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  1. Thanks for your suggestion! I will go have a look!!
  2. Hi! Thanks so much for your suggestion! I think it has solved this Issue for me .. So far it has worked well for the last 3-4 flights!
  3. Thanks a lot!!
  4. Hi! There seems to be only few lieveries for v2 MU-2.. Where can I find more of it? Thanks! ps. Those made for previous version (v1.x) can be used for v2?
  5. Thanks a lot!
  6. Oh! I get it now! Thanks a lot! It's really a lot more complicated and detailed simulated!
  7. Thanks a lot for the clear explanation!
  8. Oh! I didn't notice there is a similar one on the right! I think you are right!
  9. Hi! I have just purchased this plane and read through the manual. However, I cannot find out what the yellow handle near the elevator trim wheel is for. Please see the picture. Could someone please tell me? Thanks!
  10. Thanks a lot! I will try it later!
  11. Hi! After trying for a few more times, I find that it's not solved... It happened later again if I tried to make a second flight (after reloading XP11). Sometimes it works if I reboot my PC, but sometimes not.
  12. Hi! I have just purchased this aircraft and read through the manual but still am a little confused about feather/un-feather the Prop. If I load a whole new flight in the sim and start the engine as usual( the prop was "flat", unfeathered), and then stop the engine with the condition lever pulled to Emergent stop, then the prop will stay feathered after the engine stopped( like the first attahced picture) At that time, if I pulled the power lever to Reverse and press and hold the Unfeather button, the prop would not became unfeathered or flat(so not on the lock) and the engine would not start again. What have I missed or done wrong? Why can't I unfeather or lock the prop again? Thanks! BTW, could anyone please tell me what is the handle(in the red circle) for in the second picture? Thanks!
  13. Hi! Sorry! After I restart my PC, it's normal now~~~ Thanks for helping me!
  14. Thanks! Yes, it's up to date.. and set as Master device in GTN1. I have posted my setting. Could you please help me confirm that it was set correctly?
  15. Hi! Here is the screenshot.. The GTN is up to date and is set to Master.....
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