I have a problem with the command Les/cmd/cw/switch/pilot_pitch_trim pos
And the same neg.
Without autopilot if i push for neg i have trim up...
Instead the vs with the autopilot work good for me.
Inviato dal mio ASUS_X008D utilizzando Tapatalk
I have an observation,i tink that the gpu in Real operation can't stay under the wing becouse it can explode or fire...maybe near the wing but not under.
Not fondamental. I love this plane.
Inviato dal mio ASUS_X008D utilizzando Tapatalk
When i try i don't Have this confused route but a linear route with the intersection like the normal star...maybe i delete some point...i don't remember....but if i add or delete point the route don t have discontinuity the lnav must work. On the intersection lnav on caos
Inviato dal mio ASUS_X008D utilizzando Tapatalk
Lavr transition is possible from ixeg 737 fmc with that approch.
Than it will be possible and correct also efass have the option of that transition.
Inviato dal mio ASUS_X008D utilizzando Tapatalk
Ok. The problem is that i mast use a button for autothrottle disconnect instead of the mpc button? I understand correct? Thanks for your answer.
Inviato dal mio ASUS_X008D utilizzando Tapatalk
On take off i add thrust with my throttle joystick and after 40% n1 i push n1 button i assigned on my joy.
In that case the throttle work.
If i disconnect autopilot ( with disconnect bar or assigned button on joy from ixeg 737 list command) and turn off utothrottle the joystick throttle don t move the 737 fisic throttle...(no n1 increase or decrease)and i must turn on autothrottle again.
Win 7 64bit x plane 10