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Everything posted by Denco

  1. I know this is out of the scope of the v3 but I'm wondering if the cloud shading will get improved in v4. Example is the image bellow. The part of the cloud that is facing the sun is brighter while the bottom part is darker. Can something like this be done in the Xplane's engine?
  2. I'm hoping that the v4 improves the shading of the clouds. What I mean is that the top of the clouds are more white because of the sun shining on them and the bottom is darker. Example is the image bellow.
  3. Wow an update. Can't wait to test it out
  4. Ah, makes sense. Thx.
  5. Sometimes when I start a flight and load my weather trough FSGRW I have no clouds. To get them displayed I have to change the Stratus/Overcast representation. Am I the only one? I've attached the log from today when this happened if anyone can spot anything. Log.txt
  6. This got me thinking the other day. Why does Xplane even bother with 3D clouds that are too performance hungry? If we look at FSX and P3D with REX textures the illusion is good enough to not be bothered by them being 2D. And even those clouds can eat tons of fps.
  7. I do use my computer for other games so I don't see the point in your statement.
  8. Now that I've finished my flight I can agree. The stuttering was still present only not that sever as when running FSGRW.
  9. I wonder if this is somehow FSGRW related. I'm doing a flight from Miami to Atlanta without it with skymaxx cloud distance set to 40000 and have absolutely no stuttering.
  10. The stutters are constant and can last for a long while. I know about the stutters being hard to see to an untrained eye but believe me that when I pan my view around its otherwise very fluid while on the video it's very sluggish. I'm actually waiting for ASUS to release GTX 1080 in my country so I'm hoping it will fix my problem.
  11. Vram usage was 2300MB out of 3000MB and my RAM usage was around 10000MB out of 32000MB. One of the reasons why I at first dismissed this problem when flying with the FF 767 was because my VRAM usage was at the limit. You can clearly see my RAM and VRAM usage in the video since afterburner was running in the background.
  12. I think that the new update is great but I am experiencing a small problem. In general the performance is way better in the latest version than before. I can run with Could distance set to 10000 without any problems. Anyway the problem I'm facing is with stuttering. I get stuttering mostly when flying the 767 once I take off with cloud distance above 10000. The stuttering is so sever I have to reduce cloud distance to 5000. I've also experinced the same, but not that severe, stutters flying the carendo C310. I'm also posting my video to see that my frames were good and on what my problem is.
  13. I will. What about in future updates. Will I have to rebuy the product once I'm out of downloads?
  14. I had to redownload the update twice because of some silly nonsense of chrome saying that it can contain malware. The problem is I only have 1 download left. What will happen when I reach 0? I'm asking this because I'll be upgrading to windows 10 in a few days and will have to reinstall everything.
  15. An update. Awesome. Some of the improvements sound very promising. Thank you for giving us an "Never change visible weather" option. Its really great you listen to your customers and I only wish some of the developers would learn from you. Kind Regards
  16. Can't replicate the problem? This seem's to be happening because of something else. When I'll have this problem again I'll send you my log file.
  17. I disabled the LJMB airport and it didn't crash. Seems to me that the plugin has problems deactivating it self with more detailed airports, custom or otherwise included in Xplane.
  18. Didn't tried to be honest. I'll try as soon as I have some free time.
  19. I would, but LGAV is not a custom scenery. Its a one of the detailed airports that are getting implemented into the sim.
  20. I use skymax for VFR flights and stock xplane clouds when IFR with jets. Sometimes when I try to deactivate skymaxxx the game crashes. It happens at same airports every time. In my case, for now, only LGAV and a custom airport LJMB by cicmen.
  21. The weather would still change only the clouds would stay he same. The clouds them self could be made to change gradually if a more severe weather change is detected, such as from cloudy weather to rain
  22. If you pair it with NOAA, FSXREALWX or EFASS you have quicker updates. For the later two you can set the time the weather updates but NOAA updates its weather every time you enter a new weather station ( I think ). Maybe set it as an option to please those that like the instant updates? In any case I'm really happy you've decided to make the change.
  23. Wouldn't it be better, in terms of immersion, that the currently rendered clouds stay as they are and the new to be rendered clouds follow the updated weather pattern. That why we prevent clouds suddenly disappearing and then reappearing as a different structure. This always throws me off and its pain full to watch. The fix above would make the weather change smoother. I honestly can't imagine anyone likes this? Do they?
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