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Everything posted by nilsh

  1. You're the man for this job, Goran. Looking good already. Winglflex on this thing will make me buy it on the spot... oh the aura of the classic 747. Watching those old Airport 77 Movies, those classics really had such an awe factor... the entire public could recognize one, it's capabilities captured the amazement of all. Good luck Goran, this one will be very, very welcome.
  2. Oh no, i wouldn't accept any discount anyway. I'll probably buy it if you eventually post screenshots of it with a Delta livery... now there's my weak spot
  3. Listen, I wasn't trying to slander anyone's work. There's no doubt in my mind this will be one of the greatest X-Plane simulations to date, and I was not aware of PMDG's prices. I apologize, perhaps my budget is smaller than you guys. I'll probably end up buying it anyway... realism is my sore spot
  4. Hmm. 40 Dollars seems a bit steep. If price were a true function of price, then it would work... A really quality plane for a big price. But, you must realize, in the real world there is a ceiling to the price... after a certain point, the price becomes too much, no matter how good the plane is. It's a great, great plane, but I can't see myself spending $40 dollars on this... that's considerably more than X-Plane itself.
  5. nilsh

    Project 3

    I may be completely different than what most others think, i don't know. All i can think of is... I tend to only fly heavies and the like. I might buy this when it comes out because DL/NW uses them, and it would be an excellent addition to my DL/NW fleet; however, NW uses the 340B and I'm not going to pay 3 different things so I can get it. But, it looks great, as usual Nils
  6. Looking great, Jack. I'm surprised as to the amount of progress going on... you're a very proficient developer! Keep up the great work. Nils
  7. Is this MD-11 that you made wings for the MD-11 that i saw announced as a project a while back? I know you started some MD-11 project... don't know what happened to it though.
  8. Do you plan on making the flaps extend by sliding, instead of some big panel that extends? (Like the XPFW 757, x737)
  9. Looking Great!
  10. Well, sounds like fun! Maybe we'll just have to wait until that dang real one actually flies!
  11. Gosh Airbus, how are you SO good? Oh, and how is the 787 coming?
  12. Ohh, so did Hawker send you the stuff you asked for?
  13. I can't answer your question, but I do know someone who might want someone to build a plugin for his 767, which is in development. The dev. post is http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=38988. It's freeware, so you won't get paid. The head of the project is Kieran, the post starter. Nils
  14. Basically every developer right now is waiting for 9.30 to go final before releasing their aircraft, including XPJets, XPFW, Javier Rollon, to name a few. It shouldn't be that long- a couple more weeks, until it goes final. I think most people will upgrade to 9.30 when they sort out the bugs and the fps get optimized. Nils
  15. Hah. Looks great, Nick. Rafael- still looks a bit awkward connecting the roof to the windows.
  16. What a fun little plane that must be to fly. Great job!
  17. Nice detective work, Nick... plagiarism at it's worst. Way to show 'em.
  18. Wow... this is among the top 5 best planes i've seen for XP... that cabin is going to look unreal! I wish we could do more with it though. Very many details packed into such a small plane... i'm sure it will quickly become one of my favorites to fly... Nice work. Nils
  19. If i may, what are your concerns with the x737? The cockpit, if you actually read and take the time to understand the manual, is a work of art and the most complex system in XP i have ever had the chance to try. As per the fuselage, have you seen the wings and engines? the engines spin, the wings flex, and they are of high detail using objects. If you were to invest some time into learning the x737, you may be pleasantly surprised in finding your new favorite plane. Not to say that this CRJ-200 isn't going to be excellent, we can't disregard the hard work of countless other developers in the X-Plane community. In time with future releases, the actual fuselage will be just as beautiful. Nils
  20. Okay... not to sound ignorant, but what's "pilot view"?
  21. All these exciting overhead panels and such that you have in your virtual cockpit will be accessible in the 2D panel, right? As beautiful as they are, I'm still not a fan of pressing buttons and switches in a virtual cockpit. Nice Job... looks great! Nils
  22. Yeah, i'll have to give that stick-shaker a try on the 757... that'll be very cool if it indeed works. For some reason, i expected it to give me control resistance when in manual control... I hate how little effort it takes to push a joystick to a maximum deflection... But i guess that's what a nullzone % is for. Does XP know which sort of control surfaces an aircraft has? (Hydraulic, FBW, etc.) I don't know if there's a setting for that in PM, so it may take that into consideration. I'll give it a more thorough try this weekend. Nils
  23. Hey guys.. thanks for that link... i never knew they made a new intel version. I tried it with my Logitech Force 3D pro and it worked ( I think) It shook while on the ground, and stops shaking when in the air or stopped. Is it supposed to do more? It's a cool addition to my joystick. Thanks. I'm running 9.22 and 9.30 b7 and it worked on both. Nils
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