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Everything posted by Nicola_M

  1. Looking very nice. Even more so, considering how quickly it's coming on, too.
  2. "Fly to Australia for only 372 cans of beer." That's a LIFETIME'S worth.....
  3. How are we doing, Guy? Hope it's not keeping you overworked.
  4. "Started in 2010" is nothing. They've been doing the Saab 340 in that time, and planes take years (not months) from drawing board to release date. As end-users, it's easy to forget that. It's not all doom and gloom, though. Guy M-P has been saying he's determined his DH Comet will be xp9 compatible. Wooo hoooo! http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/2164-de-havilland-comet-4c/
  5. Move on. There's absolutely nothing at the org you can't live without, and you can drive yourself nuts getting worked up about it. So what if the org banned you, there are better places. Like here.
  6. No one's doing anything for xp9 any more. We don't count.
  7. How the heck did we go from Air Force One to pink bmws?
  8. I don't see the problem with scrolling. We have to do it on every website. It bothers me more than it's often two weeks from one article to the next, and I spend more time hitting their website daily to find nothing's changed. I know they've been off sailing and Chip did say months ago that he'd like someone else to take over the reins, but current management's either got their eye on other things or it's just slow. That said, a year ago it was updated almost daily because there was new content. But I have noticed that for months the xplane world has been slow, devoid of new items as xp10 users wait for things like the 340 and the 737. For those of us on xp9 there hasn't been anything of note for months. I don't think I've downloaded one single thing at all this year. Nothing. At this rate I'll have to start doing liveries again.....
  9. At least he has a good choice of plane - the venerable old 747. Nice video btw.
  10. That'd be most Americans, Europeans, certainly Middle Easterners. Japanese might not hate him.
  11. Back on topic, I've emailed Chip n Simon in the hope they'll do a full review of the Saab on xsimreviews. Their reviews are much better than just a snippet mention on another forum.
  12. Yeah, I still can't figure out why I didn't see the sodding great tailfin though. But it looks like what I saw.
  13. Just found this, and from a different angle and further away, it does sort of look like what I saw. It's the aircraft from post #10, but from this angle it looks remarkably similar. Plus, I read somewhere it's got a connection to Duxford.
  14. That's because the street shot is FOR ILLUSTRATION.
  15. Yeah, that's the route I took - googling delta-winged aircraft. I know it wasn't a Vulcan. Far too small, no jet noise, far too slow too. I can't find anything delta-winged (rounded delta wings too) the size of a small monoplane. Small delta-wings are rare as it is, let alone ones with such rounded ends. Just hoping Duxford have the answer, as I don't.
  16. I still think it's some sort of old prototype. Just been googling Duxford UFO, and just for the record this (below) is NOT what I saw. (Its wings are too pointy).
  17. No, what you linked to is too angular, too many sharp edges. This thing was rounded, like in the drawings I put up.
  18. In the sleepiest part of the UK possible? My thoughts are that it's either some sort of 1950s prototype from Duxford, or it's a more modern design. Whatever it is, I ain't seen nothin like it before. If it's a modern design, I'd expect to see it in google, or find a link to it. Can't be that many (any?) small, private, delta-wing aircraft on the market.
  19. Yeah, I believe in UFOs but I'm not convinced this was one. The way the monoplane wasn't getting-the-heck-outta-there made me think either he's blind, or it's a mate in it, ie man-made.
  20. I think they need to alter his medication or something. Whatever it is, the dosage is too high.
  21. Yesterday afternoon I was working in the garden and spotted something flying alongside a conventional low-wing single prop monoplane. I pointed it out to friends with the words "what the heck is that?" but they're not aviation-minded and wouldn't know the difference between an Airbus and a sorbet. I've tried googling delta-winged private/small aircraft and all things of that ilk, but I can't find anything that even comes close. All I know is it was flying towards IWM Duxford airfield, and both it and the monoplane were together - a wing's length apart - and same speed, about 110-120kts. It looked to me like they were travelling together, ie two buddies going from A to B and were keeping pace. There's no way the monoplane pilot could have missed it, and if it had been a UFO I doubt anyone would want to fly alongside it. Me, I'd be bank right, full throttle, nose down, anything to get away from it. The way the monoplane pilot flew in a straight line with this thing right next to him means he was either blind, or it was man-made. I couldn't tell if the object had a prop, but definitely no vertical tailplane, and looked about 20-25ft long. I'm stumped. Not saying it's a UFO, as the way it kept with the monoplane, and the monoplane seemed to be travelling with it, made me think it was man-made. And anyway, UFOs are meant to be round. I've never seen anything like it. Does anyone know, or have a clue, of any planes that look like this? edit: I've emailed IWM Duxford for advice, as it's the nearest airfield, but not expecting a reply back. What the object would have looked like from above/below: And as I saw it from below and to the side (pointy end travelling forwards, ie down and to the left in this image): And direction of travel compared to me. (A random street view, not mine, used to show direction of travel in relation to me, to show that I could see the underneath, its profile, and also that my view should have enabled me to see any tailplane).
  22. Heavens, he was a bit intense, wasn't he? What is it about this hobby that attracts them? He reminds me of the human version of Roger Rabbit.
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