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Everything posted by sthai

  1. Hello, According to [1] X-Plane 10.20 is final since more than two weeks now. Considering that other vendors already provided a 64bit versions, when can we expect ours? Thanks a lot & Best regards, sthai [1] X-Plane 10.20 and Bug Fixes
  2. Hello, ISA+8 means that ambient temperature is 8 degrees K above the standard temperature as defined by the ISA atmosphere for the altitude. At sea level, for example, ISA standard temperature would be 15 degC. ISA+8 is then 23 degC. Best regards, sthai
  3. Hello, First off: I am having loads of fun with this work! Thanks! There is just one thing I noticed, which is probably not only related to the CRJ, but I want to start here. I am running XP 9.7 and the 'lite' version of the CRJ. When I go to outside view and look at this marvel from various angles, then I get good FPS all around. Only when I look dead on front of the plane or about 45 degrees (i.e. along the leading edge of the right wing), it suddenly drops to 19.0. Moving just a few (less then 10 degrees) away from this position, FPS increase by 10-20! Did anyone else experience that? Can it be explained? Can I do anything against it? Thanks a lot & Best regards, sthai
  4. Hello, This opens a question for me: In FADEC controlled engines there is an approach idle setting, which is actually required to achieve the certification acceleration requirements. The CRJ is not FADEC controlled, hence an approach idle detent is more difficult to realise. Is there however a procedure in place that instructs the pilots not to retard the throttle below a certain setting during approach? I hope there is any real world CRJ pilot out there willing to share. Thanks in advance!
  5. Hello Michael, Now I am really curious, as I am constantly looking for the best. Which are the planes you refer to as being better than the CRJ? I am honestly curious. Please reply. Thanks & Best regards
  6. Cameron et al., it seems obvious that you know that certain processors do not have the capacity to run the plugins and this seems to be strongly related to core frequency. So publishing a minimum processor speed would do no harm at all. Michael, You remind me of the people that say something like: Well, I can judge that the ingredients and the way the food was prepared is first grade. However, because I don't like fish, I will give it the lowest possible grade. You see, being too subjective will just cause entropy by misleading those that are dependent on what they see as more experienced. The latter is, btw, the reason for publishing reviews.
  7. Hi Urbanex, You are too fast! AC tries to maintain speed limitations by pulling up. Relax the throttle and all will be fine. Best regards, sthai
  8. Hello Same here on MacBook 2.4C2D. Both cores max out, which does not seem right. Maybe something in the run loop of the plugin? Best, St
  9. For those that want to practice with an FMC I propose vasFMC. I am using after's Falcon 7x from the org with it to prepare for the great arrival!
  10. A bit off topic, I know, but Javi: What happened to the CRJ banner in your posts? May we congratulate for something (or someone)?!? Best, St
  11. Haha! Silence on the planet, because everyone is reading!
  12. I am very grateful to see that there are people out there taking the things they do so seriously! Thanks for all your efforts and may the fruits of them be as numerous and tasty as you dreamed them to be. Let's also not forget the families of the guys behind this. Be it pay ware or not, these kind of undertakings always require a lot of support and understanding from everyone involved. Best regards & un abrazo a todos, sthai
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