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Everything posted by cmbaviator

  1. Couples of questions : 1) does the real 733' FMC has a LNAV offset feature/ wind prediction / RTA constraint 2) if yes will those be implemented in 1.0? CMB Sent from Tapatalk
  2. Yeah, hopefully we won't be dispointed by IXEG CMB Sent from Tapatalk
  3. Indeed I noticed that too Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  4. Thank you for the comparison. It is indeed very well optimized CMB Sent from Tapatalk
  5. Hi guys, As the b733 is in beta I believe, i want to know now the b733 performance wise on xplane 10.41+? I come from P3DV2 and I manage to get steady 35 FPS ( locked) with the PMDG B777 with FTX global+ FTx vector and Europe. However in Xplane, i dont understand how i get such discrepancy FPS wise. With the HD mesh V3 and the jar design A330, ( default weather : no cloud) I have 30-35 FPS at lfll on the runway. But in the same weather condition and at lebl ( aerosoft airport scenery), I got 40-47 FPS : maybe because it's close to the see so less terrain to display? Well, the addon that surprised me performance wise is the majestic q400, that could be explained by the fact that all the calculation is done outside of Fsx/ p3D, i.e. Multithreaded. So I was wondering if your code are running inside xplane or outside. I have i7 4790k @ 4.6 ghz and Gtx 970, graphic 75% maxed out. CMB Sent from Tapatalk
  6. If IXEG has to consider making a new aircraft, it should be an A320, the only realistic A320 that will come is the FSLABS one but it will never make into Xplane... Making an NG variant will tought for IXEG ( sales wise) as PMDG would be releasing their B777 / 737 NG in the incoming years so if IXEG releases an NG variant in 2020, I think it will be too late.... But that's just assumptions. Anyway, lets just wait for the -300, then we'll see
  7. That's great news Jan, will the tutorial video be free ? i'd like to have something like Airline2Sim or Angle Of Attack quality video, where all thing are explained : GroundWork, Flight/line work and A to B entire flight even if we have to pay an extra for it
  8. Hi, In one of Jan's video, I saw something looking like an UI that allows you to choose the view you want ( FO, CAPT, FMC....) and I was wondering if the zoom has been correctly set to be most realitic as possible, because I don't know the right amount of zoom that gives you the best FOV.
  9. Hi guys, After rewatching the the engine fire video, Jan said that the weather return can't be displayed on the FO's ND because of Xplane limitation. I was wondering if you find a way to bypass the limitation? Because I love to fly in the FO's seat. thanks CMB
  10. But generally at this time the aircraft is on CMD A or B no ?
  11. Very nice, is it possible to have these screen in 1080 ?
  12. Still impressed as usual. I hope to buy it for christmas . However i have a question regarding the CWS P and R: When should you use it because it seems that almost every pilot doesn't use it irl. I heard that it's recommended to use the CWS in severe turbulence to avoid the AP overcorrecting the flight path but idk. Is it okay to engage CWS after the acceleration altitude ?
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