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    Germany | EDFC

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  1. Quote

    macedo9999@yahoo.com    hi my name is LEO I saw your pictures of the Copenhagen conversion airport if  you shared this with me I can donate  30 us dollars  to you 


  2. I would welcome an implementation - xEnviro is a nice tool and its sad to see, that you dont have rain effects on the windshild most of the time when flying throught xenviro generated rainy clouds.. and of course the WR... time will see.
  3. How much? ... the Xp11 update is free for all customers
  4. W.I.P.
  5. Oh woah... are they now retracting the gear etc? And any ideas if they're are working for IVAO as well?
  6. Me and a friend flew a few times on XP 11 beta hmm 11-12? Something like that on the IXEG 737 and it worked good so far, a few glitches here and there but it was absolutely flyable. But right now with BETA 15 the IXEG 737 isnt flyable anymore in XP11... we need to wait for the adaption onto the new sim in terms of fuselage and engine behaviour ... so I recommend to check the compatability with another aircraft which is capable of using smartcopilot (working script) for xplane 11 like the A330 made by JARdesign mabye? cheers Steffen
  7. Hi, does anybody of you get the smartcopilot and IXEG working online on IVAO? We would love to do it, but we dont find any way how to get online together ... thanks for your help! cheers Steffen
  8. really looking forward to 1.1 We managed to set up smartcopilot yesterday and are on route together now Really really cool .. love this bird! Thanks a lot for you effort
  9. Ticked Option "flatten" and adjusted the height again, no its fitting.. as far as the airport has no sloped styled runway this is working so far..
  10. Hi there, I'm only flying online, and because of the differences of the used simulators I do experience on different airports different heights of the multiplayer aircrafts on the IVAO network. I think everyone knows what I mean ... and I accepted this for quite a bit time now. But now its really anoying me - I just tried to rise the field elevation for example in EDDF up to the in EFASS shown height of the other pilots of 372feet. But my Aircraft is then shown at about 306 feet - so I continued up to 438feet to match the 66feet difference but no chance, the other aircrafts are still way to high in the air. Does anyone here have an idea how to fix this, or is there no chance? Thanks a lot! Cheers Steffen
  11. Sorry but based on a few years experience with JAR products, the companys goals are just to throw another half finished product on the market to gain revenue - the permanent new small beta packages they provide are generating new problems and then need a new beta to fix these again. In my honest opinion, they should stop - take their time to make a complete fleet overhaul system and modelwise and release a good .1 version with all the problems fixed. But instead they're going to give as probably a new A340 which isnt long haul capable as the A330 is due to MCDU failures - and maybe a flyable short range A319...? I'm definetly no customer without seeing any new reviews about their products because I'm tired of their philosophy... dont get me wrong, just my opinion.
  12. yes you're right, nothing coming up on google. But a longer time ago one of the developers said that on facebook - they even made some sort of give away for the 1000 subscriber on facebook or something. Maybe you have to search the timeline in their facebook group for more info, but they just said that and didn't post pics or something..
  13. Oh okay, interesting to hear. But I think the Aerosoft Airbusses are better modelled in terms of the 3D Cockpit, hopefully they hurry up with their A319 and it gets the same high level cockpit as the A330 has...
  14. A340-300 and A319 is currently under development of JARDesign - so dont expect any good Airbus (in terms of MCDU and Systemdepth) ... maybe a bit eyecandy will be established like the A330 has in the A319 and A340 --- but I would even be happy if the Aerosoft Airbus family would be converted into XP11, they look pretty good even if they aren't a study level product.
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