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  1. All proper waypoints are in the txt file. IXEG isnt loading them properly
  2. Did a couple of quick flights around CA to test out some new descend via RNAV STARS and discovered that the fms is not properly loading all the points and altitude constraints. Only about half of the waypoints/fixes are loading when you select an arrival. Is this a known issue or maybe a problem with the current Navigraph cycle? Tested IRNMN1 into KLAX. selected BURGL Transition and it loaded. BURGL..IRNMN..SYMON..BASYT--> rest of arrival . On the real thing it should be BURGL CROWY MUPTT MDOTS GRIPRR BIKNG RUNNN then IRNMN..--> rest of arrival . Tested a few others too and got similar results. Had to input missing waypoints manually and add their altitude windows accordingly.
  3. I am a pilot, I've also jump-seat on many occasions in 737 and I can assure you the lighting in x-plane is off. Whats the point of a forum then if you don't want our opinions?
  4. That's awesome! Very very cool. How long did it take you to piece everything together and did you do all that yourself?
  5. Seems as though the "green flicker" instrument panel flood lights are a bit too bright. Its hard to get the green light to show on max setting because its washed out by the white light. I feel that the xplane10 setting was great, however the xp11 is just a little bit off. Does anyone else agree? Also back panel lighting seems a tad too dim, even after the latest patch. Anyway we can brighten it up just a hair more? Thoughts?
  6. Check other thread on this, they are not working in xplane 11 at the moment, however it has been brought to devs attention and they will work on it.
  7. Reflections are not working... I was reluctant to post at first because I wasn't sure if it was just me. I've tried everything and they are not there... Also turning up reflections does nothing yet in xplane 11 and will only decrease FPS... leave it on lowest setting.
  8. Thanks. That a bummer, I uninstalled both FSX and P3d when the IXEG came out . The only thing I miss is the 777 and the NG. The IXEG is a great aircraft , but the level of detail and the automation in the PMDG a/c is very nice.
  9. Thanks for the response. I tested this ealrier on the ground and the FMC took the flight plan ok. KLAX.FIXIT3.C1176.DINTY.R576.DENNS.MAGIE3.PHNL. I know the IXEG is fully capable of making the flight , I guess my question was more regarding the limitations of how it's been programmed. And as stated in the other post, it's max NM limit is a bit more depending on the route ? i mainly want to know if the FMC took the flight , will it work and not crap out on me halfway through ? Thanks again! CZ
  10. I may have missed it in my search of the forums, but I noticed that the fuel planner only works out to 2000NM. Is it possible to fly for more than 2000NM? Planning an oceanic flight from KLAX-PHNL and would like to know if its possible with the current state of the IXEG? Has anyone tried? The distance is roughly 2500NM, Will the FMC support this long of a flight? I understand the IXEG is not ETOPS/ does not realistically meet the fuel requirements, but I want to attempt the journey Thanks.
  11. I may have missed it in my search of the forums, but I noticed that the fuel planner only works out to 2000NM. Is it possible to fly for more than 2000NM? Planning an oceanic flight from KLAX-PHNL and would like to know if its possible with the current state of the IXEG? Has anyone tried? The distance is roughly 2500NM, Will the FMC support this long of a flight?
  12. I may have missed it somewhere, but is there any word or scuttlebutt over PMDG converting the 737 or 777 to xplane?
  13. Great work ! Thanks for the speedy fix!
  14. Having same issues, It doesnt seem to work at all after loading a SID and a STAR.
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