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Everything posted by apo4

  1. I made a ticket about the same issue, I am probably just a bit dense about it, but how do I reactivate? When reviewing my order there was no link except Request Reset via support ticket. Is this the correct way?
  2. Hi Xcamera user here myself, some notes: 1. You can bind hotkeys to your joystick to cycle the Xcamera views. 2. You can switch Xcamera and or TrackIR off via Xcamera hotkeys (setup in Xplane) 3. Try out different views! External, overhead panel, co-pilot, radios etc. About mousewheel/rotary knobs, I am unsure about what I want... The only consistency I have with rotary knobs is that I never like it, no matter how anyone handled it.
  3. edit3: damn it, after loading a different aircraft and back into the 737 I am now UNABLE to replicate the problem. So disregard for now please. Hours of my life gone...^^ Hey guys, weird issue, if it is some kind of pilot error I apologize, for the last 4 hours I did nothing but search for this problem. I have the following (two) problems, which I think are closely related. I will start with the more obvious one, when I start 'Ready to Fly', there is a power loss after a few seconds and everything shuts down. (I even tried recharging battery, no joy) Once I press 'apply settings' in the preflight menu, the aircraft and engines light up again only to spool off after ~7secs. The second problem I noticed and thought this might be related was in 'Turn-around' setting, when trying to start the engines, I couldn't spool past ~38N2. Only after thinking that maybe it was not me at fault but my installation, I tried the hot start and here we are... I tried deinstalling/reinstalling the 737 (via windows), completely deleting the folder even But sadly the problem persists... The only thing I can think of, is that I had an different airplane loaded when loading first the 1.05 patch. When I noticed, I aborted the update, loaded the 737 and redid the process + reboot. That was a few days ago, and probably should not be an issue after reinstalling, but who knows... The activation is green, ticking down and looks like my Skymaxx/RWC activations, so I hope that it's not an DRM issue. edit: Before you ask, I tried without any plugins, I removed them from the X-plane plugins folder completely, only Gizmo, Skymaxx&RWC running.
  4. Sorry I can't let it slide with that, too hyped I hope you understand. Since we established a US timewindow, do we have a exact time? When should I start hitting F5 again, once the first clocks hit 00.00?
  5. Hey sorry to be 'that guy', but I am so excited I can barely wait. What exact timezone will you guys release in? Where I am, it's already Friday the 15th, so don't hold on my account! No coupon here yet either, patiently waiting.^^
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