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  1. Still no decoder ring for flap settings with these charts????
  2. Did anyone get to the bottom of the flap settings driven by the charts? I'm sure they are in the aircraft manual, maybe LES left them out when creating their own document
  3. Don't know if it's been mentioned before, but if i edit the cruise, DES or route page speed, the speed on the page shows 0. The aircraft will actually adjust to the speed I input when i enter 300/ etc., but will not display the actual speed I entered. Only a zero.
  4. Let me know how it works out
  5. Don't fret, just a couple of techniques and you will have centerline nailed. I've seen people have this issue in the real jet. I always teach that regardless of the seat you are in, keep your inboard foot on the runway and centerline. This works well in the airplane, but in your case, it won't do much. My technique for flightsims is to use the ADI. Draw an imaginary line from the runway and keep it right through the center of your ADI. This works like a charm, but you have to adjust it with crosswinds. I'm a wing low type of guy when dealing with crosswinds. Initially, you will have to be able to look at the runway and judge a drift killed heading to track it. At about 400ft, I use rudder to align the aircraft with the runway and center it using the ADI. Use the ailerons to move left and right and adjust for the rolling moment from the rudder. As you gain more detail as you approach the runway, fight for centerline using small inputs. Keep the aircraft aligned with the rudder and keep those crosswind controls in. After touch down, get the nose to the runway for assistance from rudder pedal steering. The biggest mistake I see in the real jet is that guys/gals will give up crosswind controls after touch down. Even though the jet is on the ground, it's still flying. If the nose isn't aligned with the runway, you are going to drift requiring some rudder correction. Where ever the jet is pointed, that's where its going. This is why I favor wing low versus the last minute rudder kick. I don't want to figure out optimum rudder and aileron input right before touch down, I have other things I'd rather be thinking about. The type jet I fly weather vanes easily after touch down. Ground spoilers and reversers aggravate the situation by diminishing aileron input and rudder effectiveness. I much rather get my crosswind controls warmed up at 300ft, have it wired through touch down and ready to feed in more control. I also noticed a little wing wag going on in your video. Once you start using the ADI technique, it should cancel it out. Just remember, small inputs and small corrections and you will be fine. Yea, kiss landings work on long runways, but it creates a habit pattern. You easily get accustomed to working a greaser, which leads to easily applying it in wrong situations subconsciously. You will start naturally landing long without noticing it. Here's a good example. When I flew DC10s, A technique was to use only the number 1 and 3 reversers when landing in austere low support areas. The idea was if the number 2 reverser got stuck out, there would be no support to get a guy up to the engine to stow and lock it out. Over time, people would start doing this at every airport. It became a habit. During an evaluation, a guy landed on a short wet runway and only used 1 and 3. I gave him a minus in the landing area. He didn't intend to, in fact he briefed he would use all 3. Unfortunately, it became his bad habit. This is why it's a good idea to always use the text book flare procedure. Once it becomes a good habit, you will stay consistent no matter how long or short the runway is.
  6. Good question! Recent years have shown that the majority of over runs occur from aircraft that touch down beyond the 1500ft area. Touching down in the first third of the runway usually ensures stopping distance. In the aircraft I fly now, the minimum runway length is 5000ft. 1000 to 1500ft is within the first third of the runway. Touching down prior to the 1000ft point puts you in another risk area. Most aircraft have the glide slope antenna located in the nose. This means that if the threshold crossing height is at 50ft, your nose passes over the threshold at 50ft. Your tail and landing gear will be lower than that(imagine a long bodied aircraft). Imagine how low an aircraft has to be in order to touch down at the 500ft mark. You run the risk of clipping something. This is why flight manuals have you aim at the 1000ft mark. Some runways may have terrain and obstructions on the approach path. Now, here's another perspective. Though my minimum runway is 5000ft, every blue moon we may have to land on a runway less than 5000ft. Our guidance is that the runway has to be at least equal to or greater than landing ground roll plus 1000ft. To accomplish this, we have a procedure called minimum run landing. We fly the approach normally all the way down to 300ft. At 300ft, we shift our aimpoint from 1000 to 500ft down. Shifting to 500ft with a normal flare puts you down between the 500 and 1000ft point. The premise in this procedure is that the departure clearways are obstruction free up to 400ft. Of course you would have to verify and confirm that the intended runway clearway is obstruction free. In general, aiming at 1000ft down will get you down by 1500ft. When I flew DC10s, we would fly the visual glide path with one white and one pink. At 300ft, we would aim for the 1000ft mark. Rick
  7. Greetings again, Just wanted to cover another topic in the tips saga. This time we will focus on landing. By the time you make it to the majors or the corporate world, most pilots are well established. By this point, most employers know that candidates have polished skills. The focus during the hiring process is personality, procedural/regulation knowledge and flight management. The most important aspect about flying is flight management. One important part of flight management is the landing phase. Believe it or not, the landing phase actually starts in preflight planning. Taking the time to become familiar with the airport, it's procedures, environment, weather, approaches and traffic flow is paramount. 100% of the field study is done during planning and a quick rehash is done before descent. You've heard numerous times that a great landing starts with a great descent. Before we get started, I'll give you an idea of the evaluation criteria I used when giving evaluations in my airforce days and currently. Area 15, VFR Pattern. Q. Performed traffic pattern and turn to final/final approach IAW published procedures. Aircraft control was smooth and positive. Constantly cleared area of intended flight. Q-. Performed traffic pattern and turn to final/final approach with minor deviations to procedures as published/directed. Aircraft control was safe but not consistently smooth and positive. Over/under shot final approach, but was able to intercept normal glide path. Adequately cleared area of intended flight. U. Did not perform traffic pattern and/or turn to final/final approach IAW published procedures. Displayed erratic aircraft control. Did not clear area of intended flight. Area 16, Landings. Reference Table 2.2 for grading criteria specific to landings. Specific items to evaluate include threshold altitude/airspeed, runway alignment, flare, touchdown, and landing in crab. Airspeed tolerances apply to computed threshold speed. Add 5 KIAS to all engines operating criteria for operations with an engine out criteria. Q Performed landings as published/directed IAW flight manual Airspeed +10 / -0 KIAS Touchdown Zone 1000-3000 feet Centerline +/- 15 feet left or right TCH +25 / -0 feet Q- Performed landings with minor deviation to procedures as published/directed. Landed in a slight crab Airspeed +10 / -5 KIAS Touchdown Zone 500-3000 feet Centerline +/- 25 feet left or right TCH +50 / -5 feet U Landing not performed as published/directed. Exceeded Q- criteria Area 17, Landing Roll/Braking/Reverse Thrust. Q. Performed as published/directed IAW flight manual. Braking action and reverse thrust actuation prompt and smooth. Q-. Performed landings with minor deviation to procedures as published/directed. Braking action and reverse thrust actuation unnecessarily delayed or not smooth. U. Landing not performed as published/directed. Braking or reverse thrust actuated prior to touchdown. Exceeded Q- criteria. Area 18, All Engine Go-Around (GA). Required in-flight, only if a GA or engine-out GA was not evaluated in the simulator (not required if area 20 is accomplished). Q. Initiated and performed GA promptly and according to flight manual and directives. Applied smooth control inputs. Acquired and maintained a positive climb. Q-. Slow or hesitant to initiate GA. Slightly over-controlled the aircraft. Minor deviations did not affect mission accomplishment or compromise safety. U. Did not initiate GA when appropriate or directed. Major deviations or misapplication of procedures could have led to an unsafe condition. These are pretty easy and as you can imagine, one U in one area or multiple Q- grading leads to a failed checkride. There are a total of 60 areas evaluated, I only listed the areas associated with landing. For starters, a good review and approach brief sets you up for a great landing. On average, a good point to start the brief is anywhere from about an hour from landing no later than 10 minutes from the descent point. Here is what I brief real world. 1. Approach Name (e.g. ILS 1L) or VFR Pattern 2. NAVAID Frequencies 3. Final Approach Course 4. Final Approach Fix / Glide Slope Intercept 5. DA / MDA / RA (Cat II ILS only) 6. TDZE / Min Safe Altitude / Trans Level 7. Runway lighting type 8. Missed Approach Instructions 9. Current WX and approach WX minimums / RAIM (if applicable) 10. Landing runway length vs. landing dist. 11. Stabilized Approach Criteria 12. Taxi Plan While being a one man/woman show, utilize the automation as much as you can. This give you the ability to monitor approach and stay progressive. I normally hand fly once I'm on the slope or descending out of MDA. One thing to remember is to make small corrections. Some people will preach pitch and power, but in the days of heavy iron, it's not as relevant. Once configured and on approach, your power should be stable. There are a few techniques for good power settings. The other day in the IXEG 737, I noticed that at 100,000 pounds, power with flaps 30 on the slope was about 62%. So, 10% of your gross weight + 52 is a good base line in this jet. 100,000 pounds = 10% of 100K +52 = 10+52 = 62% N1 as a base line for flaps 30 ref +5 on approach. In this case, my approach power is set and I don't want to touch it. If I’m a little high, I lower the nose slightly and gradually correct. As I approach the glide path, I take that slight correction out. The jet may gain a couple of knots or so, but once I remove the slight correction, the jet will tend to correct back to approach speed. If you get a little low, again, slight correction along with a touch of power and that's it. With speed corrections, remember your target power for approach. If you get slow, nudge the power and give it a few secs. If it doesn't respond, give it another nudge. The key here is small corrections, remember what you put in so you can take it out after correcting. Some guys use throttle knob width and half knob width for throttle adjustments. I basically us my wrist to wiggle in adjustments. Laterally, again you want to make small corrections and allow the jet to correct smoothly and gently back to center line. Again, the least amount correction you put in, the least amount you have to take out. The reason I don't like pitch and power anymore is due to jet performance. In jet aircraft, everything lags. If you got low and added power, you would be low and fast before you corrected. In prop aircraft, pitch and power works great. Some props will give you instantaneous lift effect over the wing. In jet aircraft, it's opposite unless you are flying a blown flap jet like the C-17. Like I stated before, we use target fuel flows and N1 settings to get into a baseline for approach speeds. A good technique is to put the weather down to minimums and hand fly the approach. This lets you practice small corrections and see how easily large corrections throws you off. A well trimmed aircraft will naturally seek approach pitch and speed. Letting the autopilot fly for you initially allows you to calibrate your aim point. You want to drive the aircraft towards the captain bars (1000ft down). You want to be on glide path, speed, trimmed for approach and stable. When properly trimmed, your hands are relaxed on the yoke and throttles. You should only make inputs here and there, because a properly trimmed aircraft will fly itself down. In the IXEG 737, I use the 20ft callout for my flare point and power pull. The flare is only a 2 to 3 degree pitch change in the majority of jet aircraft. Just enough to diminish the sink rate. A text book touchdown is a little firm and occurs no less than REF-5 1000 to 1500 feet down. But Rick, what about my greaser? Greasers should be the last thing on your mind. Greasers are long forgotten while egressing the aircraft with your passengers after an over run. I’ve had guys struggle and get aggressive on approach, get lucky and put it down 1000ft down with a greaser. I still give them a U for landing because the landing is an equation comprising of the approach. You want to become consistent with text book landings before worrying about greasers. If someone puts it down firm, but with text book data, I rate it a great landing. Short, wet runways with marginal weather and low vis will make a believer out of you. Once you are consistent with text book landings, you will naturally began to finesse the flare and power pull to get nice touch downs 1000 to 1500ft down. If you fly with me, I’ll send you around when you exceed the 2000ft down point. These are just some tips to assist those who may some minor issues landing. Being high, unstable, fast and off center line will definitely throw off your landings. Take a look at the landing criteria to judge your own landings. Rick
  8. Some body please post nvidia settings to reduce all jaggies
  9. I only mentioned it because you mentioned IAS and IAS speed loss. I can say it also depends on your altitude you are climbing to. I've flown light to heavy jets and this is the typical behavior i've seen in regard to climb performance. In regards to optimum, I have always been in operations where you climb to 2000ft above optimum. If step climbing, I hang out till 2000ft below and repeat the process. If doing a constant cruise operation, again, I plan 2000ft above optimum. In these cases, I fly the recommended climb speeds and don't stray too far from it even if in a hurry. I've watched guys climb at too fast of a climb speed and couldn't make it until they reduced speed. On average when near optimum and above it, I see climb rates of 500 to 800 feet per minute. When climbing up to the aircraft's service ceiling, its about 300 feet per minute. When I see these type climb rates, I know i'm in the optimum altitude range and approaching the aircraft's performance limits. As you know, you don't want to be below the 500 feet per minute mark for ATC reasons. Here's a good real world operating tip. When climbing in mach in close to optimum, the plane tends to get pitchy when in VNAV or FLCH. When the plane starts to get loose in pitch, we select vert speed to settle it down. When in vert speed, you work the vert speed to maintain your climb speed. You can get in trouble really quick if you let the plane pitch too much. If you get behind the thrust curve, it can take a long time to get back on speed and climbing again. Plus the pitching gets aggressive and leads to overspeed or stalling. If the 737 is climbing correctly, these are good rules of thumbs to fly by.
  10. Another thing that can also hinder your climb is climbing with indicated airspeed instead of switching over to mach. The higher you fly, the faster TAS you need for a given IAS. Once you climb in mach, the TAS decreases. Most changer overs occur some where between 27 to 29 thousand when recommended IAS climb speed intersects recommended mach climb speed
  11. Now you are talking my language lol. This takes me back to the old days of flying when you really had to know the performance of the aircraft and use your performance manual to squeeze every ounce of efficiency out of the aircraft. When I first started flying, my first jet was the heavy C-141B. The performance manual was thick and had a slew of pages of spec range charts. The flight engineer would work the charts and pass you climb and cruise data. You would climb 2000ft above optimum and stay there until 2000ft below optimum and step climb to stay in the sweet spot. Some times climbing wasn't always the answer. There were times when I have climbed, and decided to go back down due to winds and positive temperature deviations. At times you would work the HF radios and airline common freqs to get an idea of what the winds were at various altitudes. I've been in some fuel situations where the weather brief and wind charts were way off, and you had to make quick decisions. You had to consider climb capability, fuel burned during climbs, winds and maybe slowing to fly the top of the curve(100% max range in the spec range charts). We did fuel calculations once per hour and compared the numbers against the flightplan to see your fuel trend. If negative trends are caught early, you can change things and make a difference. In the KC10, you did the same thing. We had extra benefits with extra fuel tanks. The FWD, CNTR and AFT tanks made it possible to adjust CG inflight. Once at cruise, you move the CG to the aft limit of 29%. The tail heavy CG made the horizontal stab streamline, reducing drag. We called this making fuel because the projected landing fuel on the flightplan would increase by 5,000 pounds or more. In rare cases in certain parts of the world, we would file for a block altitude, set cruise power at optimum and cruise climb. Now days its all computerized and dispatch. In the Gulfstreams, I have a FMS what if page in the perf pages. I can set cruise speed or altitudes and it will display actual perf against what if perf for fuel cost. The plane uses a mixture of downlink winds/temp and actual winds/temp for the calculation. Most airline guys have flight following dispatch that monitors weather and performance, and will refile updating more efficient routes. As you stated earlier, winglets also depend on the operation. Winglets and a aux fuel system was added to the C-32s(757). Unfortunately, the small fleet and marginal gains led to the winglets not being cost effective. For some nostalgia for all, I attached a DC10 spec range chart example. We used to work these charts to death lol. Amazingly, .825 was our standard long range cruise speed.
  12. There we have it, right on the money
  13. Below are some numbers for descent rates attainable and decel timing for a 737NG BBJ. Clean speed brakes speed brakes modded wing 0.78M / 280 knots 2200 fpm 2600 fpm 3100 fpm 250 knots 1700 fpm 1900 fpm 2300 fpm VREF 40 + 70 1100 fpm 1200 fpm 1400 fpm Losing airspeed can be difficult and may require a level flight segment. For planning purposes, it requires approximately 25 seconds and 2 NM to decelerate from 280 to 250 knots in level flight without speedbrakes. It requires an additional 35 seconds and 3 NM to decelerate to flaps up maneuvering speed at average gross weights. Using speedbrakes to aid in deceleration reduces these times and distances by approximately 50%. So in the BBJ, it takes roughly 1 minute and 5NM to go from 280 to flaps up maneuver speed. Think its a close enough reference or guide of how a 737-300 may perform? its about the same length, but does have a longer wing(117 vs 94).
  14. Anytime, this is what real world guys should do to help the community and developers get as real as can be
  15. merelles and mike, you bring up some good points. So, amazingly my training started with jets from the start. I had no flight experience at all except from flight sim. The training was vigorous and many washed out due to the fast and furious training profile. If you couldn't get basic flying concepts and twin engine jet operation at the same time, you were done. So this guy I flew C141Bs with invited me over to ride with him in a single engine piper type aircraft. I had no experience with prop aircraft and the extra 2 engine levers were intimidating. After some quick explanation during the climb, he gave me the aircraft. Immediately I knew flightsim was wrong because the controls were firm and rigid like the jets I flew. The FSX prop aircraft were super sensitive and twitchy. This aircraft had a heavy feel to it from the air loads. I found myself constantly trimming like in a jet aircraft. In jet aircraft, I find myself trimming every 3 to 5 knot change, pitch change, flap configuration change and power change. In FSX, you rarely trim unless holding altitude or trimming for glide path. I did notice that the plane was more responsive to gusts and wind change while jets had more delay and stability. Aircraft control felt normal though the prop sound change from the gust was unsettling. Engine controls were a different story. All of the precautions around the lever settings made me nervous, last thing I wanted to do was blow the engine. He took the aircraft to demo the pattern and described these different throttle settings around the pattern. He performed a touch n go and gave me the aircraft. Since things were slower, I was able to fly a squared pattern instead of the race track pattern at 180kts. Power settings were strange because I wanted to revert back to setting the throttle to maintain my desired speed. The landing was interesting. I wanted to flare higher due to my normal flare picture, but felt him add forward press to keep the sink coming. At flare, I set a pitch and let it come down as i would a jet. He laughed and said you have to hold it off, very counter intuitive. The second touch n go, I held it off, but felt him add a touch more back pressure. The third time was a charm and I couldn't believe the amount of back pressure needed to hold it off. The back pressure was almost the amount I use during rotation in a jet. Since that time I've flown props and have become very comfortable with them. I've yet to get a checkout in one. I know attempting to fly a prop is a bit scary with all of the engine precautions. Without having a person in the prop with me during the first time, I'm sure I'd risk killing myself. A friend and I wanted to go up during heavy crosswinds since I do it all the time in jet aircraft. After the first circuit in that prop and heavy gusty crosswinds, we quickly called it quits. Needless to say, it didn't feel right and we scared ourselves. Overload of senses can freeze you up as you said. I had this boom operator who was a private pilot. I once illegally let him in the right seat while we were in the Baghdad 500 flying the refueling track for hours. I figure, i'm a instructor pilot, why not. I clicked off the autopilot and had him follow the flight director to maintain the track. He fell into the ol focus on one thing trick. He could maintain heading, but not the altitude. He could maintain altitude, but not the heading. I had to take it from him a few times before he was able to settle down and fly a half decent pattern. I then clicked off the auto throttles and it ruined his world adding speed to his crosscheck. Just as you guys described, I think he fell victim to the overload though he was a private pilot. Things happen quickly in a GA aircraft. He would put in too much input, the plane would delay and suddenly respond and want to keep responding. I had to teach him to put in small inputs, allow the jet to respond and anticipate taking it out. He was getting into PIO too easy, plus he was shocked at how responsive to inputs this heavy jet was. You could fly with your finger tips. Speed control caught him off guard. I had to teach him to use the wrist wiggle technique to make small thrust adjustment. He didn't realize how long it took the jet to respond to thrust changes. A new guy can get in trouble by adding too much or reducing too much power. The DC10 was the first jet I flew that had quiet engines. You only hear the engines right after light off with this deep whooing sound before going silent at idle. Also going above 90%, that deep groan from the fans could be heard. During taxi, you don't hear them. The first indication that you are using too much thrust during taxi is the takeoff warning horn.
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