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Everything posted by w9nwrwi

  1. Colin, Looks like you might have a good start on a topical collection of aircraft. You might enjoy: http://stampbears.net/thread/2280/aircraft-stamps-world If you decide to persue it, you will find tons of info about all aspects of it on the net. It can become addictive in your search for new material. Chuck
  2. Excellent Jan, Worked as you described, and I thank you AGAIN... Will copy and paste to the .org so others may, like you say, benefit. Chuck
  3. Did not have any luck at the .org to my question so will try here. I want to correct some signage errors which have been showing up in Log.txt, in this case at ESSV, Visby. Wed 1.3 is open, I select apt.dat (within Custom Scenery/Global airports) and then select ESSV within WED. All is good, signs, runway, etc (no hangers, aircraft) go to the hierarchy panel on the right. I make the changes to the signs, run a Validation, and get the all ok. Since we are reminded from the Gateway instructions to also include the DSF for the airport, I select the DSF for ESSV and it is inserted into the WED Hierarchy panel. so far so good. Now I run another Validation and get the "You cannot export airport overlays to the X-plane Gateway if overlay elements are outside airports in the hierarchy" alert. Looking at the Hierarchy panel that makes sense since I now have two major items in the panel, Visby and the next one way below the runways, signs, etc. sits the Earth nav data\ file that I was supposed to send also to the Scenery Gateway. Of course since I have the hierarchy alert it is not going to go. I am doing something wrong, but I sure can not figure it out. Without the DSF I could send in the sign changes but not both (apt & dsf) at the same time. I assume that Gateway needs both at the same time? With both APT data and DSF data in the hierarchy pane panel, how do those of you who have submitted proceed with your inputs? Thanks for any help, Chuck
  4. WED 1.3 is available here: http://developer.x-plane.com/tools/worldeditor/ WED 1.3 Manual is available here: http://developer.x-plane.com/docs/scenery/worldeditor-wed-manual-v1-3/ Chuck
  5. MRD, If you cannot find KPIA at the various X-plane sites you might want to try your hand at WED. http://developer.x-plane.com/tools/worldeditor/ KPIA might be a bit much if your just starting out, might want to try a small one first. Chuck
  6. Very nice John, Just what I was trying to get. Looks good. I appreciate your work and support of your products in such a timely manner.. Always someting to pique our interest. Thanks, Chuck
  7. w9nwrwi


    I might add that in your next post you tell us what your computer specs are. RAM, GPU type and VRAM in it, etc. Will help folks to determine if your system will handle your xplane Rendering settings, and provide a base for folks to help you out. Chuck
  8. Cosmo, I find this one quite usefull: http://www.xflightplan.com/ Chuck
  9. Nils, I have had good luck in the last few weeks using Lizard Tech GeoViewer. Get your airport from the National Map site as a JP2 and GeoViewer will export it to a file as a Geotiff. Few mouse clicks and its done and ready as your overlay. Chuck
  10. Thanks for the response Cameron, I was not aware of the issue of tuning being view dependent. That sure can run the aggravation factor up and I hope that LR will come up with a fix at some point. Will operate then under those conditons and requirements. Chuck
  11. Hi Angelo, Well I took your "view" advice and it worked, both sides. I found that I must be looking at an angle and not right on it. A frontal shot and it will not work. Well, I will have to accept that, but it is strange. I got the Left Magneto to engage finally, but it took a lot of manipulating. If I remember right it was view sensitive also in some manner, kind of hard to explain when the repeatability is position sensitive or so it seems. Anyway, thanks for your hints, they are appreciated. Chuck
  12. Hello Angelo, I will give that view a try, but it seems to me that view should not make any difference. As long I have the +/- circle come up then the adjustment should be made. Regarding the Magneto switch. The right one will toggle after much playing around with it. Engine start once the magneto toggle point is found is working. But the left one will not move at all. I do not have any problem starting the engines IF the magneto switch will toggle, that is the trouble, magneto switch will not move. Thanks for your reply, Chuck
  13. Thanks for the update Cameron, But, I observe the following; 1. Altimeter knob for both pilot and copilot is inoperative. No amount of manipulaton of the +/- circle will change to make an adjustment. 2. The left magneto switch will not switch at all. No amount of manipulation of the +/- circle will allow a switch to any function, L, R, or Both. The right magneto switch will (after much playing around) switch to both, but it does not take effect (switch movement) on the first try. Its a hit and miss situation with the right magneto switch. 3. The igniton toggle now works properly and will toggle each time it is initiated. Chuck
  14. Cameron, I do not have a file named DC-3 install. Is there a file with that actual name and should it be under X-Aviation? See edit below Would you pefer a DC-3 Uninstall (which I see) and a new download & Setup run? See edit below EDIT: I got it working now Cameron. I invoked my backup on a flash stick, the Setup.exe, when It asked if I wanted to delete my copy of DC-3 I told it no. I watched the process and saw the Gizmo file whiz by as it picked up what was missing. Checked it out quickly and so far so good, all gauges and yoke anitmation works, auto pilot seems ok now also. The only problem I have is I cannot get those darn magneto switchs to toggle from cold and dark. The right one goes over fairly easy but the left is a no-go. Will continue to see if I can get it to work. Chuck
  15. Cameron, Gizmo appears in the X-plane Resouces plug-in directory, but does not appear in the sim; Plugin/Plugin Admin/Plugin Information. Gizmo Log.txt attached.GizmoLog.txt
  16. Cameron, Log.txt attached I see a problem within it: Fetching plugins for C:\Users/Charles/Desktop/X-Plane 10/Resources/plugins Loaded: C:\Users/Charles/Desktop/X-Plane 10/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin/64/win.xpl. C:\Users/Charles/Desktop/X-Plane 10/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/64/win.xpl : Error Code = 126 : The specified module could not be found. Loaded: C:\Users/Charles/Desktop/X-Plane 10/Resources/plugins/SeaTraffic/64/win.xpl. Looks like Gizmo could not be found. Log.txt
  17. Goran, Looked a bit closer, here is what we have. On the ground both variants. Cannot turn either magneto switches, turning circle is there, but no amount of dragging will turn the switches. To check the following I used a "location" & "3 minute out." Wheels varient: No Indicated Air Speed reading. Dial at 0. No 2 minute turn indication -------------No Vertical rate of climb indication ( + or -)------->-EDIT: Now working--just came out of pause. No Baro alt adjust Both pilot and copilot positions show the same thing. Floats varient: All indications are the same as wheels with the exception of the Vertical rate of climb indication which is working. Was hoping that someone else could check and see if the same thing is going on. Chuck
  18. I have somewhat of the same problem since upgrading to the new version. 1. I find the Magneto switch(s) will not or are extremely hard to switch to Both. 2. The Ignition switch will not toggle the engines to crank. 3. I now have no Indicated Air Speed. Checked by starting my location at 3 miles out. An adjunct program (Plan-G) does show my air speed. Can anyone else confirm this??? Chuck
  19. Larjeet, I will go back over there and try again. I was logged into flightsim.com. I started by selecting just one area, +40-90, and their download area showed just that area for download. I did not select the whole package, would not even know how to do that. If based on the amount of time (10 minutes in your case) for a download, maybe my paid membership is not taking. Well, like I said I will go back over and see what gives. My time said it would be around 8 hours just for the one +40-90. Thanks
  20. Well I tried, even with Flightsim.com First Class Membership, and the .AU site. I have about 20 hrs trying to get 1 area. On to other things, maybe try in 6 months. Pardon my tone, but its soooo aggravaing and I know absolutly nothing about torrent, but thats not your problem. I sincerly appreciate your options and a great looking product from the screen shots. Chuck
  21. I downloaded the file from flightSim.com with their paid membership option. My question is, are those files that I listed corrupt based on what I see file type?? Thank you for the link. Chuck
  22. Downloaded the +40-090-north_american file last night...about 12 hours. I have a question on file types that I now have. My file types are: zip Archive....I assume that is correct 873,853 KB PART File....I question this one Have about 12 of them with varied amounts of sizes. Zip Archive......of 0 KB I have 13 of those. Is this normal? Thanks, Chuck
  23. I had to pull my DC-3 to the wash rack twice to get the dust off from non-use. I would of taxied it over but the high oil pressure problem was a grounding write up. I would imagine that now that the Sabb is running maybe maintenance can get around to the ol workhorse DC-3. Standing by..........................
  24. Any further news on the DC-3 update for compass and oil pressure? Thanks, Chuck
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