Hi guys
Ive just installed SMP4 and RWC1.1 onto XP10.51r2. Im using TrackIR with X-Camera plugin.
Flying through some low cloud, overcast conditions, i noticed that when I turned my head, the cloud rotation would change. If i turned my head back in the opposite direction, the cloud rotation would reverse. If my head is stationary, then the clouds behave as expected. If I go to an external view and use the mouse to pan, I observe the same rotational issue. So it's not TrackIR afaik.
Also I noticed clouds popping in and out at distance when I rotate the view.
Is this normal behaviour? This is a very minor issue in the grand scheme of things and Im quite happy with the update and the performance. Just wondering if there is a setting somewhere that I can change to fix it.
Thank you for the update and for any assistance you can offer.
Here are my settings, Log file attached:
Kind regards