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Everything posted by Hullu-poika

  1. Thank you for answer. I suppose I have got an idea based on your comments. You do a good job. And I hope existing bugs will be eliminated in future. Good luck!
  2. Hi to everyone! Thanks for a new release! But I find a model for XP11 still a bit different from XP10 model. I have not had a look at any performance numbers yet. But the difference can be visible anyway. First of all XP11 model is much more powerful (at least on ground). It also feels "heavier" (I actually like it). Especially in a pitch direction. Also it frequently overshoots and has higher bank angles in lateral direction. Also I can see some functional changes. There are no flight directors any more on takeoff untill one of autopilot modes are engaged. If I fly with VNAV on cruize level changing the MCP altitude before T/D point causes VNAV mode disangegement. VIsual aspects are minor for me: it is too glance looking outside for me. But it is much more annoying looking at the PFD and ND in default clouds: there are some strange kind of reflections in this case. After a two days flying with new version I have a question to developers. Is this right that the XP10 model is still more accurate than XP11 model? Would you recommend to stay with XP10 up to now?
  3. I have the same random crashes usually during turn-around flight. But I guess it is more XEnviro problem because a crash occures at the event of weather update.
  4. Yeah! Thanks for answers! Yesterday I had exactly 164 degrees and 4 knots wind. Therefore I could not see wind indication on ND and all worked properly! Good to know ))
  5. Hello! Having v1.1 now I have found no wind indication on navigation display despite I can see actual wind on the overhead panel. Do I do something wrong?
  6. Sorry, may be this question has been already discussed. But what is the general approach now? Does it mean that we will have two aircraft versions for XP10 and XP11? I am realy appreciate cuurent flight model in XP10. And it will be a pity if it is getting worse by some reason.
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