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  1. Man its a shame what happened to ixeg. If they had gotten their act together, focused on growing their team and developing full time, and producing msfs addons with the same depth and detail that the ixeg 733 had they would have made millions.
  2. Just fired up xp11 with the 1.2 patch, it really looks amazing guys. Thank you for getting this out to us, the new pbr effects are just incredible on the already beautifully modeled airplane, combined with everything else xp11 has to offer, finally a sim that rivals the graphics of any modern fps shooter. And if you haven't tried the oculus rift yet this airplane is absolutely breathtaking in VR, its my very own life sized 737, minus the missing fmc features .
  3. Yeah that would be great, the best thing about pmdg's feature is it allows you to go right back to where you started from when the sim crashes. For me P3D is rock solid and I can go hours and hours without a crash, but for some reason xplane has never been stable for me like that so it would be a welcome feature for the IXEG.
  4. Do you use xenviro? There have been reports of it crashing the sim when it cannot reach its server for some reason. I got so many random crashes with the xp10 version I stopped flying it, but a quick test without xenviro allowed me to complete a longer flight without a crash. Im going to try xp11 and see if it helps, then if not I will try without xenviro. I cant really narrow it down to other aircraft because IXEG is the only plane I fly in XP!
  5. Has anybody else been getting random crashes lately? I seem to get a crash with every other flight in xp10. I havent had problems in xp11 but I dont use the ixeg in v11 yet. And I dont fly anything else in xp10 so its tough to tell if its an ixeg problem or something else. The only other addons I use are flyinside and xenviro. The log.txt is useless as it doesnt contain any helpfull error info. Just wondering if others are having issues.
  6. Yes I have been asking about this for a while, I hope ixeg will consider having the ability to save the panel state like pmdg aircraft do.
  7. Ive noticed that the ground model feels more correct in xp11 than xp10 with the 1.1 update. In both sims it takes a fair amount of thrust to breakaway and get moving, but in xp11 it at least mostly maintains speed at idle thrust, in xp10 I need a lot of power to keep moving.
  8. It "works" fine, but the flight model is way off. If you want to feel like you are flying a 737-300 and not a lightly loaded 757 wait for the update and use xp10 for now.
  9. Oh ok, any idea what may have triggered this failure, I had failures disabled? The randomness of it was fun though.
  10. Not sure what happened exactly, but randomly during descent I experienced a failure of my left engine. Attempts to restart the engine did not work. I dont know how this happened but the xplane failure menu showed that the engine driven fuel pump had failed, not sure why the engine shut down even with the electric pump working. Any ideas regarding the cause? XP 10 btw.
  11. Just wanted to thank the developers for the 1.1 Patch, there is still much to be done but the added functionality and crash fixes are a big help. It also looks like the engine oil pressure readings are more accurate, has anything else been tuned that is not in the log? I just finished a flight in the 737 and even with a few missing features it is my favorite addon to fly at the moment. By the way, today I decided to watch some of the old videos and blogs describing the systems modelling from several years ago when this aircraft was still not released, and it was a good reminder of just how much behind the scenes detail that has been put into this addon. If you haven't looked at these before or in a while check them out, it gives you a new appreciation for the ixeg 737 and may help you wait while they continue to add more functionality.
  12. It looks perfect, but try that same flight with xp10 and compare your climb rates up to cruise, and your n1 setting needed to maintain speed at altitude. You will see why we need an official xp11 update ;).
  13. Glad to hear v1.1 is finally going to be released. But I am a bit disappointing that there are not that many systems fixes. All this waiting and still no descent forecast, usable vnav, fuel predictions, or corrected engine egt readings.
  14. Sorry to resurrect this thread, but i just finished reading through it today and I dont see any mention of the descent forecast entry. is this something that will be included in 1.1 or will we have to wait some more for this feature? Also are there any plans to implement some sort of autosave feature, or at least allow saving the entire situation, like pmdg aircraft do? This would be sooo helpful for when xplane decides to crash midlflight like it loves to do.
  15. As mentioned in my post, The EGT values are too low, for example, cruise egt should be in the 600's not the 400's. Oil temp and pressure are too low, specifically oil temp should not drop so fast to zero degrees as soon as the engines are brought to idle, and should never hit zero during operation, Im sure there is an oil temp thermostat somehere that regulates the temperature, if the oil was continuously at that low temperature aside from a cold start in real life the engine would be toast. CSD drive oil temp doesnt move either. And fuel flow drops to zero when the engines are brought to idle at high altitude. Those are just the ones I have noticed. The actual behavior of the engines seems spot on however, especially how when advancing the throttle the engines are slow to spool up to around 35%, but then spool fast after that. So far IXEG is the only addon I have used that simulates this behavior of the CFM56 accurately.
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