First of all, in my experience "never change visible weather" never worked as i would have expected or at least not all the time, even PilotQ8 in his review experience that and state that he doesn't know whether it works or not. The guy up here is experiencing that since by "never change visible weather" i would expect that surround environment up to a given range should not change regardless pop in or pop out.
When i change the altitude due to a descent (specially from high altitude) there is always an abrupt overall visibility change (fog, clouds re-draw, etc...) some are move visible than others, well the result just kills the immersion.
When i first bought RWC i was new to XP and when i saw the review with "never change visible weather" options, i thought "wow this will fix all my weather issues with XP", shame on me, because at my home visible weather mean visible weather and not only a few components. Don't get me wrong, i do understand today, that i have more experience, that the whole weather thing is broken into many components and RWC will not fix that, not due technical limitations but rather concept decisions. In my opinion this self given limitations, are wrong because once you follow the enhance the weather path you should aim to enhance as much as you can, otherwise you will end up with addons not giving all it can, unless another 3rd party addons fix/enhance yours....this is just plain wrong.
I mean we are not talking about something like "SMP should stop providing 2d textures and starts with volumetric clouds", which is partially an unknown path. We are talking about fix whatever breaks the immersion and has been clearly shown that it can be fixed/improved. So why not just fix/improve them and have it all part of the same package of addons?
I've always agreed with you when you talk about follow own concepts, because i don't believe that everyone should take the same path that leads to the same result. It is good to see where and what can be archived from multiple direction, but i would never agree with self concept limitations.