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Everything posted by Granados

  1. works with other planes as well, it just takes time to find the right settings for the viewpoints in planemaker. But i will see what i can do with the crj. if it works expekt to see some nice screenshots;)
  2. So you really did it, congratulations! My Setup is waiting for the crj, but there´s still a question. Would it be possible to streetch the crj over three Displays, with a computer on the back of each (imac i5 in the middle, macpro and a dualcore Pc for the sideviews)? As far as i know its not a big problem, but i may need a copy of the plane on each computer and two windows in 2d mode for the sideviews. would it work with the crj?
  3. I think i can tell you why these questions are around, but im not in the mood for long discussions cause its not my business. Some things seem to be not that professional, but well it is the first project of the team. On the other hand - i wouldn't forget that questions are coming from your customers. And some of them helped out with betatesting.
  4. brr, strange atmosphere around here, are you guys nervous? you may discuss about different opinions, but i´m not sure if the team needs a cluster of self appointed sheriffs by its side.
  5. ...and he added: but you may go to the kitchen and help cooking.
  6. Today my baker refused my question for a cake. He told me to come back later someday. its ready when its ready.
  7. works on early 2009 Alumacbook, Modellname: MacBook Modell-Identifizierung: MacBook5,1 Prozessortyp: Intel Core 2 Duo Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 2,4 GHz Anzahl der Prozessoren: 1 Gesamtzahl der Kerne: 2 L2-Cache: 3 MB Speicher: 4 GB Chipsatz-Modell: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M Typ: GPU Bus: PCI VRAM (gesamt): 256 MB Hersteller: NVIDIA (0x10de) The crj-tester is a nice Airplane, unfortunately not very comfortable to sit and it has a constant drift to the right
  8. In my Opinion you´re doing well. If you do in small steps final destination is short in front of you (just to be a little poetic;) ) Nice coincidence, a few minutes ago we were talking on a german board about projects of these dimensions. Compared to some MSFS Projects, that never came out cause developers were understimating complexity of those projects, you´re close to the real thing. so keep going and get it out, that´s the next step.
  9. Thanks. Sure we´ll have many questions. But it might be easier to talk about things when the crj is out. at the moment its a little to much abstract theory.
  10. Thanks for your answers! I´ll test it out, in Case of Problems let´s assign pitch trim to buttons, its not the big thing. Best, Granados
  11. no reason to cry, its just a question.
  12. Bon appetit to little Dylan "Important: If you want the CRJ fly correctly with autopilot modes, then don’t assign any axis to any trim mode (pitch, roll or heading). To (Oops, better do;) it with button pressing (as the real one) Also deactivate Random Failures and birds on equipment failures (and rendering for birds) to discart any malfunction on the CRJ if you find any. If you don’t do this, the plane will try to catch the autopilot mode but the first control that is going to obey are the trim axis, and because if they are axis always are making inputs to the plane." Is it sure that an input is always given or does it depend on the hardware? on my saitek x52 i have two wheels assigned for pitch and roll trim. especially pitch trim is very useful in some siuations, so i don´t wanna miss it. if you open Joystick settings it doesn´t seem like theres an input all the time. (?) Or would there be another workaround instead of deactivating it?
  13. just silly joking;) next time i´m in frankfurt let´s drink some altbier instead and eat some handkäs and all is fine. I´m sure javier would like it. edit, btw. where´s the paella?
  14. there´s just one misunderstanding inside. German beer is not the Problem. You should know that they drink Äppelwoi in Hessen, only there and really nowhere else in germany. Nobody else except the hessen understands why they drink it. Maybe that´s why you were worried about the Constitution of your Pal ;D
  15. Hey guys, what´s up? Any Problems? Don´t care too much, seems like it takes time to develop complex airliners. same in reality, first delivery is always delayed . Just let us know when something´s going on you didn´t expect before.
  16. Haha. In school, you learn about things that you probably don't care about. With this, there is more of a motivation. The problem is: crap you learn in high school helps you get into the cockpit of the real CRJ. > Oops, did you have bad teachers in the past...but sorry, i don´t wanna be your passenger if you´re gonna be a reallife pilot in near future. Just in case if you plan to go to a company with a pilot license from the internet
  17. who wants to lose the Jokes inside? it was about orthography and grammar, thats all. ??? I´m not quite sure if you do those guys a favor telling them its all fine with mistakes. Most of the customers will be native english speaking people. But anyway, i´m sure they know what to do;)
  18. Yes that is something you loose when you translate or correct. I know there are words that are not well said, or sentences not well constructed, but if Cameron can correct my english without loosing my bad jokes, then perfect!! hahaha (...) exactly!
  19. my english isn´t perfect as well, don´t care to much. but with a little fantasy i´m able to read your´s as well;) for the beginning it´s probably ok - sometimes its even nice to read cause you gave it a personal touch.
  20. There´s a lot of work behind the manuals, but sometimes you need to have a special sense of humor to get through ;D Javier is a great programmer, but as you already said, the english is hard to read sometimes... : Just for fun i worked on the first page of the tutorial for a while, maybe the first impression is a little better without to much mistakes. "It has been very hard to reach to this point, but finally we did it. After a lot of beta-testing we were able to write the manual and we hope you like it. Of Course - Everybody likes to sit in a pilots seat first, starting the engine and watching the skies. But it might be better if you read the Manuals in between to avoid misunderstandings - A common mistake in software developement is to mix up operating errors and bugs. In this tutorial we are going to make a flight over Spain, that has been always a good country for tourism. So I would like to invite you. Of course - real colours might not be the same like in the simulator, but you will see more or less the shape of it. If you like to visit me in Madrid in future, as Austin and Anton did, you´re welcome to explore. But first let´s do the virtual ride. One of the first thing you need to do is installing Europe from the X-Plane DVD´s. Once you did, there are two airports we need for the flight- Salamanca and Valencia. You can fly from the default Airports, but you will have a better experience with Opensceneryx (http://www.opensceneryx.com). Openscenery objects are necessary for Valencia airport, but you can use them for other airports as well. And now we are going to start the journey." If you like it take it. Maybe it helps a bit. Or isn´t there anybody around with perfect english to help with the language and finish that thing...
  21. fine thanks! take your time now and have a break
  22. nono, i have fsx on my hdd, just for fun. Usually i fly x-plane cause i started with it and don´t see a reason to change between the sims anymore. Usually i fly x737 with vasFMC. Nothing spectacular, but works fine. Took me two days or so to get used to the 737 and some hours maybe to make it working with vas fmc. But this one seems a little harder. Another thing is Multi Monitor Support, i have 3 displays here, resolution of each is 1920/1080. any chance to use the crj on 3 displays? @OlaHaldor, nice Idea, bien! and a good chance to practise my poor tourists spanish and some flamenco next to it
  23. I think i saw it in another plane as well and it was possible to make it disappear by default key command, i just was not quite sure. I´m not quite sure if he can handle ATC on vatsim for me, but a coffee in between would be fine;) ;D Another question i´m interested in - how much time does it take for an average user to get used to all the procedures in the plane? what would you guys expect for the crj? hours, weeks, a whole winter session?
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