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Everything posted by jamie_c

  1. The menu for the addon pops up when you move the mouse to the left of the screen, select preflight, top left panel is "START-UP OPTIONS" and you have Cold and Dark, Turn-Around or Ready to fly.
  2. The key to it is to open that side window mate, and move the camera as far as possible outside and closing the window, the constraints disappear and you're good. With CTRL+NUM KEY just remember to put num lock back on (I keep forgetting :))
  3. 737NUT, you can open the side window of the cockpit, move your camera outside the cockpit, close the window from the outside and you're free to position wherever you like (it lets you out of jail, this is how you get wing views or whatever else, then save the view with CTRL+<NUM KEY>. - Jamie
  4. Disabling and will see how we go! Thanks.
  5. It seems the handbook has a listed release date of the 24th, I'm hoping that's brought forward or people who go for the discount wont be able to checkout as it wont be "in stock".
  6. The handbook is a separate product not from IXEG, to me it looks like an FCOM with big clear pictures and arrows pointing things out rather than number annotations with a list. If you're happy with standard manuals as used by real airlines, there's plenty of them online.
  7. Can't be far off now, the page just changed to show a bundle/discount code for the handbook, the cart just isn't letting me out before I've served my time.
  8. Haha, I love the whole "go to sleep and all will be well", unfortunately I had lunch two hours ago, the sun is up and I have nothing to do other than click refresh right now and wait. Much respect to the guys pulling an all nighter or getting up at 5AM for this.
  9. Hello all, First post here, really excited for this plane to come out as I've been watching for a while! (not as long as some of you!) Watching all the videos on YT while I wait and reading an FCOM. With the Nav Data it looks like Aerosoft is the data provided with it, you can just use Navigraph if you prefer and that's probably why Navigraph have data up for it now.
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