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Everything posted by stevae

  1. Why would you type that you solved your problem, but not list what was causing it, or how you fixed it??? Ya know, to help others who might find themselves with the same problem...
  2. Has anything been done about this? Just bumping the thread to find out the latest on this problem.
  3. Yes. The auto throttle solves so many problems with what I've read on the forums that people have with this throttle, and there are some really neat features in the upgraded models 930 and 940.
  4. Thank you very much Goran_M.
  5. I think that is a really bad move on the part of the devs...
  6. I would also like a valid Discord invite please. Thanks.
  7. This is a bug, and needs to be addressed in the support forum. The direct button should work just like activating a leg does.
  8. what i would really like to see, and should have been done already, as it's one of the most common sense things to have in an aircraft simulator, is an OWNER MODE, like in the Accu-Sim A2A Skyhawk 172, and it's associated ACCU-SIM expansion pack. there you can act like an aircraft owner, keeping up with logs, maintenance and other tasks the owners have to deal with in real life. parts actually degrade with time and stress, and operator actions can speed that degradation up, or slow it down, just like in real life. there is a maintenance hanger, where you can go to take things apart, and see what needs to be replaced, and what is running well. you can also upgrade the radio and navigation stack. it is such a logical thing for a flight simulator to have within it. lastly, i would like to see IFR FLIGHT TRAINING. it would be great if your flight sim could do MORE to help with your gaining further certificates. i'm not saying it should be OFFICIALLY rated, but being able to have a ground school, and practical flight training, like microsoft flight sim use to have (don't know if they still do), is just logical in my opinion. hope this helps. i would love to see these changes.
  9. hi guys, been looking for a while for photoreal scenery for the carolina's. both south and north carolina are some of the most beautiful places to fly in the entire country, and yet i rarely ever see anyone develop them. so if anyone has a desire, i know that there are many, many pilots who would love to add this to their xplane collection. thanks in advance.
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