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Splash last won the day on May 9 2024

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  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Any updates on adding the A/T servo state (which would tell me if the A/T servos are active or not)? I asked about this a while back on the thread below. Currently, I have it so it checks various MCP states (datarefs for these are: ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_speed_ann,ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_n1_ann, ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_level_change_ann, ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_vnav_ann) but that's not 100% reliable since after testing, the A/T servos maybe operational even if those states are all off. Please let me know if you can add this dataref. All motorized TQ users need this really. Thanks.
  2. All, Windows only: When the IXEG loads in XP12, it appears that the running code changes current privilege level to another privilege level. Does any of the code while loading the aircraft elevate or un-elevate current context (run as different user)? Please confirm. My plugin fails to load because of this issue. My observations: I want to spare you the implementation details, here's what you need to know: When my plugin starts it registers a moniker in the Running Objects Table (ROT) in order to share an instance in Xplane's process address space to another application running in another address space that wants to use the shared instance to communicate with Xplane (inter process communication via COM services using a moniker). When IXEG finished loading the ROT registration is gone (or at least no accessible from the context of the executing thread that wants to use the shared instance). This usually is cause of mismatched privilege levels between running process thread and another thread in another process trying to access the ROT to look up the object which doesn't exist anymore This only happens when I load the IXEG 737, all other installed planes worked (even 3rd party). The culprit is therefore IXEG. So what's changed? In XP11 this was not an issue with IXEG.
  3. Sales of Xplane 12 is one thing. Buying add-ons for it is another thing. The more accurate metric would is how many people use Xplane on daily basis compared to MSFS. ... and then how many people buy add-ons for Xplane compared to MSFS. In addition, comparing XP12 sales to XP11 may not be the number you are looking for but sales of XP12 to MSFS would give you more better and accurate idea.
  4. Also, sounds like you did not properly activate the aircraft. You need to activate to get Gizmo going which powers the aircraft systems.
  5. Maybe conflict with the plugins? Also, did you try running Xp12 as Administrator?
  6. What license issue are you having?
  7. That's correct, that's my opinion. It becomes a bit of risk from business perspective when many people share the same sentiments. Watch flightdeck2sim stream and read user comments. In addition, having so few users on XP12 and the aforementioned comments, don't expect mega sales any time soon.
  8. I am speaking out as I see it. Please watch the last stream from Q8 Pilot, he shares similar sentiments. I believe you can do better especially what I see in MSFS in terms of graphical fidelity/sounds. Either way, remove the expiry date from the Coupon. This way customers are not forced to pay for something they don't want until the promised changes (if any are delivered). This is how software industry works, you don't pay upfront for promises, you pay for deliverables. Please don't take this personally, but this is how it is right now. If you want some references look at: PMDG 737 Upcoming BlueBird's 757 Upcoming Airbus 380
  9. Why is there expiring date on the Coupon? As per current release it doesn't merit for me to upgrade (I need to see changes brought up to spec with quality expected in 2023). It is literally copy/paste from XP11 with a coffee pot which I don't care about. Therefore, the coupon should not have expiry date, I don't want to be (same goes for all customers) forced to upgrade until I see some serious improvements.
  10. Excellent news, was waiting for the announcement, finally here!
  11. He doesn't need Philip to update the model, he has done this before for Xplane 11 and I don't see why he can't redo textures, add pollys, more detail to the model for Xplane 12.
  12. Is there a reason? Jrollon doesn't do Xplane dev anymore? Just curious.
  13. Jrollon, Will you be updating the CRJ 200 for Xplane 12 visually at least? It looks so dated now.
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