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Torbjoern last won the day on June 15 2021

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  1. Thanks for the quick reply! Appreciate it
  2. Fantastic news! Like I've said many times before, this has to be one of my favorite birds of all time. 15$ for a XP12 upgrade is very compelling indeed, so It's a no-brainer for sure. This is the one aircraft that has prevented me from uninstalling XP11, but on Friday the transition will be complete... Yey! A couple of questions, will the FMOD-soundpack be available on release, or will it come later? And are there any further texture-improvements for the outside model in the future?
  3. Thanks @SneakyDanish! I eluded to this in my question, that the default position is actually spot spot and correct in most planes, including this one, but when you change FOV, the image can be warped. So a counter to this is adjust the seating position to find a middle-ground, which is not "correct" seating-wise, but fixes the issues with warping the image. In this case however, since the HUD i collimated it will cause other problems. So yes, I completely understand the concept that you illustrated above. Thanks for taking the time either way, and kudos to the coolest username in this forum buddy I sorted this our with creating a HUD-camera preset i X-cam, so I'm all good for now.
  4. Hi guys, hope you all are doing well. This addon is a masterpiece. It's the only word that describes it. So thank you! Thank you very much! Here's some feedback. The first one I can't figure out. The bullets below that are not important at all, but I hope they add some value When I load the aircraft and change weights in career-mode, everything is working fine. When doing so in the "noob"-mode, the weights doesn't change. So fuel etc is in lbs., regardless of config-settings. Might be a bug, might be PICNIC (problem in chair, not in computer...) Other suggestions: X-plane uses "Y" to hide or lower yoke by default. Could this be added to this aircraft as well? Toogle tablets on/off in settings would be nice. Not critical, but nice. This one is rather hard to explain, because it all depends on how we feel about breaking immersion versus challenges with X-plane's FOV-settings. This is related to the size of the HUD-symbology: When using Ultrawide-monitors, changing the FOV to a high value, fixes the "zoom-level" in the cockpit so it looks correct. So a 1080P monitor would probably benefit from 60-80 in FOV, but ultrawides, typically uses >105. This has a tendency to warp the image a bit, especially on the sides and this is perfectly normal when changing FOVs. A common compromise often includes moving the viewpoint back, and then lower the FOV to find a balance. In terms of seating-position, it is wrong because most addons, including this one has it set perfectly by default, but it does solve the issue common to ultrawides. With a collimated HUD, this becomes an issue, because moving the seating position changes the HUD-symbology (see picture), and of course it does, it's collimated after all! But a compromise would be the ability to adjust the HUD-symbology size. Again, not sure if this is the way to go. I solved it using a camera profile in X-camera that focuses exclusively on the HUD with a forced FOV, but its not optimal.
  5. Sorry for the late reply, but thanks @dlrk for the input. I went with the G1000 and it is great. Just the other day, I felt a bit warm, and lowered the cabin-temp in the aircraft, only to realize that this was simulated, not real. Blame it on the home-office-blues or realism; either way, this addon is an absolute beauty. The G1000 integration is quite something indeed. Lots of excellent features that enriches the experience.
  6. Hi guys! Hope you all are doing well and having a great Easter? So here's a silly question, but with both Entegra and G1000-versions available, which should I get? They both look amazing like all X-aviation aircraft, so it's really hard to decide. I have plenty experience with the Garmin in other aircraft, and I like it. Easy to use and understand, but a custom Entegra seems tempting so any input on the matter would be greatly appreciated When choosing between the 20 and 22, I'm thinking the 22, because who doesn't enjoy more climbing power, am I right?! Is there some kind of discount program when moving from the G1000 to Entegra and Vice Versa? If so, getting both would be a no-brainer. Thanks again for any input.
  7. Thanks @JGregory I thought I'd try out the good old Saab this week to refresh my skills, and had no idea what I was doing wrong. This explained it perfectly. Thanks
  8. Awesome! Thanks :)
  9. Hi @Litjan and @tkyler! Wonderful to see that you're still doing work on this fine flying machine. I still come back to it every so often, and boy-oh-boy does it still tick all the important "this feels fantastic" flight-model boxes. Thanks! But flattery, although nice, almost always come at a price, so here's my humble request: Quick-alignment. "Why", you say? "We're here to simulate, not to entertain!" Yes, and I totally agree, but the temptation of going for the "ready to fly" option to skip time, also skips one important part of the cockpit-prep: "The awakening of the beast itself". Listening to all the sounds, seeing the monitors coming alive, flicking all switches you wanted to flick when walking by the open cockpit door as a child: these are important things! But as we grow older, time gets more important. Joking aside, please, pretty please with a cherry on top, give us an option to reduce the IRS alignment time.
  10. Hi guys! Hope you all are doing well? Would anyone be interested in remaking the Braathens-livery and bring it up to modern standards? Especially with the metal-finish underbelly? It's one of the great classic liveries out there, and bringing it up to date with XP11 and the incorporating the refined IXEG-textures would be fantastic
  11. @Litjan Awesome that you've elected to share your passion for flying with us simmers through this add-on. From the looks of it, you're also the guy who made a ton of airports for the Gateway, so thanks a million If you one day feel the need to a small change in your routine, I would recommend you check out the stuff from the flyjsim-guys if you're up for flying something, let's say, more "vintage" Again, thanks for all your efforts!
  12. Hope you all are having an awesome sim-Sunday? After spending countless hours flying the the A320, 727, 767, 737 (NG and the -200), It's always a pleasure coming back to the IXEG Classic. I can't put my finger on it, but there is something special about the wear and tear of this cockpit. The quality of the textures and the "feel" of this particular flight model still is something that I use as a benchmark for all other developers. Even to this day, I'm still surprised how good this looks. So, after a hiatus from these forums, I just wanted to come back and say thanks Here from the excellent PAJN from MisterX. Cold and dark. Can't wait for those cathode ray's to awake the good old Amiga-memories when I power them up.
  13. @sjantand Hi! There is an excellent livery of the good old Braathens SAFE livery available here at X-pilot. For those ho haven't seen it yet, it's one of the most beautiful liveries out there. Both for the IXEG 733 and in real life. Is it possible to update this with PBR materials? I know it's a huge undertaking, but any help would be highly appreciated
  14. Hi Morten, do you care to show your sensitivity options in X-plane? I have a pretty good setup now (using a heavy joystick), which works great doing smooth turns at higher altitude, but I haven't been able to find a good setup that also works during the landing phase. The reason I ask is that trying out different sensitivities will take time to learn by "muscle memory", but if you already have a recommendation, that would help tremendously
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