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Everything posted by Bidartarra

  1. For me RTH seemed to mess up the horizon, it's fine in Ventura sky. both great plug ins though .
  2. When seeing those planes landing videos, the comoression seem to happen in 2 stages : the plane touches down, the compression is light, the wing generate enough lift to make the aircraft light on the gears. then the speed brakes deploy the lift is greatly reduced and the gears compress to their on the ground position. Touch down, speed brakes, plane "sits". Never saw that modelled in any sim.
  3. Thanks for the explanation. Can someone try to get ATIS at KMCI ? I wonder if it's a XPlane issue now .
  4. Hello gents, I run into the following issue while trying to listen to ATIS on a recent flight : The decimal selection jumps from .37 to .40 i.e 137.37 -> 137.40 I couldn't reach the ATIS frequency. It seems the decimals move in .02 or .03 increments , I started to look at the documentation to see if I forgot something while using the radios.
  5. So, I did try again today . I was able to get to the Cruise altitude this time although I struggled and had to disconect VNAV and use V/S instead as the speed was falling behind the target and the plane couldn't keep up. I'm gonna do some more digging because I think that: 1. I may have poorly choose my crz altitude (too high) 2. Or the climb profile is inappropriate (max thrust was 92.7 IIRC) So back to the manual it seems
  6. Hey, thanks for getting back to me Jan. It was indeed quite a ride haha, I will try to recreate the flight and report back, it never happened before so I was quite surprised.
  7. Hello everyone, Today I tried a derated climb profile to 37000ft, the issue I encountered was passing 30000ft, the plane stopped to climb and the A/T just rolled to idle out of the blue. I had to disconect the AP but was never able to disconnect the A/T, I did the following -Nose down -VNAV deselected -SPEED selected and manual selection of a speed After that the plane was holding 30000ft nicely so I decided to give the A/P another shot, it didn't go that great : I deselected the derated climb profile and reconnected the A/P what happen then was: -Trim rolling full backwards -Pitching Up over +4000ft/min (I saw that value fly by) I stopped the flight then. Did that happened to anyone?
  8. Thanks for your answer, will play with the options and see What I can get.
  9. Bought the Saab last week and was wondering that too. The lights will function only with the hdr enabled? (Asking because of the performance hit induced by hdr on my system)
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