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Everything posted by Devrim

  1. Unrecoverable view error when using view presets after update.!!
  2. Replay is still black. And when you return to normal mode, aircraft stars at cold and dark.
  3. As a previous user of FSX and PMDG, i can totally say that X-plane is way better then FSX. What it was missing was a PMDG level aircraft.And this plane certainly fills that missing part. Sure it still has a few bugs. But taken account what i have experienced so far, it is a well 75 dollars spent. Watching the development stages since the last 2 years and the devotion i saw from the developers, it is magnificent. I will keep supporting IXEG for what they are trying to achieve for the simulation community. And I am pretty sure that they will eventually solve these little bugs, which are in fact small problems with FMC. Since the last 1.02 update i only have issues with pressurisation problems at cruise altitude and when you switch to standby mode it is all cleared. (don't forget to push horn cut out though) Thank you for this lovely aircraft. I respect for all your efforts and dedication to make something more beautiful. Keep up the lovely work.
  4. You are welcome. It is such an opportunity to add some degree of more immersion to this really wonderful aircraft made available to us by IXEG. Well done gentlemen. And congrats.
  5. I was looking for the 2nd part of this video last night:)
  6. Completed my first successful flight yesterday after the hotfix. With LNAV - VNAV, all MCP modes. Landed with ILS. So I can confirm autopilot is working smoothly now:)
  7. Hello, I have added THY liveries to the downloads section. Turkish Classic and Modern Livery with the Tulip icon. You can download from
  8. Thank you, have fun with this magnificent air plane. I would be happy if these liveries make it more immersive for you.
  9. Turkish Airlines Liveries for IXEG 737-300 Classic View File This package includes 2 Turkish Airlines liveries for IXEG's 737-300. 1- Classical Turkish Airlines Livery 2- Modern Turkish Airlines Livery with the Tulip icon and Star Alliance logo. Unzip and copy the contents of the file to the aircrafts Liveries folder. Submitter Devrim Submitted 04/25/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This package includes 2 Turkish Airlines liveries for IXEG's 737-300. 1- Classical Turkish Airlines Livery 2- Modern Turkish Airlines Livery with the Tulip icon and Star Alliance logo. Unzip and copy the contents of the file to the aircrafts Liveries folder.
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