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stefans85 last won the day on November 5 2023

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  1. That is the link I could get. It's valid 7 days: https://discord.gg/S74jmTD9 Maybe a mod of the server might create an link which is not timing out?
  2. Oh OK. Where to open them? I haven't a IXEG menu at the menu bar? Edit. Nevermind I found it: calling ground crew. Many thanks :-)
  3. Hey guys, in the real 737 classic the APU is fed from left tank via an DC pump. To lower maintenance on it we switched on an AC fuel pump so the pressure triggered the DC pump to go off. If there was an imbalance we could switch on an right hand AC pump and opened cross feed valve so it drains from right fuel tank. The fuel feed system does not simulate this as it even drains from left tank. Not yet simulated? Are fuel feed lines simulated at all? Kind regards Stefan
  4. Hey guys, my memories might be a bit outdated but I thought the "old" XP11 version had those round egg clockwork engine displays. Is there any way to get them back like Lufthansa flew the 735 until phasing out? Kind regards Stefan
  5. Hey guys. My arm is coming out of plaster tomorrow and I like to fly the plus version. But as it is years ago where I flew the IXEG last time I have some qustions: 1. Is ground service bus simulated? On the real 737 you have a switch on the 1L cabin light you can switch and hold while another switches off the GPU from cockpit so only cabin is lightened. The only thing working in cockpit is the dome light. But cleaning crew can make the work. Is this simulated? 2. I don't remember if this was in the original IXEG but is real time refueling simulated? 3. Is there an EFB for navigraph to minimize paper work? 4. Is there a weather radar? Years ago we prepared the aircraft for the cockpit crew, init the IRS, made coffee and oh... 5. Is the coffee machine simulated? 6. Do the brakes suffer brake fading because of temperatures? 7. Oh and is the hydraulic system simulated realistically? We regularily pumped hyd fluid from L to R or vice versa following the procedures. The PMDG 737 won hyd fluids out of nowhere so it is not a real simulation of the cycle which I was really not amused of. Can't wait until flying again this lady.
  6. Hey guys, just wanted to say thanks for this fair and impressive offer to upgrade to new XP12 version with cool new features. Other developers are not so customer-friendly. My right arm is broken and in plaster but looking forward to fly this wonderful bird again. Have worked on the 735 for LH Technik back in 2003 so my heart is on this lady. Keep going!
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  7. Ups sry
  8. When in RTO mode the autobrake disarm's itself when you manually brake. It's a new bug with 1.0.4 The autobrake should only get in disarm state when it is active and you brake manually. To reproduce: Just do you preflight stuff, roll to a runway and brake when autobrake in RTO i.e. to hold on a taxiway. Before takeoff you have to switch it to off and then RTO again to be active for a aborted t-o.
  9. I rounded the values a bit. Before flare you won't trim right. But at 200ft you have plenty room and can make it.
  10. I have to correct myself. Only the later 500 (and all NG were I worked on) has had this DC pump. The 300 and 400 models does not have an DC pump and the AC pump is required to have enough fuel in the lane. But you won't connect a GPU when you're on an small airport. You'll start the APU right way and see.
  11. Indeed. Normally you get speed constraints or get adviced to not descent this fast and you increase the throttle (in VNAV descent or FLCH it is in thrust hold with AT in sleep state) a bit so you mostly are in flight change or even VS mode. On most flights I was inside cockpit they began descent with VS -1000fpm to get the engines to idle slowly to extend their life a bit and switched then to Flight Change. VNAV is used pretty rare in europe especially on busy airports I was said. Some years ago I was on jumpseat on a night flight on a 757 with only some cargo and parcels and no passengers. The captain asked for landing (way above G/S because late descent). Tower "You're pretty high" "We'll made it". Engines Idle, Spoiler deployed -3800fpm and gear out and flaps on shedule. We descended until some seconds after radio altimeter come to life with -3800 on VS.
  12. 1 Minute running with no air in use to extend lifetime (but elec is OK).
  13. Yes maybe we system guys are only 0,01%. But hey... I asked, got an answer and didn't buy it. That's the free market. I love the IXEG and when PMDG releases it's DC6 I'm going to trash my FSX I think.
  14. Your landing looks good but: your speed was at VREF+5 I think. Don't let it go unter VREF+5 on final. It can be more, but not slower (because of some wind change). I'll target at VREF+10 normally. Also you were too high over threshold (100ft so double as high as you should have been) and you ditch down the nose at <100ft. Don't do that! The Pax would be screaming. Trim down a bit for let's say 1second at 200ft and "hold the plane on the yoke" so you can counteract the ground effect and winds on short final. Saw it on a maintenance flight and love it in the sim since then.
  15. What I meant is the real rate. Even 150fpm are pretty hard on a 737 because of the much lesser suspension travelrange when comparing to i.e. A320 while it's ok on a A320. A smooth landing has a real rate of let's say 50-100fpm. That's atleast what I feel when flying up in front. 150+ are firm landings and anything above 500fpm is pretty hard. I don't know the real value but 800+ fpm on touchdown and you get printed a hard landing sheet and the technical guy's will check the pressure bulkhead. I know an Air Berlin landing where a panel on the wing came up. One word about smooth landings: You don't want to be as smooth as possible but safe! First if there's crosswind you won't flare too much. Also you won't miss the touchdown zone. But if the safe landing is also smooth, it's ok.
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