As mentioned in my post, The EGT values are too low, for example, cruise egt should be in the 600's not the 400's. Oil temp and pressure are too low, specifically oil temp should not drop so fast to zero degrees as soon as the engines are brought to idle, and should never hit zero during operation, Im sure there is an oil temp thermostat somehere that regulates the temperature, if the oil was continuously at that low temperature aside from a cold start in real life the engine would be toast. CSD drive oil temp doesnt move either. And fuel flow drops to zero when the engines are brought to idle at high altitude. Those are just the ones I have noticed.
The actual behavior of the engines seems spot on however, especially how when advancing the throttle the engines are slow to spool up to around 35%, but then spool fast after that. So far IXEG is the only addon I have used that simulates this behavior of the CFM56 accurately.