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MatthewM last won the day on June 10 2024

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  1. I do file bug reports. And what have I 'given X'? Money?
  2. 1 hour long flight, then a GIZMO pop-up at 2 miles and the yoke then not responding Log.txt
  3. Whilst I do understand where your coming from in some points; I can't fathom how you've come to the conclusion that charging for a half-baked update that can't complete a full flight is somehow acceptable because you have a 'real job'... Sure, constant updates aren't a priority, but it's been 10 months now and the plane is still way too buggy for use, with no light at the end of the tunnel. I don't want to be upset at the work, because the plane has been great in XP10/11 and has the potential, but this is frustrating.
  4. How the progress?
  5. There have been a tonne of confirmed bugs identified in the first 2-3 weeks and only 2 small updates before that. None of which have fixed the audio related crashes, which make the plane unusable for the most part. We've seen nothing since September and am wondering if there is still work going on to sort the issues out?
  6. Yup; I'm just trying to provide as much as I can to help get the issue fixed
  7. This time in cruise; went into outside view, the audio froze and then the sim crashed a few seconds later. Log.txt
  8. Common theme with a lot of converted aircraft from XP11. The new XP12 Transponder logic hasn't been implemented properly, so the XPDR doesn't give an altitude read out for the controllers on PilotEdge.
  9. I'll give it a try; been avoiding using AS as much as possible recently, anyway
  10. Was outside looking around in cruise and the sound went silent, slowly came back then the sim crashed. Log.txtLog_ATC.txt
  11. @PilsThanks for the suggestions, I'll do that. Just finished a flight and the crash was on the replay this time, I think the sound system is struggling, per some other reports, too.
  12. I was doing a 2 hour flight just now and it crashed on final when switching views. I don't have the time to be removing plugins and adding them back one-by-one whilst flying approaches, sorry.Log.txt3a88cbfd-55e4-4944-90d3-ac4a6e1c54c1.dmp
  13. Playing with the plugin configs to get the plane to work. It seemed to, but when I landed, I switched to the exterior view and it instantly crashed. Log.txt
  14. So it does... Cheers XD
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