch your videos James. Very well done, excellent quality.
  18. Will it include a paint kit?
  19. I see. Thanks much.
  20. JimboG, what settings in Camtasia video/audio have you come to like that produce the right balance between quality and file size. Obviously if the intent is YouTube one would want 1080p but have you come to like a particular bit rate/framerate which I guess is what is adjusted by the quality slider control just before the rendering step in Camtasia. What about audio bit rate?
  21. Ok thanks for the video, I'll check out the trial version. Thanks again for all the help.
  22. Ok thanks very much.
  23. I was making a flight and realized that I do not know what this symbol(indicated by red arrow) on my GPS means. It seems to be a "zero" or "O" moving horizontally amongst three short vertical lines. Any help in understanding it much appreciated. Thanks.
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