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Everything posted by Defiance_co

  1. Many Thanks Have Fun Tony
  2. Ohh lord Yummy Thankyou Damn glad i found x-plane and this site hehe Tony
  3. Seems quite a lot are wishing time away lol Why don't we have a shout-out for purchasing Give a 'Yo' if you're itching and 100% certain to buy I'll kick it off Yo Tony
  4. aye ayster you're right Not long now anyways The scotch eggs just had it And i'm making my way down the black pudding slowly, waiting sure makes me peckish Flying random across europe at the moment, might shake it up n swap to ksfo to ksea for nice views i think The boss just took the dogs up with her, she's left her card, what can one say, got a diamond, bless her I said to her you still want waking at 5am, yep she said, fair enough, dogs usually get us up at 6 anyways so no real biggie, she's as excited as me Ohh well, 22:30pm now, and it's a java run time me thinks Whomever gets a download, happy flying I think i might be cockpit maintainance checking for several hours Have Fun Tony edit : Bourbons looking more n more tempting, just to get me through 4hrs, must resist !
  5. 12 EST i read somewhere So 5am GMT equates to i'm sure that timezone without googling Tony
  6. 292ms here midlands ole blighty Virgin Cable updating to 200+ around my area so nets a wee bit wonky at times As long as it stays working this weekend at least, that's all's i ask Question, if i do disco etc whilst downloading then obviously on a reconnect it will bite into my second download slot correct ? Cheers Tony
  7. Heya sundog, It's great to know i haven't totally lost it thus far then lol Still amazing for me, i love eye-candy and realism effects in any sim, and these clouds just are utterly astounding, i tried about every cloud variation of the org, massive fps drops, whereas smp 3 (march i got it at v3) not only fills my fov with the fluffy critters my fps doesn't suffer unless it's wall to wall and then it's simple enough to load a lower cloud radius config i've saved Not to mention the fps is better than stock clouds ! Got off to a rocky noob start, but man, i love the clouds Thanks Tony
  8. Hiya's, Quick report back Uninstalled via the new installer, then installed, all worked fine Went into game, egll to uudd just to start kind of wasting time until you know what gets released From my initial very dreary overcast dank cloudy heathrow, it seems my fps is better I stress that it's an eyeball on fps check, no testing done, but seems to be better on the fps-front Who knows though, take my eyeball findings lightly, can test tomorrow in my spanking new minty 737 hehe Thanks Tony
  9. judeb, Total noob here from late december But like yourself on the waiting side of things as such Six years i'd of lost it waiting for this plane i think hehe It's gonna be a total success i believe And yep, the hours put into it must be mind boggling coupled with the commitment, that's what draws me to companies that always continue to evolve and update/create for the betterment of their product/s Tony
  10. Heya Litjan, I have just finished wiping java off my monitor lol after stopping my laughter induced choking fit Tony judeb, 5am gmt and maybe a bit thereafter i guess Tony
  11. I have got a slightly different plan The Boss, well she is doing me some sarnies of best smoked ham Two scotch eggs One melton mowbray pork pie A ring of black pudding Large chunk of extra mature cheddar Assorted bags of crisps (chips to the cousins across the pond) Two custard tarts And a family bad of wine gums To be consumed as/when i feel the need She told me to lay off having any bourbon though she's obviously correct about that Not long now jiggyb2 (if it's out 5am onwards she wants to be wokeup, i wish i could get her cloned, i would market her as the perfect gaming female partner/wife/lover, as she is fully behind any gaming venture i pursue !) Have Fun All Tony
  12. And to add .......... The fiancee has just watched the trailer for a 3rd time since it being uploaded .................... If it's out from 5am GMT she wants me to wake her up so she can have a detailed look at it !!!!!!!!!!!! before she leaves me for the day to see her family She's loving the wiring loom details too, she used to make wiring looms and hand solder specialist pcb boards hehe Now this reinforces why i have suffered her for 2 decades, err i mean how glad i am she's suffered me 2 decades lol What a woman Damn, the word Marriage keeps leaping through my braincell, i gotta keep it together lol Hehe Have Fun Tony
  13. VAT included in the 75 usd Was for my SMP's and RWC UK here so vats at 20% grrrrrrrrrrrr soon they want 25% Tony
  14. Hiya Cameron, Grabbing update now Thanks Tony
  15. Glad your clouds are back Tony
  16. HerrSchwarz, Check in the plane description towards the lower specs etc on the page Tony
  17. HerrSchwarz .......... I hold back commenting on my fiancee's amount of shoes/bag/coats/jackets/bags/purses etc etc, i know she knows she has no comeback if i went and mentioned what she has etc But in reality, she's a gem, and the soul-mate anyone could wish for, actually i don't mind wading through 27 yes 27 coats hanging in the small hallway on 7 pegs ! of course my coat is allowed to hang besides her collection also .......................... It is a fair price for me, like anything in this world, if you want it, you save for it, or if you're fortunate and can afford off the bat you get it, if you think it's too expensive, then just don't buy it £52.36 at the currant exchange rate on sterling, cost of a high end airport me thinks Yessir ! I'm Excited Have Fun (in your new plane) Tony
  18. Woohoo, I'm all excited .... an i just can't hide it .... i'm about to lose control an i think i like it (c'mon ya's know the song lol) Well to be fare, it's under the price i head envisaged so bravo And after all the time the whole team working on this has put into its creation, t'is a small price to pay for the love they've seemingly poured into this beauty Pukka (gotta be british to get that i think hehe) Fantastic If anyone wants a real laugh, i might fraps my initial attempt at a cold n dark lmao Have Fun Tony
  19. I can see it now ............... Vatsim brought to a halt, mass 737 influx brings it to a standstill lol I'm excited and i'm new to this forum and have only had x-plane 10 since december i think So i can only imagine how people must be feeling who've followed this creation for all the years, to kind of suddenly find out, well guys, here it is, and on top of that to pretty much know to the minute when it should be here in the flesh If you haven't seen it, checkout Redpiper1's vid on yt Amazing Tony ps : Will i or do i need to purchase that Sound Extreme ?
  20. Niceone Subbed to redpiper1 a few days ago hehe Cheers Tony
  21. http://x-plane.joanpc.com/plugins/xpgfs-noaa-weather Hope linking that doesn't get me banned ! And while you're there, take the win-net-install, easy peezy lemon squeezy Also, on yt search for noaa install etc if you run into any problem/s Tony ps : You'll see the Requirements towards the bottom of the page, trust me, if i can install it and not mess up anyone can
  22. Cheers ayster, Looks like an all night session then (flying i mean hehe) Thankyou Have Fun Tony
  23. Try not to confuse the confused My brain's addled enough already One cell can only compute so much info at any given time ! Tony hehe
  24. tozmahal, Use the contact addy as a normal email, i used gmail now, i didn't get errors off the aviation support though, but i didn't get an instant number off it either After several days of waiting i emailed and almost instantly got a number ;-) Try it in fact i check emails now as i'd of saved it for sure .............phew, found it ............. support@x-aviation.com Tony
  25. As long as it comes with a parachute i can live without a java mug lol Seriously, is it miami time zone whatever that is ? (that's around 5-7hrs from uk ?) Trying to figure out in my head but i'm not sure where i read the timezone (specific usa location i mean, then again my brain of late it could of been a down under timezone lol) Ohh, the boss (bless her) is chuffed with her soon to be purchase for me, showed her some yt vids lastnight, got her seal of approval, lovely hehe Have Fun Tony
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