The frame rates on my iMac were excellent. I'm wondering, how detailed will other airports be beyond KSEA? I noticed Boeing Field was just pavement, no buildings. Is that for the demo or will airports around the globe be more detailed than runways, taxiways, and ramp space?
Just curious, what's the usual wait time for a response? I tried fixing disk permissions, but that did not help. The replies seem to be much faster through the forum, can you just provide the solution on here?
Running OSX 10.6.7 and the CRJ installer is not working. I start it, the installer icon shows up in the dock, and then disappears. The hardware test did this too.
This is a common request but because the MU2 is not wired that way in reality, that feature will have to go in as an "alternate" after I'm satisfied I have the major functions taken care of first...but your request is "in the queue. That's understandable, you should complete it the way you envision it. It would just be a nice feature even if the original MU-2 did not come configured this way. It appears that the MU-2 has been reconfigured in all sorts of ways. I'd venture to say that an MU-2 could even have a Garmin G1000 installed, but I have not seen an MU-2 like that. The one I like the most is the one in that YouTube video I posted.
Sounds great for the current update. It's my understanding that the GPS or lack of one is also an XP9 issue. I understand a fully functional GPS is a tall order. I wouldn't mind seeing one added down the line for XP10 even by another developer. It would just be nice to file direct and shoot GPS approaches, especially for online flying. A toggle switch between NAV 1 and 2 on the HSI would also be nice for IFR flights with no GPS.
It's looking great. One of my biggest complaints was the clarity of gauges; especially the readout for the altimeter setting. That was a pain when flying online with real weather. The night textures also look much better and I hope that the lighting level will be adjustable and be able to turn off when the plane is shut down. As a side note, I'd like to see this planes cockpit modeled in XP10.
I like how you've modeled the current MU-2 but it doesn't mean you have to model only that specific MU-2 that you used as a template. I'd like to see a Garmin GPS that works with the HSI. The aircraft in the video has a Garmin 530/430, and a weather radar. It would be cool to see these things in my favorite add-on. Regardless, everything is looking great so far.