Aber sicher!
I'm perfectly aware that what I do is not what you would do in real life. The thing is sometimes I just want to fly an approach from the IAF. I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, that it's not possible yet to save situation files. If that were possible, I'd just fly, say, EDDH to EDDM, do the entire flight "properly" and once I reach the IAF, I would just save the entire situation and next time I would just have to load it from there
So what I do in the sim is just position the aircraft on the airport I want to fly in, take-off, fly to the IAF, enter the hold and prepare everything from there.
You can see what I mean here. This is an approach to LFMN VOR 04. What I did was take-off from LFMN, fly to the IAF, enter the hold, prepare everything and then start recording the video. Also I will brief the approach and everything during the hold, so it's recorded and I can exit the hold whenever fits best
Mit freundlichen Grüssen,