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Everything posted by Joers182

  1. I'd imagine you have to motor the engine to get cool air flowing through it and pump the fuel out. The motoring checklist can be found on the G1000.
  2. Thats interesting to know Cameron, Thanks for your response. I never realized the sounds were tied to the volume sliders in the sim. I will definitely experiment with them. Like I say I was definitely not disappointed with the interior sounds and I've never been in a real TBM so I have nothing to compare them to.
  3. The exterior sounds sound very good to me. I must agree, In my opinion there is room for improvement on the interior sounds. From watching videos on youtube of real world start ups in the TBM the interior sounds in the sim are lacking in some respects. But I wouldn't go as far as saying they are bad. They do the job.
  4. Hey guys, Currently on version 1.07, did my pre flight and took off, was climbing out at aroun 12000 feet and I had xplane CTD on me. Not sure if it was tbm related I couldn't pull anything from the event viewer. All I could pull up was the last bit of my log file.
  5. One thing that helps is to put in full power very smoothly, makes it much more controllable. Thats my findings anyway. I had difficulty at first.
  6. So as above, what settings are you guys using in Xplane for Controller sensitivity and stability augmentation for the TBM? I'm using a logitech 3d pro joystick and saitek rudder pedals. Anyone with a similar set up? if so what settings are you using? Thanks, Joe
  7. Many thanks! I'll check it out
  8. Hi guys, Congrats on the release of the aircraft! A quick question, where is the hobbs meter located on the TBM?
  9. I think there is a bug in 10.50 to do with wind. I've witnessed this in other aircraft where the aircraft is swaying.
  10. Toper is alright but 80% of the time it just gives me a derate of 67 for a flap 5 take off.
  11. thanks very much for the reply! I just enabled extended DSF in the rendering options of xplane, and it seems to look right now. Thanks again.
  12. Hey Guys, love the fantastic product and like new update. However I'm getting some very dark/black clouds during dusk. I will attach a screenshot to show you what I mean. Is this normal? its really doesnt look good. Apart from that excellent product!
  13. ah ok! thanks Jan.
  14. Hey again, I wasn't sure what catagory to put this under so thought I'd ask here, is anyone having a bug with the turn around state selected in the preflight menu?. Basically its hit and miss for me, sometimes it works and others it doesn't. When i set it to turn around state and reboot gizmo, none of the screens are lit and there is a constant warning horn or buzzer sounding also the over head panel lights seem to flicker. Anyone else had this issue? if i switch it back to cold and dark and reboot gizmo the aircraft works fine. But I have had the turn around state work fine before. Its strange. Cheers, Joe
  15. Thanks Jan! I knew it had to be in there somewhere, I did skim through but missed it. Appreciate your help Joe
  16. Hey, I was wondering how everyone has their controller settings set up int he x-plane options. sensitivity etc. I was digging around the forum and found this post which states the team has some suggested controller settings, however I'm unable to find them in the documentaion. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!, Joe
  17. I had the same problem. Now I know why any idea why they didn't have them with the winglets? Edit it I just read the answer in the other thread!
  18. Thanks for the info. I do indeed direct ortho4xp to the hd mesh files to retrieve the overlay data. Such a great tool. I will continue to make my photo scenery and then remove hd mesh from the areas I've replaced. Thanks again.
  19. Hey All, Pretty new to this forum and X-plane. I've got a question regarding creating photo scenery. Hope this is in the right section. I've previously downloaded HD mesh V3 and UHD mesh for x-plane which i've installed and overwritten the standard scenery with. I've now learnt how to use Ortho4XP and my word does the photoreal look great!. I noticed that ortho4xp creates the mesh aswell. So what should I do when I create the photo scenery for areas that are already covered by HD mesh v3 and UHD mesh?. I'm not really sure I should keep both meshes? Can anyone give any advice? Thanks, Joe
  20. Thanks for clearing that up! Such a wealth of information about operating this aircraft. I'm trying to take it all in
  21. Nice Shots Josh, your sim always looks top notch! What zoom level do you use when you create photo scenery? I'm in the process of doing Socal.
  22. Hey All, I was doing an RNAV approach in the 733 the other day and it suddenly occurred to me, if I remember correctly the 738 NGX draws a 'fake' glide slope on the PFD when you hit the APP button on the MCP during an RNAV approach. Does the 733 behave in the same way? Joe
  23. Oh nice, I didn't realise they did one for the 737. I have the one for the 777, I think i might grab that cheers
  24. Hey, I recently purchased the IXEG 737 and x-plane. I'm really enjoying this amazing aircraft. I just have a simple question I'm sure someone can help me with. What are you guys using to calculate the derate for takeoff? Joe
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