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Everything posted by cap10jaf

  1. Success! You were correct. I needed to change one more setting! Thank you!!
  2. Installer won't accept my email address? see attached.
  3. Issue found. 100% My fault. I cannot explain how the OpenWXR (for FSJ B732 & 727) wound-up in my global plugins folder. It was suppose to be in each planes plugin folder (which it was). All other plugins have been added back and all is well. Sorry for my troubles. Greg
  4. Goran and Saso, I'm happy to report that I have the TBM working now after removing all plugins except these: Now I will begin the task of adding them back one at a time until the failure returns. Of course I'll report my results back here. Thank you both so much for the amazing work you do for X-plane! Greg
  5. I've been thinking about adding a new SSD because I'm almost out of space. I will need to do that first. Thanks again for you help Goran. I'll check back to see what Saso says, but I'm done for tonight. Good night.... Greg
  6. I have tried 4 airports stock, add-on, and payware. All in the US.
  7. Results: Loaded with cockpit visible for three seconds, then crash to desktop. Log.txt
  8. Hi Goran, I removed skunkcraft plugin: crash to desktop. I removed all plugins except: This allowed X-plane to start with the TBM tutorial playing with sound, but the entire screen was solid gray other than the tutorial dialog box. Changing internal and external views did nothing, I have just a solid gray screen. Log attached. Log.txt
  9. Hi Goran, I had already tried that based on previous forum posts, and it allows the sim to load to the point where I see the cockpit panel (actually two panels stacked on top of each other). I see that for about 2-3 seconds then the sim crashes to desktop. FWIW I also ran the TBM unistaller and did a fresh download and reinstall before this test. Thanks, Greg Newest logs attached. Screen cap of moment before CTD update: Based on another forum post I did a test. By deleting the the two files in the TBM plugins>systems>win_x64 folder, the plane will load but not operate. Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  10. Hi Goran, Drivers have been updated now. X-plane seems to be loading the flight normally, but shuts-down before seeing the cockpit. Latest log attached Thank you for your help, Greg Log.txt
  11. I just purchased today and cannot get the plane to work. It starts by saying my last flight was not finished, and when I choose to resume or start new X-plane hangs on a gray screen. log attached. Log.txt
  12. Any idea how many more weeks it will be until the update?
  13. I've already shown that I'm prone to misinterpretation, but this seems to be your way of saying that X-Aviation is your hobby, not your business? I'm cool with that as a hobbyist and business owner myself. It's just killing me that you have these Rock-Star developers selling their products exclusively on your site, yet your forum front page is from March 20? Let somebody help you now, before the XP11 opportunity leaves you in its wake. Peace, GD
  14. From the LES Facebook page... I was wrong to assume, but it leads one to believe you two are having a problem. I apologize for my assumption. GD
  15. Damn it. A few weeks because of "specific details"?$ I'm desperately missing my Saab and situations like this do more harm than good to each of your brands. The X-plane community is gathering new potential customers everyday, and you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Please try to expedite things for your common good (and mine). Peace, GD
  16. Final report. It was windowless mode causing the issues. I switched to windowed and everything is working beautifully in both XP10 and XP11. Greg D.
  17. Well guys, this is confusing to me but is making me think it's something with my system. Sorry I'm posting this in the XP11 bug thread but this is were the issue was first realized. I just attempted my first IXEG flight from Orlando to Atlanta in XP10. The first part of the flight was flawless, but as I began the decent I started to have limited control of the heading knob, then noticed similar issues with other click and drag functionality. At one point I couldn't move the heading knob at all, but then regained very limited movement. Now this is the interesting part. I flew in windowless mode and when I attempted to exit the sim the menu bar would appear, the disappear before I could select anything. Same thing repeated over and over and I finally used task manager to shut it down. I'm using a Logitech wireless mouse and a Sony 43" 4K tv if any of that helps. I appreciated any help you may have. Thank you, Greg
  18. Understood, and thank you you again. By the way, the plane is absolutely amazing. "Spectacular job" doesn't say nearly enough to all those involved. Greg D.
  19. Sorry to quote myself but I have more information. I downloaded X-plane 10 and installed the IXEG 737 and everything works normally. Re-tried it in XP11 but the knobs still won't turn. One new question. I also installed the hotfix from the forum sticky. Was that required and or harmful? I'm not sure if my new purchase included it, but the date on the installer said it was pre-hot fix as far as I could tell. Thank you again, Greg
  20. Hello Ben, Thank you for your fast reply. I had to wait until I got home from work to try this but unfortunately it didn't work. I'll attach the files you requested. If it helps, you should know that when I said it's a new system, I mean it's new-car-smell new. i6700K/GTX10 ect. but none of the stuff like Visual C++ my old system had. Thank you again very much for helping me learn, Greg D. GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  21. Alright guys, here's my first post here and my trial by fire. Please forgive my ignorance. Following years of flight-simming on the other side, I tried the beta X-plane 11 free demo, and loved the feel so much I had to buy it. I purchased the IXEG 737 as my first add-on after reading others were already using it in XP11 (understanding it's X-plane 10 at this time). The issue I have is with the "click and drag" cockpit manipulation when trying to turn knobs. My sim shows "the little hand" but I get absolutely nothing when dragging horizontally or in any other way. I'm running a new system on windows 10 FWIW. Can anybody help me understand what might be wrong? Thank you for your time, Greg D.
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