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Everything posted by allegro

  1. Hi all, I tried a flight last night - handflying without any interaction with the FMC. The plane ran well for the most part but I noticed that the NAV radios continually were resetting - it appeared to be auto-setting itself to the nearest VOR - or at least, a nearby VOR. Is this expected? If so, is there some way to get it to not do that?
  2. I'll be at Twin Oaks this weekend for the monthly EAA pancake breakfast. It's a wonderful little field. It's actually the closest field to where I live, so I've considered doing my training there, but the CFI I want to use is out of Hillsboro (another great field but about 15 minutes farther away). If you're ever in the Portland area, you owe it to yourself to visit 7S3 in person as it's an exceptional little family-run airport with a great sense of community. And the scenery is BANG ON!!
  3. Ah, very good news. I can easily just fly with the 3d cockpit and edit the textures then. Thanks!
  4. Hi Jim, Thanks for the note. I'm actually not concerned about the fuselage - its' the cockpit I would like to change as seeing N400CM staring at me all the time causes my brain to flinch whenever I try to use a different callsign online :-) Could you consider perhaps in the next release a relatively simple solution - have the plane look for a 'tailnumber.txt' file in the same directory as the .acf and if present use that as the plaque?
  5. Looks absolutely incredible. The CRJ has always been my favorite airliner. Curious, does the real FMC support any VNAV functionality? If not, what is the usual descent mode/profile? I'm sure it's in the 3rd manual. Just curious.
  6. Hi, Fantastic aircraft. I've now logged 10 legs on PilotEdge and really enjoy flying this aircraft. It is far superior to the Eaglesoft model for MSFS. One question. How do I remove the N400CM and substitute my own tailnumber? I am new to X-Plane and used to MSFS where this is configured in the aircraft selection. Thanks, Tim
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